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Beauty Pageant [ESG]

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Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:01 pm


Beauty Pageant

On a sweet afternoon where the lights start turning and the moon starts climbing people start their arrival at the Stage of Beauty. People around the world come here to share their appearance and gaze at the beauty of other Countries. It was reported that many people from Fiore were coming here to reveal to Stella how beauty even looks. Rolling down the red carpet to enter the large building of white stone with red rims. Once all are inside they are introduced by an escort that will show them to their room to change and get ready till their name is called.

The judges are left unknown besides the fact they are fellow Fiorians with the ethnicity of different cultures. They will not be found out till the showcase starts as they don't want the contestants to get favored! The reporter winks as she reported this. The stage is a true beauty, fitting for the lovely Queens that are joining us today. The stage is lilac-colored with some pink tinting to it. The mainframe is a collision of hearts. Behind the frames and Screen where the audience can see the clearness of each beauty are decorations of black and gold with blue lighting. Within time, the audience is seated, judges are preparing and waiting as the contestants reveal their fashion and answers.

All the contestants were sent a letter of the three themes they will be judged on; Beach Attire, Bunny Outfit, and Flower Theme!

As the contestants come out one by one, the judges ask them a question. Each judge with their own unique question.

Judge 1
"What are your thoughts on world-famous mage     "Christian Zane"? Asking for a friend haha."

Judge 2
"What makes you different from the other girls competing today?"

Judge 3
"If you had the worlds attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?"

Judge 4
"Where is a place that you call home, but do not sleep in."


  • Rather it's in this topic or your own, you must type up at least 2000 words getting ready and showcasing your outfits that match the Judge's theme. Don't worry, there are questions as well!~

  • Once everyone has met the requirements the judges will comment on everyone's outfits and reveal the points on this topic.

  • If you choose to do your own topic, please still post the link here alongside a roleplay post of you gathering with the other contestants on the stage.


Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:42 pm


Tempris stood in the changing room with a pink face. She never be apart of a guild event nor has she had to partake in something so... public. She could hear the voices of the crowds cheering. She could hear the loud applause. All these sinner wanted to see everyone everyone dress up and answer questions. Why could this not be a contest on who can purge sin. She was sure she could do well at that.

Tempris held up the first outfit she had to wear. It was a two piece bikini and a sun hat. The hat was beige with a light pink ribbon that circled the crown of the hat. The ribbon was tied into a bow with two streamer 2 thin white lines ran across the ribbon, one on top and one on the bottom. Inside the hat was a shell and starfish hair accessory and a translucent . The shell was a light purple with five pearls and the star fish was pink wrist band. Behind where the outfit was hang and resting on the wall was a inner tube decorated to look like a strawberry glazed donut with sprinkles of purple, green, blue, and yellow. The top of the bikini resembled a white crop top with blue plaid strips. Pink ruffles hanged from the bottom of the top and covered the opening on the top, folding into ribbon over her chest. Underneath to top pink ruffles was a layer of white ruffles which hide the straps on her shoulders. The bottom piece for the bikini was a skirt which covered a pink bottom piece. The skirt was white with blue plaid stripes and had skirt layer underneath which was a half a inch longer than the plaid skirt. There was a light pink ban at the top which would hug the wearers body and a pink ribbon tied into a bow on the right. When wearing this outfit.

Tempris was suppose to let her hair down and not wear a veil. It was so revealing, so no fair. A woman knocked on the door before entering. She was suppose to support Tempris through the event but the girl would have preferred if someone she knew was here, like Fala or maybe. The woman snapped the girl out of her thoughts and picked up her hat. Tempris groan while picking up her hair pieces and darting to the mirror. Then she undressed and put on her bikini. She felt cold though not the normal cold that haunted her all her life. This was simply the lack of clothes combined with air conditioner. Goosebumps ran up her arm as she pushed her hand through to equip her bracelet. was a nice color, probably her favorite part of the outfit. Finally, she put on her hat and grabbed her inner tube. The woman signaled 5 minutes before she had to line up. This was going to be such a drag but she had to do it. She had to be... friendly.

With a smile on her face, Tempris looked at the woman so she could give her one final look. Once passed her strict list, the girl quickly moved out her room. Hugging her inner tube tightly she kept her head down hoping nobody would look at her. Then she waited in waiting room for her name to be called out. The woman came out, running through the list of things Tempris was suppose to do while out there. The most important thing was to smile but how could she when the air was chilly. Her name was called and the woman gently pushed the girl forward.
"Remember to smile."

Tempris walked out with an innocent smile on her face. This was the same smile many men and woman would witness before they left this realm to see Illumin free of sin. A warm expression filled with a lust for retribution and forgiveness, it was the girl's only tool to safety move Fiore till now. Now, it was her weapon to hide her feelings for this whole event. Her inner tube hanged at her left side so that her outfit could clearly be seen by the judges and the audience. Once she reached her spot, she shifted it to her shoulder and supported it with her other hand. Then she tilted her head and giggled.
"Ready for a swim!" She then winked at the crowd and then held out her right hand as she was asking them to join her.
Beauty Pageant [ESG] _oshin10

When she was finished, she left the stage. Her face turned completely pink as soon as she was out of site. She could not believe what she did. It was frighten and all those eyes looking at her made her back feel like a highway for bugs. Fortunately that part was over. Unfortunately, the next part was going to be worst. The outfit this time was suppose to be a bunny outfit. It was something she never seen or heard before. It did not look like any bunny to her outside of the bunny ear on the white head band and the bunny tail. The outfit itself was basically a dark purple strapless corset teddy basically a garment that covered the torso and crouch area; white bunny hears attached to a white headband, black pantyhose, a white collar with a red bow that would go around her neck, white cuffs, white fluffy cotton tail, and dark purple  1 inch heels. when wearing this outfit, she would be carrying a plate filled with different donuts and her nails would be painted pink. The bottom of the teddy above her thigh would be a thin ribbon which would hang in front of the wearer on their right side.

Giving how easy it was to put on this outfit despite the many parts, Tempris had a little time to take a breather and pray. She could feel the sin that radiated from the costume and she would need her lord's help to not set herself on fire. Before she could finish asking for strength, her assistant came in to assist her putting on the outfit. There was a lot that could go wrong apparently so she made sure everything was pristine. Also she wanted to paint Tempris's nails given how little the young girl used make-up. With all that done, the woman gave Tempris a warning, not to eat the donuts. It would be bad to get crumbs on the outfit or have icing on her face while still presenting. Plus apparently, this was something people wore if they were waiters. Tempris wondered about that fact but she did not have time to challenge it. She just sat tight and made her best attempts to pray under the strict eye of the woman.

"5 minute warning!" The woman's voice triggered Tempris to jump up. She slapped her cheeks and then picked up the silver platter of donuts. Then she carefully walked out of her room. In the waiting room she held up the platter with one hand, rehearsing her movements with the assistant. The woman then gave tips on how to walk so that she doesn't break her heal or roll her ankle. There was one minute left and she gave her final piece of advice.
"Remember to smile."

Tempris strutted across to the stage if only to get more used to this style of walking. When the crowd and judges, Tempris put on a cheeky smile. Her assistant said it was to build a character. She even said Tempris should chew bubble gum but the girl drew the line at that. She didn't know how to actually blow a bubble with gum and didn't want to admit it.

She held the platter of donuts and strutted out to the crowd. Once in her position she lowered the plate and took a donut off the top of the pile. Then she moved it to her mouth and pretend she would take a bite only to stop.
"Order's ready master!"

Beauty Pageant [ESG] 68605110

Inside the girl was grueling. To say such a thing was complete blasphemy and she wanted to bath in a tub of fire. However her assistant promised that this was the best way to impress the judges and score maximum points and win. She did not know what that meant but she wanted to win. At least, if she had to suffer this embarrassment.

Finally she was back in her room and she never stripped faster in her life. The final outfit would be the outfit she would wear for the rest of the pageant and luckily for Tempris, it was something a little more comfortable and less embarrassing. However, her hair would have to be tided into a braid. Due to the braid the assistant was already in her room and in Tempris's hair. The girl wanted a break, a brief moment to herself but the woman insisted that there was not much. Tempris groaned and sat down, in hopes that the woman would be satisfied quicker if she got started faster.

It took a bit of time but the woman finished. The woman dotted her braid with white flower hair pieces and a red bow with yellow stitching at the end. The outfit itself was a red paperboy hat with a daisy looking flower attached on the front left part of the hat, a red cloak which cover her shoulders that had beige
ruffles stitched at the bottom of the cloak and and a red and beige ribbon with a white flower in the middle holding the cloak together above Tempris's chest, A beige apron with red flowers lining the bottom, a large brown band under her chest with 2 pairs of 6 yellow buttons running down the middle in parallel, a large red and beige ribbon matching the one on her cloak behind her under the band, a red dress with yellow flowers lining the bottom, beige shorts, and brown boots with a tan toe covering. She also had a basket filled with yellow and white flowers. She was dressed and finally ready to go on stage.
"5 minute warning."

Tempris rushed to the waiting room. This time, she did not need to do anything specially. She just needed to act like a child. The assistant wanted the girl to skip and when she reached her spot, she had to appear as adorable as possible. Tempris nodded. This was almost over and all she had to do was appear cute. Apparently there was one more thing about this last run. She would be asked questions. Tempris giggled, knowing that answering questions could not be that hard.
"Remember to smile."

Tempris rolled her eyes as she planned her skipping motion. When her name was called, she skipped forward like the girl in the books about the wolf. Of course, she was not as helpless to any sinful beast. When she got to her spot, she picked up a flower and pretend to smell it. Then she showed off a big smile and said, "Spring's in bloom!"

Beauty Pageant [ESG] 89664210

It was now time to answer the questions.

For question one, Tempris had never heard of an "Christian Zane." However, something told her that it would be suicide to just say that. So she had to be nice, or at least she should.
"I am sure that Mr. Christian Zane is a person who has potential to do great things and if he were to ever go through a baptism of fire, he would be able to leave behind the chains which hold him back and truly become the person he was destine to be."

For question two, Tempris had to think of what made her different. Obviously she was blessed by Illumin which she doubted anyone else was but it would be sinful to brag about such a thing in a setting like this. She was granted this privilege to help people not gloat.
"What makes me different... I wish to help humanity overcome their pain. I want to bring warmth to the poor souls suffering in this cold world. I will save the world from the sin that clouds the sky and block out the light that gives strength and energy to all life."

For question three, Tempris had to think for a second. She hated attention, especially this level but she did think of something.
"No matter how alone you are, how cold your feel, how weak you feel you are, know that you are not alone. There are warm places, warm people out there that can help you. Only when you realize this can you find the strength to overcome your weakness. I know I have and I thank that special person for being there for me."

For question four, Tempris was not sure she could answer. For her, she never really had a home... at least one she would want to be at. Her story was dark and it was something she did not want to think about. So she needed an answer, something that could answer.
"Home... I been traveling most of my life so I never really settled down. Though if I had to choose... my home where I don't sleep is anywhere with the people who I have precious warm memories with!"

With that the questions were over and Tempris returned to her room to relax till the judging was over.

Last edited by Tempris on Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total


Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:39 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Kurisa | DRESS |

Now there's a surprise... Quite honestly, Alisa had no idea Kurisa was into this sort of thing. Had somebody close to her persuaded it was a good idea...? It wasn't necessarily a bad one by any stretch of the word, considering none of the contestants were in any way required to participate. Alisa for one hadn't exactly planned for it in any way, she merely threw her name in the sign ups at last minute on a whim. While winning the contest would indeed be a pleasant turn of events, for the most part she'd just appreciate the chance to admire her opponents once they put their hearts into doing their best. Nothing really changed for Alisa Vollan, after all, that was exactly how she lived each and every day: To act and look her best, each day better than the last. The idea of making a contest out of it seemed utterly baffling, for it was tantamount to people looking their best only because there was a contest to be held, which stood in direct opposition to what she herself stood for. At the same time... Alisa had to admit... Seriousness aside, this could be pretty fun couldn't it~...? When her name was called, she stepped on stage with a smile on her hand, flipping that long, lustruous black ponytail behind her shoulders.


First off, beach outfit hmmm~...? Before stepping out on stage, Alisa channeled her power through her wedding ring, accessing the pocket dimension it connected to before pulling out a rather daring choice of swimsuit, something that might have at some point been a proper piece of sportsweat but now reduced to little more than a daring sling. Short of actual nudity, Alisa Vollan had never been shy about showing some skin, and that's an understatement in this case, when her chosen swimsuit bared most of her taut, toned midriff and most of her cleavage, only tightly enough to hold itself in place as her bountiful bust rippled with every single step as the proud sculptress flaunted the body she spent every waking moment honing through endless training. After walking across the catwalk though, Alisa vanished from sight momentarily, once again channeling the power in her ring and changing outfits once more...


Next up, bunny suit... Alisa smiled... She had to admit, she loved what these kind of outfits did to her legs, a simple, form fitting unitard that sat high upon the flare of her hips, baring those long, luscious legs in all their shapely glory while squeezing her generous curves in all the right ways, resulting in a flattering push up effect above. Alisa wore it comfortably, after all, she'd been wearing these costumes in just about every easter party in Blue Pegasus... In the end, she felt almost as comfortable in those as she did in her beloved purple swimsuit... But the final choice of outfit held a special place in her heart. This time, whether out of eagerness or showmanship, Alisa changed before stepping out of the stage, letting the audience watch as that glimmering light covered her her voluptuous visage, wrapping her head to toe with its dazzling gleam as she rose her arms up with a flourish, before turning right back around and presenting herself in a wedding dress...


A very floral themed wedding dress~... Something she'd only wore for Sofia and the few people fortunate enough to have been present at that secluded celebration. Unlike most wedding dresses, this one had a clear, sheer cutout up front, baring much of that washboard midriff, and most importantly, the proud stamp of Blue Pegasus. Only a glimpse after all, for after she was done showing off all the theme outfits, Alisa quickly changed back to the dress she'd picked specifically for the gala. Alisa sashayed coolly accross the stage for the last time, those wide, womanly hips to and fro in a sensual sway, sending that elegant gown fluttering left and right with every step:

"Good evening everyone~..! I hope you're having a wonderul Gala", greeted the sculptress, turning on one foot as her heel clacked across the stage when she finally turned to face the audience, "So... I'm an open book... What would you like to know about me~?"

She may not have gone out of her way to do anything different, but even then the silky, sultry wine red of her dress all but shimmering under the lights across the stage, a perfect match with the hue in her eyes as Alisa took her sweet time just striding across the center of the stage, allowing the audience to admire her as much as they desired before the judges asked at last:

"Ufufu... Is that seriously your first question~...? I'd say only a interesting man can have his name dropped so casually in a beauty pageant like this... But more importantly...", with an elegant raise of her hand in front of her mouth, Alisa's graceful chuckle echoed across the stage as her brow arched, almost baffled by the conspicuous line of questioning. With a faint smile and naught the slightest sliver of doubt as to where the question came from, Alisa winked towards the judge in question, "You can tell your friend that Christian Zane can come ask me himself after the pageant... I'll be waiting~"

Issuing her invitation, Alisa casually brushed a loose black strand behind her ear, shifting her weight onto one long, shapely leg as it slipped out through the slight in her skirt running down from her hip, baring but a few extra inches of that smooth skin, perfectly cared for as she calmly sat there with a cool faint smile, awaiting the next question:

"My name is Alisa Vollan, Crystal Demon Slayer. Guild Master of Blue Pegasus by profession, sculptress on my pasttime... I won't say it's impossible but if you do happen to find somebody you feel is exactly like me, I'd ask you to please send her my way~... I'd be thrilled to meet her.", she could have possibly come up with some half assed lines like people always say at these kind of contests, but... This one had been thrown by none other than her sister. Even if she otherwise might not have, this alone left the self reliant woman to speak from her heart, "I am who I am, that alone makes me different from anybody else around me."

The same holds true for anybody else after all, but as Alisa spoke, she showed no reservations in answering the judges directly, looking them them in the eye even if they happened to be close enough for her to see. She spoke calm and confidently as she always did, holding a conversation even as she stood high atop the stage. All the more so when the next Judge's question rang an awfully similar bell. After all, what Alisa would tell everyone listening... What could she tell them other than exactly the same thing she answered the judges about herself:

"Believe in yourself. Be proud of who you are. It may sound a bit cliché but there's a reason people say this. Everybody can idolize and mimic their favourite mages and guildmasters but... If you pour your heart and soul into something, you can be the best you that there is. And nobody can beat that. That's what it means to be beautiful.", once again, that melodious voice resonated across the stage as she spoke on her lacrima mic, deeper than most women like a smooth, vibrant mezzo-soprano, a soft glimmer in her eyes as she spoke hopefully, like some part of her hoped as many people could indeed hear her. So many people lost themselves in despair and self loathing, wallowing, stewing in it until they eventually diverted whatever energies they might have to lash out at those around them. Too many people did their damndest to tear down those around them to make themselves feel better, but... Blue Pegasus was different. Ever since she joined, she found a welcoming guild that nurtured people with all their their strenghts and weaknesses, their talents and inconsistencies, until they all could reach their own ideal, "In the end, no matter what you hear or what life throws your way... Never let anyone tell you you're not beautiful."

What Alisa stood for, first and foremost, was this. For people to strive to better themselves every day. To pursue their passions without any shortcuts. As she spoke, her smile widened at the thought of the very philosophy that helped her grow into the woman that now stood on stage, from a vindictive young girl to a happily married wife with nothing in her mind save for those she wanted to nurture and care for:

"There isn't one... Any place I wouldn't sleep in isn't home to me.", Alisa shook her head, realizing that her questions were probably not what the judges wanted to hear, but determined to speak her heart nonetheless as she once again looked to the audience and continued, "Home is where you come back to after a long, arduous journey, and however long you spent on the road, a place you know you'll find warm food and beds made. Somewhere to enjoy a warm meal with the people you love and have a good night's sleep, before you see what tomorrow has in store for you."

Still standing calmly at the center of the stage, Alisa's heart rose and fell as she took in the momentary pause to admire the splendour of the grand stage her sister had set up for themselves, nibbling her bottom lip as she couldn't help but think of what exactly she'd choose to wear for this. After so much trouble to set it up, she didn't imagine Kari would miss this for the world... Oh if only Sofia was here to see this~... Ultimately though, seeing how there were no other questions, Alisa merely bowed gracefully and smiled at the crowd once more:

"Thank you all for your attention~ I hope to see you all later on at the ball~", and with a wink and a graceful wave of her hand, Alisa strode off the stage from where she came, still hoping to meet the other contestants at some point.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Beauty Pageant [ESG] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:18 pm


WORDS: 250 | Preview~?


Don't they all look darling~? Lining up alongside her so-called competition and unable to hide a sneering curl in her lip as she did so, Charlotte Caldwell narrowed her emerald eyes as she looked over her rivals in the contest, and had to admit that some of them looked rather charming. Especially that skinny little thing that looked like she should have been in grade school. Someone give her a candy cane and send her on her way.
It must have taken them allllll day? Clearly seeming to appreciate the effort that they had gone to all the same given what she assumed they had started with, in some cases it seemed that they had defied the proverb and actually managed to polish up that which seemed to resistant to the process, and she was sure that in their own way each and every one of them were winners here. Just not, you know, in the way that came with laurels and cash prizes, you know?

Goodness, I do hope they don't expect to win~ Because of that the black beauty having to raise a hand and feign a cough as she tried to restrain the urge which she felt to cackle like a madwoman, one supposed that the greatest gift one could be given was to be compared to a goddess like herself, and so today she had been quite generous, hadn't she? Sure, they weren't about to win, but for a moment they knew what the glisten of true glamour was like, and ultimately that would be the real prize wouldn't it? Such a blessing to be the runner up to a woman like her, wasn't it?


"Of Those Who Might Behold Her~"
- Charlotte Caldwell -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#5Lee Nakamura 

Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:14 am

Lee Nakamura
The kitsune had her hands tied at this point. Ragtime had told her this would be good for Hikari to show that everyone is beautiful. The contracted spirit forced her hand onto the list. LeeAnn Alister Nakamura. She was the daughter of one of the powerful men she knew this date. Leeann had learned Karisa had opened the contest. In all honesty, she was the most beautiful person she had ever seen. Rumors had spread of Karisa's beauty and seeing the guildhall for the first time proved the facts. She had not expected anyone to really be here to listen. "You ready to strut your stuff, kid? Ragtime spoke as he sat next to her. He was only visible to her thankfully. She felt a lump in her throat growing as they neared to her name. Pulling on her amulet lightly, she shook her head. Ragtime grunted as he got up from his spot and sighed.

"Alright, this is my time to shine. Step aside, I will lead you, but you will be given the speech to speak. If there's anything I know how to do show off, you just speak" he explained. A powerful rush of magic seeped into her blood vessel as her eyes grew a slightly darker shade of frost blue. Before they called her name for the beach theme. Ragtime had her put on a simple purple bikini that showed off her feminine figure not many really got to see. She never flaunted her body in such a manner. It was embarrassing for her, but Ragtime ensured her everything would work out. She unfolded her kitsune tails to show the true beauty of a non-human. She was half-human, but she did notice she was the only one that was not a human. This was her advantage if she wanted to win. Though, she did not come here to win.

When they called her name, she took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. Her eyes opened as she walked on stage with a confident sway of her hips. Her kitsune tails were flared outward to show off her own natural features. It was a simple and plain which was fine with her. Purple went with her orange hair and kitsune features.


It was more like a catwalk, she modeled the outfit. Ragtime did a good job showing off her 'unusual' features compared to the other contestants. She walked back behind the scenes to change outfits. Of course, she waited for her turn again for the 'bunny-themed' showcase. This time she really didn't enjoy how tight it hugged her body. The one that Ragtime had chosen was more of a magician's assitant's outfit. The small cape trailing past her behind. Her tails really showed off those features. The kitsune adjusted the chest a little since he felt it was a little too revealing. Her hair was a little to untamed while she adjusted it the bunny ears kept slipping down. An animalistic growled came from her as she fixed it. When her name was called, she marched onto the stage as if she owned it. The tail from the outfit flapped a little as she walked. She stared into the crowd to see if she saw anybody she knew. Immediately, she saw a few members such as her daughter and Lector with Liam. She even felt more embarrassed having her daughter see all of this. Lee didn't believe Hikari was old enough to see this. Liam saw her staring and covered her daughter's eyes rather quickly. Once she turned around, she marched right back. A huge sigh of relief came from her before she started to ding her make-up.

Bunny themed:

After she took off the outfit, Ragtime had another set of clothes for her. It was an outfit of Joyan culture, half of her nationality. The woman stared at it and felt a little ping in her head. Ragtime reminded her to not waste time. In no time, she put on the outfit. It was a little too revealing. Someone did her make-up and hair. They put a flower inside of her hair. The kimono was a black and gold color combo with a purple band. They put her in the revealing Kimono with a tight band. The persona helping her really made her feel like it was a corset. Ragtime ushered her this was not how it was suppose to be. Once she got comfortable, she fixed the most revealing parts of her outfit. There was a bit of simple yet fancy jewelry that was accustomed to her culture, though in a more of a fancier fashion.

Flower Themed:

Ragtime controlled her body to walk gracefully and calmly. Her kitsune tails charmed the outfit as well as her fox ears. She made sure everyone took in the beauty of her and her culture. Even if she had known nothing about her culture, she still embodiied it to the best of her ability. Her pace was slow to ensure they all saw her. At the end of the stage she stared at all the judges then gave a small, but calm nod that was accompanied by a small smile.

She turned away and chosen a more suitable outfit of her normal outfit. The fancy outfit was enjoyable, but something she was more comfortable in. Though, it was still a kimono. She still had more of a pronounced chest since the band around her waist was tight. She walked up on stage when her name was called. "Greetings, I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. Please ask me any questions you wish" she smiled, calmly. She stared at the judges for the first question. The question that was asked first was surely an odd one, but she giggled a little to herself.

Regular outfit:

"Well, if Christian Zane is famous. I bet he's powerful foe. I wouldn't mind having an enjoyable with him. Sounds like an enjoyable person to have a conversation with" she spoke to everyone. She tightened her hair that was put up in the high ponytail. Her eyes wander to her daughter. The small demi-human shared the wide-eyed wonder that she remembered she had at her age. LeeAnn thought about her future and how she could impact this world. She had to do all of this for her daughter. The judge had noticed this and wrote this down. She heard her daughter cheer her on from the front row seats. Some of the crowds laughed, but this made her grin a little.

The next question was asked. Ragtime knew what her answer would be. She had known something like this would come up in the questions part of the time interview or the pagent in general. She gave a gentle smile on her lips. "First off, do you see what I am? Not a human. Who else in this whole contest is half kitsune. Though, that's not what makes me stand out as well. First off, My name is LeeAnn Nakamura, leader of the Nakamura Family and Guildmaster of the Infinity Wolves. I know I stand out like a sore thumb because of what I am. If you don't notice that, get some reading glasses" she smiled. She was sarcastic in her tone. There was a lot of truth behind what she had spoken. LeeAnn so far had seen no other non-human races yet kitsunes at all. She was the only kitsune anyone really had known through anything. Most people knew her by these features anyways. So why not use the most common answer that people would for sure remember, but put a personal twist to this. She awaited the next question. Nervously, she wanted to twirl her hair strands, but Ragtime had forced her to not do that. Internally, she felt her stomach doing flip-flops over and over again. The slayer knew her family was watching. Hikari had to be seeing this. If there was anything she wanted her daughter to walk away from this experience, she wanted her to know that beauty is not just skin deep.

The next judge was ready. They made eye contact with her, LeeAnn was even more ready than before. When they asked the question, she another glance at her daughter. What would she say to her daughter right now? LeeAnn knew exactly what she wanted to say. This was something she wanted her daughter to always remember, but not just her. Everyone had to heard what she had to say. The world was her stage and right now, all eyes were on her. The kitsune snapped her finger as some embers flared from her hand. "If I had everyone's attention, what would I say, hm? There's something I have learned while my time as a mage. Non-human races face a lot of issues being heard or seen. Remember, we are just as capable if not even more. Don't let others tell you that you are not capable of. Prove them wrong. A wolf doesnt loose sleep of the opinion of the sheep" she spoke. She stared at everyone with a serious expression that was plastered on her face. Hikari clapped and wanted to climb up onto stage to hug her mom.

Liam tried to grab her, but Hikari ran to her mother. Liam mouthed sorry. The five year-old wrapped her arms around her mother's waist while LeeAnn gave a gentle smile, pushing the girl's golden locks out of her face. She had a sharp toothy smile staring up at LeeAnn. The crowd thought this was adorable with the small blonde girl and her large green eyes. That was one thing Hikari was good at was winning over people's hearts. What had just happened caught the kitsune off guard, but she went with it, seeing Hikari couldn't contain her exctiement. "My mom is the most beautiful and smartest and kindest woman in the world. If anyone else doesn't think so is a meanie" protested Hikari to the crowd and judges. A little bit of laughter roared through the crowed and a lot of 'awe' from everyone. Leeann stared at her daughter with a look of shock and a smile. She had her hand over her mouth trying hard not to cry.

"Come here, sweetheart. You are the sweetest daughter I could ever ask for" she smiled. Lee picked up her daughter, holding her against her side. She had to lean to the left a little bit to make sure she didn't lose her balance. Her attention turned towards the judges for the last question. Hikari grinned, hugging her mom. LeeAnn felt extremely lucky and felt his unexplainable love towards this little creature she called her child, even if they weren't related. The final judge asked the easiest question that Lee knew right off the bat. What place did she call home without sleeping in. That was easy. Her family. Hikari, Hikaru, her parents, her friends, her guild. They were all home to her. She laughed a little and gently placed a finger on Hikari's nose. 'Why my home is with those I love such as my daughter, my guild members, my family. It's not the place but the people that I surround myself with. No matter what happens they will always be there for me" she answered. Hikari giggled and gave her mom another big hug. She laughed. The crowd seemed winned over by Hikari's actions. There was something stirred in her head that made her smile. The first time ever she felt true joy and happiness with taking care of another human being. She stared at the crowd before her.

"Thank you all for your time. My daughter and I hope you all enjoy the gala" she smiled. They both waved as she walked with her daughter in her hands to backstage. Hikari was running around and clinging to her mother the whole time. She talked up about how lucky her mom is to have her. Lee could only assure her that she was right all along. Which she was, for sure.


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Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#6Khalfani † 

Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Fri Aug 27, 2021 2:24 am

Khalfani †
Khal sat backstage in a black wooden chair with their name on it. There was water on the table holding the mirror in front of them, along with a variety of snacks. Compared to the other tables and chairs of the models around them, they looked like they were someone important. This was still so new to them. Khalfani reached over for a bottle of water, waiting for their makeup artist, stylist, hair-dresser, and their coach- all paid for by their father Odin. It was crazy! Most of anything they wanted, they got without hesitation! All it took was a simple ask, and there was no shame in asking...not when it came to Odin. Khalfani was well aware of how wealthy the Wizard Lord was. Odin was a resource. Though, they wondered how Odin felt paying for all the stylists, clothes, makeup and just everything up to this point. Khal couldn't help but wonder what the Lich thought about all of this. Did he even care anyway? The young brown skinned Savannan was young, but they knew that they weren't a normal teenage kid. They were sexually attracted to boys, that much they could admit to themself...but to actually call it "gay" was the hard part. Hopefully the one person that cared about them wouldn't abandon them for who they were.

This world was a dangerous place and the more labels that were placed on Khal, the more danger they were in. Even now, while sitting backstage amongst women and girls with their tote bags between their laps, Khal was nervous. This was the first time the hunter would be stepping outside of the boundaries of their given gender. Gods, they were scared. Imagine that; A killer of masters, hunter, child of Odin, Lord of Nothing...afraid to come out in their most freest form to the world- after everything they had endured. Thoughts ran through their mind at miles a minute. Would people perceive them as weaker for embracing their femininity? Would people invalidate them as a girl despite it being nothing more than a construct of expectations and ideals? Would their fellow knights try to bully them? Khalfani looked into the mirror, speculating every blemish, every mark, every pimple on their face. The light Lacrima on top of the mirror helped reveal their flaws. They were pretty and they knew it. In the corner of the mirror they could see the other women and girls glancing at them every so often. When their eyes met with theirs, everyone would quickly look away.

"Khalfani?" A deep voice called out to them from behind. Quickly they turned to see a beautiful brown-skinned human with short pink hair and a warm smile. His cheek bones were high and sharp, their eyes soft and their skin looked as clear as day. They came with a team behind her, all carrying bags of makeup and clothes. "Y-yeah. That's me." they nodded. they didn't dare look around at the other people in the room. "Aren't you just the cutest. My name is Sindona, and I was hired to get you together Ms. Honey. Let's get right into it. This your first time modeling?" they asked as they stopped beside Khalfani looking at them through the mirror. The team began unpacking and setting up. "Yeah, it is." "And is this your first time being who you are in public?" they said a little lower. Khalfani cleared their throat as their cheeks flushed with color. "No, but this is my first time listening to the people judging me for it." they said, rubbing their head. "Well baby, let me tell you..." Sidona leaned over, placing their hands on Khals face and holding their head a little higher. "You've already won this competition."


Last edited by Khalfani on Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

#7Khalfani † 

Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:37 pm

Khalfani †

Khal smiled. They were a confident person...usually, though today they was unsure of themself. Luckily Sindona had the energy the young hunter needed right now. Sindona turned and began telling the other people where to put the items and things of that nature. Quickly the people moved around and got to work. "So, the first look is beach attire. Do you have any ideas on what you want to do?" Sindona asked as they began grabbing their scissors and organizing the rest of the hair supplies. The demi-god sat back and thought for a moment, analyzing their features in the mirror and imagining an outfit. "I think so..." they began, running their fingers through their dark brown colored hair.

"I wanted to wear something different. Everyone is doing like...bikinis for beach attire, but I want my attire to be as if I'm on my way to the beach. Like the clothes you wear when you're ready to leave. I was thinking of a button down shirt with a school skirt. Maybe, like, a red tie- and underneath I have my bathing suit. Oh and I can have like a beach bag on my arm." Sindona listened, lifting their hand and tapping their chin. "You know what? I like that. So that means you want your makeup to be a natural kind of thing, maybe some lashes to make it pop, or some light mascara?"

Khalfani nodded. "Yeah exactly. Not too adultish though. I'm trying to embrace the fact that I'm a child which is also why I don't want to wear a Bikini. That and because..." "That doesn't make you any less of a little lady, but yeah. I get it, baby. I gotchu." Khalfani cleared their throat. For a small moment there was a brief silence. Then they spoke up again. "And, like, for my hair I was thinking cut it a little shorter. Like a bowl cut. I saw a lot of the other models with long hair, I wanna be different." Sindona only nodded before getting to work. The diva began snipping pieces of hair off of Khalfanis head, moving the kid's head in different directions to cut at different angles. In a matter of minutes the job was done.

The Desierto looked up at the mirror and their eyes instantly widened. "Oh yes. You did your thing Sindona, I love it." They smirked shortly after, embracing the cut. It brought their features out- especially their golden eyes. Sindona smiled then began to move onto the makeup. Sindona used a chocolate colored pad and began by dabbing the product onto Khal's skin, smoothing it out before adding some powder here and there. Then they moved onto to the eye, applying mascara before Khal finally said; "Oh you know what? You can also add some eyeliner." So Sindona did and when they were finally done Khalfanis jaw dropped. They looked...like a girl.

"Wow..." was all they could say. Next it was time to get dressed. The helpers that came with Sindona unzipped a bag before scouting through the clothes. They came prepared because they had everything Khalfani asked for. When that was done, all that was left was for The long haired hunter to walk. Not long after they was done did they call their name out. Taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out, Khal walked down the runway. There were lights everywhere, and people were watching their every move. Yet, they walked with confidence. For once they felt like they looked exactly how they felt inside. They couldn't tell if they noticed they was actually biologically different from the rest of tthey contestants, but he didn't care. When they reached the end of the stage they unbuttoned their shirt and posed, revealing their bikini top.

The Desierto looked up at the mirror and their eyes instantly widened. "Oh yes. You did your thing Sindona, I love it." They smirked shortly after, embracing the cut. It brought their features out- especially their golden eyes. Sindona smiled then began to move onto the makeup. Sindona used a chocolate colored pad and began by dabbing the product onto Khal's skin, smoothing it out before adding some powder here and there. Then they moved onto to the eye, applying mascara before Khal finally said; "Oh you know what? You can also add some eyeliner." So Sindona did and when they were finally done Khalfanis jaw dropped. They looked...like a girl.

"Wow..." was all he could say. Next it was time to get dressed. The helpers that came with Sindona unzipped a bag before scouting through the clothes. They came prepared because they had everything Khalfani asked for. When that was done, all that was left was for The long haired hunter to walk. Not long after he was done did they call their name out. Taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out, Khal walked down the runway. There were lights everywhere, and people were watching their every move. Yet, he walked with confidence. For once he felt like he looked exactly how he felt inside. They couldn't tell if they noticed he was actually biologically different from the rest of the contestants, but he didn't care. When he reached the end of the stage he unbuttoned their shirt and posed, revealing their bikini top.

Khalfani's Beach look:


Last edited by Khalfani on Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:11 am; edited 1 time in total

#8Psykhe † 

Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:17 pm

Psykhe †
Beauty Pageant [ESG] 111

Hey! Wake up, it's your turn, hun.

She heard from the air and blinked to realize the man was now missing. His flashlight was rolling on the floor as if it was dropped. She closed her eyes tightly and told herself to wake up. Within moments she heard heavy breathing against her ears...

I will find you

Suddenly, a light flashed and saw her dresser next to her. "Your turn to go out and answer some questions,~" the woman chuckled teasingly as she helped Psykhe stand up. She thanked the woman and started to go out towards the curtain, but before she went out she gazed at that mysterious door. Her heart felt nervous as if she was getting a bad vibe. Her attention went back to the curtain as she heard her name being called out by the judges. She went out, bowed her head, and was ready to answer the last two things. The question was being asked what sounded like from a female. The woman went ahead with the question so she could answer.

"30 Seconds? The Monarchy and Illumin abuse their power and they suck. I also wish to tell my family that I love them! They're amazing!~ Yep." she spoke quite bluntly as she had no fear of hiding how she felt. Life could be beautiful, but those that are in control are making it difficult. She has been a Princess, a slave, a Priestess, and now just some normal girl who had living parents.

She listened to the second question, a home that she could not sleep in, "Obviously my imagination. My home is myself and where I decide to make it. Truthfully, my mind lets me daydream a better place than anything could provide and I can't sleep in my mind itself physically.", she answered and started to leave.

She came out again after everyone else was done so they could line up. Her eyes cornered each side to study everyone else. She didn't care if she won or not, but everyone came out with their own favorite outfits. She came out with her bunny one as it was cool/cute to her.


Beauty Pageant [ESG] Empty Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:18 am


She flipped her hair as she stood up, hand on her hip. The shadows revealed at least one of the judges - herself. She wasn't shy to let them know it was her as long as three other mysterious judges that were judging them this day of the subject of beauty. She knew she herself was beautiful, but it was time to give another the title as well. She had six people to judge, more than the Handsome one. 'Any catch your eyes, Eris?~', she purred in her thoughts as her eyes cornered at the shadow. She responded with a point of her finger towards a specific young woman and then questioned the other judges in which they did not argue.

It was true that their answers were questionable, but this was in fact all about the beauty of their fashion and how they use their beautiful feats. with the designs of clothing. She grabbed onto the reward as the music started to play. She walked towards the stairs to get onto the stage, "The judges have all voted, it was difficult to pick as you are all beautiful, but we could only choose one.", she continued while walking and finally was in front of them. Her eyes of the abyss looked at them all and finally walked up to Charlotte with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a basket of jewels with random goodies, "Charlotte has won the beauty contest,~", Karisa said loudly with a bright smile. This was hard since everyone was indeed all beautiful and pretty, but...

Only one could be picked.


Beauty Pageant [ESG] Sigme10

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