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Oak City - What lies beneath [A rank Neutral quest]

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Oak City - What lies beneath [A rank Neutral quest] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:19 am

Lucretia wasn’t exactly someone that many called to deal with spirits but this time around there had been talks of the haunted lands of the phantom lord having some incredibly menacing spirits laying underneath the oakland church Which lucretia had never properly been to but there hadn’t been much of a reason for her to even consider going to the church given her disposition towards the divine. She didn’t particularly believe in any god, but she didn’t disprove of them either. She believed letting people believe in what they wanted to as long as it didn’t hurt anyone. But with spirits? That sort of thing wasn’t like a god; no it was more like a problem most of the time.

People needed to rest and they often held grudges or wants that would more or less make it impossible for to move on. For that they would often call hunters that were more keyed towards dealing with spirits. Lucretia had a book out while she was walking, slowly so that she could understand what she had to do. For evil spirits enraging them was the best way to tire them out so that they could be dismissed with ease if you survived. Which she believed to be total horseshit. Grumbling to herself the woman shrugged her shoulders before snapping the book shut. She’d look up at the church and would ask to enter from an attendant. He looked nervous at the fact she was armed.

Taken inside she would explain that she was here to deal with the spirits in this location and that they didn’t need to worry too much longer about it if she was allowed into the dangerous location. The attendant looked hesitant to let her but after a little bit of finagling she was at least let to see a proper priest regarding this decision. The man was a older fellow that talked quite a bit about spirits. So much so that lucretia rubbed the back of her head. Trying to understand what he was prattling on about.

Look i’m going to be honest, my plan for the bad ones is to piss em off, let em run around a bit before running them through.

The priest looked surprised at being interrupted but given the fact that lucretia was armed to the teeth both literally and figuratively  he seemed to let it slide. She’d motion for him to continue talking and it wasn’t long before he eventually allowed lucretia to enter the catacombs. He explained to her that some of the worst spirits were closer to the underworld so she’d have to travel a bit before she could find the problematic ones.

She didn’t seem to care too much as long as she had a torch or something to light the way, in which she was provided a lantern that wouldn’t go out even if the ghosts decided to try to prank her. Holy light or something like that. In which lucretia couldn’t help but roll her eyes a little bit at that part. People seemed to put in a little too much stock into that sort of thing. If it actually worked, a lot of issues wouldn't be issues to begin with. But she’d just shrug her shoulders to herself as she walked through the first level of the catacombs.

Wonder if they got any skeletons or zombies down here. Lord knows that I could use one of those to fight heh.


Oak City - What lies beneath [A rank Neutral quest] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:32 am

Lucretia continued to the second level of the catacombs; finding that it was a bit more barren than she expected. Many of the casks were opened, either pried open from the outside or… Well a few of the worrying ones would be broken from the inside. The corpses of some of these lay around. Aged to a terrible sort and some of the skeletons she could faintly detect magic on from the residual nonsense that came from animating the dead but… It was so weak they would likely never be a threat to anyone. Were the ghosts to blame? Or some kind of long term necromancy? She found herself going to the stairs of another level.

Finding that it was pitch as night even with the lantern, she’d continue down the stairs. Her eyes straining for a moment before she’d turn off the light. There was a few startled sounds and she’d note that there were some spirits very close to her. One timidly approached her’ looking a bit out of sorts from the woman.

Most people don’t turn off the light…

I am not most people.

You have an intense beast within you, one that scares many away. What is your purpose here?

I’m here to dismiss some of the more evil spirits below.

Then you’ll be heading to level five. Three and four are basically just hovels of the homeless or those that have lost their way and are too afraid of the phantom lords to ever leave. Even though they’re gone.

You’re awfully helpful for a spirit.

I was a guide in my actual life. But I couldn’t save the people that I was supposed to be tending to. They were granted peace but I was not.

Hmm. Well you’ve been a help to me; I will let you know of my success.

Lucretia gave a kind smile to the spirit before trotting down the stairs further; the spirit looked surprised to get such a kind response from such a powerful warrior. The spirit would turn and just sit on the stairs. Watching her go. Lucretia on the other hand would continue without the spirit’s guidance or the light. Many other spirits peeked out to see her; but her intense inner beasts would scare off most of them.

Eventually she’d get to the third level, finding that it was indeed a hovel for the homeless. She’d pass by many of them without so much as a word; their darkened eyes telling her that they had long since given up on any hope. Which wasn’t something she was expecting but truth be told she hoped personally that her actions here would at least give them some resemblance of peace. She kind of doubted that to be honest; with how they barely reacted to her presence. Had the spirits sucked them of all life? Or was this just their pity of their own situation taking hold? Once she was to the next stairs she’d shoot a glance back towards them and head down further…

Eventually she’d make her way through the fourth level which was more of the same. Before getting to the staircase to the fifth level. She’d grit her teeth and head down to there where she could sense some pretty nasty stuff; it was her inner beasts telling her that she shouldn’t be here. That this was wrong; they wanted to run. Spirits always upset natural animals so it shouldn’t be a surprise that her wolf wanted to get out of her.

The lion just seemed to think this was a nuisance and if she was to do this that she better do it her damn self cause he couldn’t fit down here. She’d snort at that and would step on the fifth floor. Unlike the spirits on the second stairway they were not friendly. Many of them screaming at her and others fleeing because of her viewed power. Lucretia drew her spear out and looked around, her eyes cutting through the darkness like knives…


Oak City - What lies beneath [A rank Neutral quest] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:44 am

Lucretia would berate the spirits for being such wusses here, that they should have at least tried to go out like a warrior. Like someone that had something to live for. She could feel the bubbling rage from some when she said that; others scoffed at her attempts to piss them off but it wasn’t long before she had a slew of spirits trying to maul her; trying to cause a commotion and even some going up to the floor above them screeching in rage. Lucretia would very quickly follow after those; not willing to let some innocents be slain because of her.

The Assegai that she had was a good piercing weapon and it was powerful enough to where even the spirits would screech in pain when she stabbed them. They would engulf other lesser spirits around and try to fight her on an earnest attempt. One spirit becoming so large it was able to avoid lucretia’s strikes. Heading up towards the living in the next area. She’d scowl a bit and when the screaming started she kicked up her speed.

She arrived to find it a slaughter; the largest spirit was practically butchering the poor souls here. The wailing of the dying and the shrieks of those that were in pain made lucretia wince. Bloody hell was this what the people here had to deal with all the time? The red spirit glared at her and with a large fist would try to punch at lucretia; going through her spear and her armor. She grunted as she could feel it hit her mana directly. Feeding off of it in a sense.

Her eyes widened as she realized why the people here were so drained and with a howl of rage the woman brought her spear around to slice off the ghost’s arm. It shrieked in pain and backed away not realizing she had a weapon that could actually hurt it. The large arm of the spirit fell off and landed next to lucretia before slowly dissipating. Many of the folks down her started to run away; now that their mana was returning. Lucretia realized what this entailed and would adjust her stance to be a bit wider. So these guys were holding the mana of all the folks here…

She’d snarl a bit as the ghost tried to swipe at her again, instead of making contact with her it’d pass through one of the men sitting on the ground. He’d die without a word and just crumble into dust. If someone was completely drained of their magic… Lucretia shuddered a little bit and would slice off the ghost’s fingers when the hand outstretched.

Piss off you milk sop’ I’ve fought goblins more intimidating than you’re spectral ass.

The ghost did not take kindly to that; letting out another shriek of anger. It’d swipe and swipe at lucretia who bounced out of the way with the use of her spear and superior speed. Though when her back came up against the wall the spirit let out a triumphant shrill scream that would normally cause many people to shiver in fear. But lucretia was made of stern stuff… so stern in fact the woman grinned as the ghost closed in!


Oak City - What lies beneath [A rank Neutral quest] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 3:51 am

The spirit wasn’t exactly the sort that she’d expect to really be any kind of problem even though it was quite larger than she was. Barely being able to fit in the room and thinking oh so highly of itself. She’d jab forward with the assegai several times. Puncturing it over and over again as it closed in. Looking like it was going to embrace her for a moment before lucretia brought her weapon in a brutal arc from top to bottom of the spirit. Slicing it cleanly in half.

It took maybe a few seconds for the spirit to realize what it’s prey had done before slowly starting to fade away. The mana that was sustaining it rapidly vanishing into the air and many of the people on this level gaining some light into their eyes again. She’d set the butt of the spear on the ground and watch the spirit closely. This could be a trap so she wasn’t about to just let it get away.

When it got to just about half it’s original size it stopped shrinking but lucretia made another brutal arc, this time slicing it in half the other way. Creating a cross of sorts in it’s body. It’d groan as the mana continued to dissipate and eventually? The giant evil spirit vanished. Lucretia smirked a little bit and noting the ‘pulsing’ core of the spirit she’d plant the tip straight through it before the spirit’s ‘core’ exploded in a shower of mana. Sending a shockwave of light throughout the place. She’d note that many of the people here now were getting up to leave. She’d smile a bit and do the same; owing a spirit a thank you. When she got up to the same location that the spirit was in he seemed surprised to see her.

You won?

Aye. Thanks to your guidance I found the biggest spirit in the place and put them to rest.

The spirit looked relieved and upon hearing those words they’d slowly fade away. Mouthing ‘thank you’ before eventually fading into nothingness. Lucretia sighed a little bit and eased herself down onto the ground. She could leave in a little bit she just needed a moment to catch her breath…

Helpin people even when they’re dead huh… Old hunter habits die hard I guess.

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