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The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus

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#1Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:46 am

Nova Kentaurus
Duty called as Nova was put on a patrol with a small squad out in Oak Town. Though it looked beautiful on the outside surrounded by the mountains and trees, the inside of it was rotten. It was home to Phantom Lord once and now Eternal Nightmare had members in the city. Dark guilds and mages used this city as a breeding ground for their illegal activities. That's what brought her here today. The rune knights knew about this so they kept patrols in the city at all times. Though Nova wasn't much of a fighter, she was here as a support for her squad and to help investigate any crimes around the city with her forensics background. This lead her and her team to a bar in the middle of town. There was word that a drug deal that was going on and they were trying to gather more information on it. It was their responsibility to keep the town clean.

#2Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 1:31 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Nova and her three other squad mates would enter the bar and get a stare down from all the patrons. Being in their rune knight uniforms, they stood out like a sore thumb. The first person to ask was the bartender so they all found some open seats and would head over there. They asked the bartender about the deal but he said he only talked to paying customers. They all chipped in and bought a drink for everyone and asked the bartender again. This time he said he didn't speak to pigs. It came with the territory but everyone had a weakness. For these lowlifes it was money. They slipped over an envelope across the counter to the bartender while he grabbed it. He counted the bills and would look up at the rune knights. The bartender would slip the envelope in his pocket and would start to explain what was about to go down.

#3Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:35 pm

Nova Kentaurus
The bartender leaned to the 4 knights and would whisper the details of where it was going down. If anyone heard him speaking out loud he was sure to get taken out by one of the underground dark mages that lurked around the bar. The deal was going to take place around one in the morning in an alleyway that was just a few blocks away from the bar. There was going to be 3 people from each side making the exchange with the jewels and the bricks of drugs. The bartender then quickly told them to leave as he handed over the tab with the address and would continue with the other customers before they would grow more suspicious. Nova grabbed the tab and paid it for her reps. She would then stand up and leave with her fellow rune knights. They would have a lot to plan for tonight's sting operation

#4Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:34 pm

Nova Kentaurus
It was about that time. They had been staying a hotel in the lobby waiting for nightfall. They had talked it over with themselves and finally decided on what action to take when the deal was taking place. One of the rune knights would record the whole thing while the other would go and arrest them and secure the money and the merchandise. Nova was the lucky one who got to record from afar while her 3 allies did the dirty work. They got their equipment and would head out the door. Nova pulled out the sheet with directions she got from the bartender earlier and would lead her squad to the location where the deal was taking place. They hid behind the dumpster in the alleyway as they saw three shady men with a box in hand walk by. A lacrima car pulled up and a man had a briefcase of money. Nova held the camera up to record it.

#5Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:02 pm

Nova Kentaurus
The shady men would walk up to each other and exchange pleasantries. They were armed but it was nothing they couldn't handle. The rune knights had equipment of their own. Once the box and the suitcase exchanged hands, that was their cue. The three other knights Nova was with would run to apprehend the suspects. The group of thugs with the money quickly threw a flashbang on the knights and the other three thugs with the drugs and ran away to the car. While they peeled away, the knights apprehended the three criminals. However something was off. The box of "drugs" that they had started to glow. A rune knight ripped off the packaging and it was revealed to be a bomb. Nova took cover behind the dumpster but the rest of them weren't so lucky. The bomb would blow up and engulf all six men as Nova could only watch in horror.

#6Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:26 pm

Nova Kentaurus
After the dust settled, Nova would hesitate to look. She had seen maimed and dead bodies before with her profession but that didn't make it any easier. She stood up and would see that the thugs were completely obliterated by the bomb. She was happy about that result. She didn't care too much about those that broke the law. However, the rune knights she came with were injured bad. One of them had their leg blown off. The other had shrapnel in his chest. The last one wasn't moving and was covered in blood. Thinking fast, Nova would first check on the rune knight that wasn't moving. She put her head to his chest and didn't hear a heart beat. She would try to perform CPR and check his pulse but it was too late. They were gone. There was no time to mourn so Nova would move on to the next knight.

#7Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:14 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Her next target was the knight that had his leg blown off. He was losing blood fast. Nova took of her rune knight coat and would wrap it around his leg to tourniquet the wound and stop the bleeding. Still the man was pale and not in good shape but that was the best she could do at the time. She ran over to the man with shrapnel in his chest and pulled out the medial kit. They were in bad shape as well as they started to cough up blood. Nova would start to pull some shards out and disinfect it with the first aid kit she had but it had no effect. Suddenly, the man started to convulse while Nova tried to hold him in place. "No stay with me. You're fine" she would say as the man started to fade. Suddenly, she felt her magic swell up. Purple lightning engulfed the man and there was a flash of light.

#8Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:37 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Nova was shaking. It was deja vu when her brother died. Her magic went off and probably killed the knights from the force of the wild magic. Her eyes were closed because she didn't want to look at the horror she cause but she forced them open when she started hearing the steady breathing. To her shock, the rune knight was alive. The electricity from the lighting in her hands was healing the wounds on the mans body. She didn't understand. Her magic was always destructive. How was it healing him? She saw the other rune knight was in bad shape as well. He wouldn't last to the hospital so she would have to heal him now. She aimed her arm as electricity gathered in her palm. She didn't know if it would heal him or if it would kill him. Either way it would put him out of their misery. Nova took a deep breath and fired of the lightning

#9Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:44 pm

Nova Kentaurus
The lightning struck the knight and too her shock again the rune knight was magically healed. She couldn't believe it but that was twice it worked. Though she hated healing mages because she could never be one. Something clicked within her and she was able to now heal with her magic. She shook her head and picked up the knight with a missing foot and propped him up against the wall with the other knight. She picked the shrapnel out of his chest and hit him with lightning which healed his chest back up. The other knights leg had stabilized as well. The rune knight that got hit in the chest was healed enough to stand up so him and Nova would carry the one without a leg and escort him to the hospital. There they could check the wound and give him a prosthetic. Though he probably wouldn't fight again he would survive .

#10Nova Kentaurus 

The Hierophant Tarot: Nova Kentaurus Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 12:48 am

Nova Kentaurus
Finally they arrived at the hospital. Though they lost one of their rune knights, the other two were able to be saved. They also were able to stop 3 of the criminals. Now they just had to hunt the rest of them. The two rune knights thanked Nova for her help as she left the hospital to go relax after a long night. She had much to ponder. Her magic now allowed healing. It was like a dream come true. Just to test it a third time, as she left the hospital and would scratch her arm till blood was drawn. With her finger, she would shoot a small stream of lightning. The purple lightning crackled as the scratch would closed and heal up like nothing had happened. Now that she had finally acquired healing, she would be able to assist the rune knights even further. She couldn't wait to get back to Era and tell her mother.

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