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All Fired Up [Q]

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#1Khalfani † 

All Fired Up [Q] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:46 am

Khalfani †
Bryson stood outside of the gate, accepting the mission given to him by the guard beside him. This task was simple but would require a lot of walking. First the young hunter would have to go up a hill, check on a certain beacon, then make his way through the woods to check on the others. It sounded simple enough, so he wasn't complaining. Easy money, after all. So without anymore waiting the brown boy began making his way towards the first stop. Oak town was chilly, and oddly quiet today. Normally it was a little bit busier than this. Perhaps something was happening with Lord Servas or maybe Eternal nightmare had something to do with it. Either way Bryson shrugged it off. As he began to climb the hill he noticed a few guards up ahead and some people working on the beacon. He could hear the bangs in the distance. When he finally approached to check the status he was pleased to see that the beacon was coming together. He heard a lot about the Lord of this city and he didn't want anyone to die for nothing. So with a nod he told the worker that he was sent on behalf of Lord Servas. He told him that he was doing a good job, but he would also need to up the pace if he hoped to live to see the next day. The guard nodded and Bryson was on his way. Now he was on his way to the next Beacon that he could easily spot for his current location.

#2Khalfani † 

All Fired Up [Q] Empty Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:01 am

Khalfani †
From this distance, Bryson towered over the city but what was most important was the next beacon. It looked down for the most part but he couldn't be sure until he was there. So he began to walk through the forest. Stepping over little creatures, and pushing branches out of his way. He liked the forest, it was peaceful. And the smell of trees were scent after the rain came and went. He had spent so much time camping in the woods that he felt safe here. It wouldn't take the page long to get to the next Beacon and as he approached he could hear no banging, or see no workers working on it. Curiously he walked up to the beacon until he saw a man sleeping. His eyes scrolled up, realizing that the beacon was complete. Kneeling he tapped the sleeping man on the shoulder, telling him to get his rest in but be on the lookout in case Lord Servas sent someone else. The man thanked the kid before he moved on. Now it was time to go to the next beacon. This one was even deeper in the woods. It took Bryson about ten minutes to get there but when he arrived he could see that this beacon had almost been done. The only thing wrong was that the top of it wasn't fully completed. Bryson moved a little closer. He noticed a trail of blood and quickly drew his gun. When he was fully in front of the beacon he saw a dead guard. Damn, he thought. Quickly he turned back to report it to Lord Servas.


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