Ragtime controlled her body to leap out of the way. She stared at the spirit. "What happened?" The darker spirit seethed with anger. Spirits or any spiritual entity lingered because there was something they regretted or longed to have an answer for. She could feel through Ragtime this spirit really was unhappy. Something must of angered him about his death. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and stared at the spirit. She flared her nostirls with embers coming out like an angry bull. "Tell me what happened! Maybe I can help" she called out.
The spirit hissed and threw his hands up in the air. "I wasn't suppose to die to the hands of those assholes. I had so much to live for" he scowled. LEe felt for him and sighed.
"What would you'd for me to help you with? Pass on and stuff?" She thought maybe something that would remind him that get out of his system. The spirit had to think for a long while before he could give her an answer to her offer. It was a few moments before he turned around and stared at her right into the eye. "A fight. Something I always wanted to do was fight, a memorable, honorable fight. Would you give that to me? Right here, right now" he pleaded. LeeAnn smiled.
"Glad to. Least I could do" she smiled. THe spirit readied himself. "The last person to be standing wins" he spoke. They both agreed to those terms of the fight. Ragtime reminded her to let him win or something along those lines. She didn't listen and wanted to just help the poor creature out. She felt for him with the current events happening in Bosco. Some many had lost their lives for what cause? More pain? Death? Everything. She didn't like it one bit. Many, many people suffered and continued to suffer. She pulled out STting She weilded it while tussling with the spirit. As far as he was concerned that she was way too fast for his own good.
"You're fast" he commented. This made LeeAnn laughed a little. She gave a small nod to him while lunging at him, but his timing was great causing her to fall forward. "Well, your timing is not too bad either" she smiled. Wiping the dirt and sweat from her face.
She leaned her head back, letting the heat rising in her chest. The fire rose from her mouth while a large magic circle appeared right in front of her. It was about 0.25 meters in diameter in the color of crimson red. A large fireball was hurled at her fellow opponent, but he dodged it with only a part of him singed. He seethed a little, but laughed. HE seemed to finally be able to be put to a rest a little bit. LeeAnn used Sting to stab right through in the spiritual body. Sting was special sword that contained a mgical property. Ragtime controlled her body to twist and turn her sword inside of him. He grabbed her shirt collar and swung her over his causing her to slam on her face. Blood slowly dripped from her mouth as she felt it around her mouth.
"Nice try" she smiled. LeeAnn grinned with a different stare into her eyes. There was a glow that was not soemthing many people saw these days. It was a look of madness. "What?" She grabbed the spirit and used STing to stab right into him. Lifting her left leg, she turned her body to the side to igve a good kick to the side of him. It sent him flying hitting against another tree. There was a moment of silence for a long while. She perked up really worried before she heard a roar of laughter.
"Thank you...I really needed a good fight" he smiled. LeeAnn walked over and pulled Sting out from his chest. The spirit smiled up at her with a new founded peace in his eyes. "Thank you, I really needed that battle. Maybe I could come back and help some other people as a spirit much like your friend there" he spoke. He pointed to Ragtime.
"We could always meet again" he smiled. The spirit went on as Lee gave him a odd look. "Ragtime..were you once mortal?" The spirit remained silent and turned away. "Let's get back to Astera, the guild is waiting for us" he spoke.
- 2325/2350:
Name: Dragon's Fireball
Rank: D-rank
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: First Gen: Fire Dragon Slayer
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The caster leans their head back taking a deep breath. A red magic circle the size of a 0.25 in diameter in front of the caster's face. The fireball will be cast from the user's facial area. The fire ball is 0.25 in diameter. This will cause D-rank Damage