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Mage and the Beanstalk (SGQ)

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#1Amir † 

Mage and the Beanstalk (SGQ) Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:38 am

Amir †
Another day, another dollar. Amir was saying to himself as he happily read the mission request. This was an interesting mission for him. The mission was done more for influence. What made it interesting was the subject. A vine that continued to grow till it reached the skies. Amir being the researcher hired to check it out was a plus. Needing a plant mage to deal with a plant could be called odd, was akin to asking a water mage to clean up a puddle, or a flame mage to light wood. It could be called overkill in some places.

Arriving at the location Amir was more stunned than he thought. He could clearly see the plant growing from outside of the city. The part that stunned him was how Amir perceived to feel a certain feeling from it. He was unable to describe the feeling, it was vaguely holy but it was not. The feeling was only for a second before it slipped away.


#2Amir † 

Mage and the Beanstalk (SGQ) Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:53 am

Amir †
Amir was safety conscious as he slipped some gloves on. The mission folder gave information that prior people handling the plant had a tendency of falling sick. Until Amir ran his own test he would not take any chances. The first thing Amir did was collect some personal samples to examine. From what he could tell the plant looked to be created from a type of magic. It actually made Amir calmer to discover this. A natural plant this large would have been a lot harder for Amir to take down ironically. He collected a sample for inspector Nile then got to work on taking it down.

Placing his gloved hand on the plant. Amir tried circulating his own mana. He was using a healing spell but in reverse. A nifty trick he discovered recently. Damage the plant overall would be better. Cutting it down would cause more damage than what he would care for in his opinion. Amir was trying to be environmentally conscious and friendly to all. When he could see that his magic was working well for once, Amir was filled with joy. He wilted the plant till it was but a sprout. Then he was just able to pull it out and collect it as well.

[ 210 | 375]

#3Amir † 

Mage and the Beanstalk (SGQ) Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:55 am

Amir †
The return with the sample was simple. Amir practically skipped while he did it. The sample was well preserved and he avoided damage to the town. Amir was sure that the reputation he was building for the guild would come in handy. It also helped boost Amir’s morale that he thought Inspector Nilan was hottish.

Amir gave the inspector in question as he gave him the material. Inspector Nilan looked young. It was rumored he had a wife that passed away. You would not even notice it if it was not for the sad lines on his face. Amir collected his payment and went about his merry way. The scholar had a lot more work to do. He did not have the time to sit and hang around. Not to mention that even if Amir thought Inspector Nile was good looking. It did not excuse the fact that the man was a rune knight.


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