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Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed)

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Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:06 pm


What's Eaten

Peaceful squalor's gotten a bit boring for Vice. Filling up sickening time with endless quests that wait on Vice has never been thought-provoking. Seeking some trouble, Vice has sent out written challenges to the Oak sitters. Challenging the momentum of the bounty people, Vice feels like they usually respond to that. The best way to get to know someone is by threatening them! Someone might like Vice's foolishness, he thinks? The Blue Pegasus mage had only arrived recently to Oak anyway. There's no personal interests Vice has in the area, and he's just looking to encounter some roughhousing. Basic travel clothes can be found on this silly mage; just a loose-fitting and dark grey magey garment to cover armor. All of his equipment's fancily present, but Vice doesn't like to flaunt any appeals.

Some other Blue Pegasus mages might like to dress for different fancy occasions. With his armor covering as much as the purchase can, Vice just wants reasonable accommodations with adventures. Resting in one place or having a sunny mindset just makes Vice antsy. Having his trusty pet Eru tucked away behind his head's hoodie, it follows bound to Vice's movement, and looks around outside Vice's peripherals in curiosity. Black blob of sacrificial friendliness, what a great sometimes flying poo. Grasping his utterly light staff in the left hand, Vice simply looks to divine his way toward new horizons.

Magnolia didn't turn out as interesting as Vice as hoped, but he figures a historic area like Oak can bring more spark. Meeting new people of the illegal variety is just another busy day for Vice. Who can be more fun then those that seek lawlessness? The middle daytime right now isn't dark and dreary, to match Vice's mindset. Light clouds roam the skies, but the sunlight dominates fully for the entire day. Not too blindingly bright out, the surrounding flat farmlands are endlessly vacant without any cover, but in Vice's full focus. Vice prefers the empty sense of discovery and change nature can bring. Weak building blocks and non-mage cities are dull. The only places Vice might want to visit out of nature now are guild halls.

Waiting back on his written challenges that he forgot the various wordings of, Vice remains patient. Continually swinging each of his limbs, Vice maintains his casting peak and balance. Having kept swinging all together on his approach, Vice has kept his actor's setting in mind, and thinks about exercising on this farmland. There's nothing that would displease Vice more than to have to work the land, when he's able to use magic. Worse yet, Vice can have above-average stamina, but leg work is max difficult for all on the dry farmland. If Vice had to work an area constantly, he'd prefer it to be in the dark and in his element. All of the standard soil is soft, but easy to step in one place, as Vice is. Wandering his eyes consistently on the full journey and still here, Vice just doesn't vibe with the soft hearts that upkeep the land. Any fruit pulled up can't taste as good as the so-called Master of Void's learning of magic. Looking to make like-minded friends with the lower of society, Vice hopes he doesn't get another one of those nothing personal kids. Keeping up the living memory of the castle town's fighting history, Vice just figures those on the run should relax first.

Vice Gamebell
Post end, 560 words or so.


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:22 am


Erebus often found himself laying around, lounging and doing much of what you could only guess was laziness. With his bounty rating exceeding all others in country, you'd think he would have a harder life or something, in reality the opposite effect had taken place. Fear... Rumors that started and festered after time grow and change, and quite frankly Erebus found it amusing. He was nothing but your average rogue granted he was physically more powerful than most of his socio-economic class. For that reason, he could be titled a Champion of these bottom-feeders. Rogues, after all, were never really as history defining as Warriors, and without the magic of the Mages, were clearly the weakest of Fiore's society adventurer wise.

That was until Erebus began hitting licks across the country. His first endeavor to garner renown was the Lich expedition in this very town, then he ventured toward the forest defeating the River Ram Vivi, after her came the Dragon Slayer Steel; Thor's Hammer proving that without sight, was still just a bulky weapon. Erebus was faster than even God's lightning. This episode garnered his next feat of enduring achievement in the heist where he would steal from the King's Castle... Skyrocketing his mundane reputation into that of modern folklore, it blew the country's attention way beyond anything he had offered the world thus far in his story.

As per keeping up to his own traditions, he fought Ko Lesalt, arguably the most magic compelling opponent he'd seen thus far and another Dragon Slayer like Steel. Again-- he rose to the challenge and prevailed. Finally, Erebus had just recently fought Ezekiel to which brought him here today. In search of any foe, tall or short, fat or slim. Erebus stumbled upon Vice's own challenge for some master to mastery. One that intrigued the dismal, and yet sultry, positioner of warfare.

Since Erebus was so wanted by the Kingdom, he was safe in this area Guarded by his friends, with challengers coming into the land Erebus had a larger and more successful chance of not going to prison while also engaging in some friendly pitter-patter.  Across his body he wore only a few items, as again, his reputation was louder than his true abilities. Yes, as if to prove you can't trust a bounty board Erebus walked toward the farmlands behind his tavern holding his single knife. The Phantom Dancer. His armor? A remarkable creation, but nothing outside the unique rarity he was known to carry around. The Great Stealth Cloak. Erebus learned early in his career as a thief, to run about barely visible and as silent as a mouse made fighting off or even blocking physical attacks a challenge in it's own right.

And now with the sun going down to reveal a purple hue sky, there was even less visibility to see sly vandal such as he. Through the dark once he approached twenty meters of Vice's location, and assuming since Vice was slashing his staff in the opposing direction. Erebus quickly noticed he probably had yet to notice an opponent here to accept his calling. Erebus would assume his fighting stance, his dagger tightly gripped in the right hand, while the left was open and adjusted to grab or swipe defensively, so that his right hand could more accurately be focused on pierce and striking techniques. His left leg was positioned a little bit ahead of his right, granting him the ability to lean and rock with the friction pushed against him. Faster than the drop of the hat, all directions could be initiated for dodge & recovery and Erebus would no sooner make this known; until after his enemy started the rumble officially. Erebus held his knife in a way that even at this distance the razor tipped edge was precisely pointed in Vice's direction.

He offered words of salutation before a true fight could undergo. "Yo. The name's Erebus, you wanna fight?" Erebus allowed his lips to part with a twisted glimmer into his excitement, of course he didn't know if Vice could see the details of his face that well. Even if he couldn't, Erebus wasn't one to dawdle for too long. "I'll give you the first move, I'm trying to get better with my weapon." While Erebus spoke he watched for the slightest movements, and whether seals would manifest. He knw he could outrun spells with his dagger, but timing was key and his launch would normally determine whether he had to eat spells or overturn them.

STR || 151(101) S
SPE || 153(103) S
CON || 121 S
END || 161(121) S


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:53 pm


What's Eaten

Lacking patience does get the best of Vice sometimes. Typical berserkers are still more blind than Vice. The tolerance the bounty hunter has is strong enough where he's able to continue being eager for his potential guests. Still wandering his eyes, and looking around his surroundings, Vice promptly noticed a newcomer's entrance. Winding it's head around to cover Vice's blindsides, the Eru also noticed Erebus promptly while continuing it's task, and safely signaled Vice the best ways the cute ball entirely can. Having a pet in his hoodie isn't Vice's idea of a fashion statement, but a deterrence for those that always seem to start approaches from the back. False rogues don't seem to change their method of operation. Habitual games with life aren't Vice's idea of a swell time. What happens when there's a sensory spell? The initiative doesn't need to be so obsessed over!

Valuing his initiative, Erebus wanted to wait around for daytime to end, and without Vice or his companion giving him reason to stop the start of what Vice considers the Night's Watch. Erebus wanted to approach to 20 meters of Vice, but Erebus first wandered in some capacity farther away on the endless farmland in sight. Without taking a stance, Erebus first had no dagger pointing toward Vice's direction, until the stance was taken. Noticing Erebus, and how it's still the middle of the bright afternoon, the bounty hunter progresses toward dealing with the rogue. An encounter on Vice's personal safety doesn't require initial words of greeting from Vice. Falsities and respect only come when the matters come to an end. The end is better than the beginning, to Vice.

With what should be unbeknownst to Erebus, Vice tries continuing fast swinging motions with every limb. Spell circles can start to appear, but they should be out of Erebus's path and sight. Overlaying the circles with more circles, Vice has already started his buffing swinging party. The ending momentum of prior uninterrupted swings brings a successive cycle of attempted spells. If spells can be cast with each other, Vice gladly does so, pushing toward so with a single motion. Continued swings are only for Vice's needed motions. 3x Roll Void, 1x Fleet's flying, and 1x One Millie are the spells Vice casts first. As per tradition, Vice casts One Millies only with the staff that moved with his left arm.

Any casted spells don't interfere with each other, and these initial spells are only a foundation from the prior allowed ending motions. 2x more Roll Void, 3x more One Millie, Pump Void 1x, Fright Void 3x, Fright 3x and all the stated spells Vice gives his try to cast. Uses of One Millie appear on the different limbs of Vice, and don't prematurely activate, as they're only used for the first strikes to the body of Erebus. Not concentrating the spells on one area gives Vice the flexibility to move his body towards Erebus's in a way that unceasingly presents an offense.

Already on a direct path toward Erebus from the initial spot, Vice unceasingly moves with simple but efficient authority. The enemy rogue is only far enough where Vice can cast all spells successfully, and approach with superiority to adjust placement. It can even be shorter than 20 meters, depending on Erebus's approach to the 20 meters, and how quickly Vice perhaps gained the absolute advantage before contact. Casting speed over distance is too subjective.

Flying toward the rogue brings Vice to move in a manner that tries to contradict the tactical twists of Erebus's body, and avoid any dagger pointing. Positioning is maximized to try to prevent Erebus from being in an ideal posture to encounter the blows of Vice. While on his approach, Vice ensures he keeps only a close hovering distance to Erebus, for safety and to make sure Vice can cast his spells if still not manifested.

The weather is simply windy, with Vice matching a purple happiness, his flight off the ground should be most undetected by Erebus. Keeping up his flight, Vice capitalizes it's speed on every subsequent movement. With the offensive spells ideally completed, Vice circles around Erebus to avoid negative blows, and flies past Erebus to give Vice's own strikes. Not having his strikes interfere with each other's full positive effect, Vice also tries to prevent his own casualty from any source of damage.

Ensuring his faster and more mobile shifts around Erebus, Vice seeks to wear down Erebus. An initial blow might strike Erebus's armor, but Vice's focus is each of the 4 side limbs of Erebus, which are continually and alternatively struck if they present themselves to Vice. Prioritizing the body part with Erebus's knife first, Vice seeks to knock it away from Erebus, but other strikes continue. Looking to cause all the most vital consequences in quick succession, Vice's blows can reverberate to the whole limbs of Erebus. Damage doesn't need to accumulate, as Vice only stops to make sure Erebus's consciousness doesn't expire, and to have Erebus's limbs first expire. Without healing, the damage will progress to a worse and permanent full crippling of the limbs. On the contrary to what might be thought, Vice has no intention of using his staff for anything but a desperate casting stick.

Vice quickly noticed Erebus probably had yet to notice an opponent here to accept his calling, before the attacks. Facing an encircling route of his own creation, Erebus will take a long enough while to see Vice, it seemed. Rushing his present actions, Vice wants to deal with the opponent as soon as presented. Seeking efficacy, Vice doesn't regret his choices in growth, like Erebus might. Without real pursuers, there's no value in fame abroad to other countries. All the ballooned bounty, shared by companions, perhaps it's to be taken by Vice.

"Hey I'm Vice, I'm just looking to win." Trying to talk as casually as he could, there's more important matters at hand. Here's Vice, looking to fight, but he doesn't have any back-up. It's a natural expectation that the lawless bounties would bring their friends to lie in wait. "The main thing you came here for is to beat me! I want to beat you. Then, we can be friends, and I won't get in legal trouble for being your friend. Alright, or monetary trouble." A reliance on dark settings, is that the only way Steel lost? Fight banter isn't in Vice's repertoire for now. Focused on the now, Vice doesn't mind a sullied outcome. The villain should just be rescued from his deserved resting place in jail. Erebus's secluded and real mastery of a weapon is best focused on without hiding away.

Vice Gamebell
2120-1002 each post with offense+sustains=1118 Mana
Standard Spells=+20% Supplementary, -40% Intelligence
Berserker double self-buffs.
Bs and A, below.
Cs and B, below.
Roll Void*5=+200 Speed, -300 mana, -120 if only using 2 2nd post.
Fleet (Flight)=-72 mana.
One Millie*4=-480
Pump Void*1 varies to prevent KO=+40 Strength, -60 mana.
Fright Void*3=+120 Endurance, -180 mana. Maybe abandoned 2nd post no DMG.
Fright*3=+60 Constitution, -90 mana. Maybe abandoned 2nd post no DMG.

61 Strength (1+20+40)
252 Speed (32+20+200)
61 Constitution (+60)
121 Endurance (+120)
185 Intelligence (101+60+24)

Enhancements: Spell Overheat, 4 CD reduction.
Earrings: +60 Intelligence-Jind Earrings
Body: +20 Strength and Speed-Reinforced Leather Cuirass
Weapon: +1 CD Reduction. +24 Strength, Intelligence-Oblivion Staff
Necklace: +1 CD Reduction-Hesiod Amulet
Ring: +1 CD Reduction-Tempo Ring
Companion: +1 CD Reduction-Eru


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:02 pm



Erebus took instant action to the reactions displayed and soared off at his opposition. Whereas his cloaks spell activated simultaneously, and if they couldn't the cloak would be be near instantly into effect after Erebus lands at vice's location. Erebus would arrive on Vice mid-spell at the start, and first, buff cast. Erebus swung his dagger in a flurry of slash and puncture movements to do stacking A-rank physical damage on Vice's armor and body, and damage on the staff if he blocked with it. That was to ay, if the mage didn't run-- then again Erebus would simply follow at double his speed. Using his free hand to attempt grabbing Vice's staff, the Invisible and Unavoidable Rogue got straight to his actions. If Erebus were successful in his attempt, his S-rank strength would snap the staff between his balled fist and thumb once he got it. A-rank assuming he grabbed it, and A-rank assuming he yanks and smashes it snapping it in half at his end fluidly, without delay. This action, assuming everything was correctly conceived and placed. Was going to cause a static pop of CD reduction to re-enter Vice's body.

After Erebus broke his opponent's wand, he was going to break it's master. If Vice would try and swipe it at Erebus or react violently to Erebus and his struggle to break the pesky stick. He would collide his dagger for damage, and baton any further movements away, whilst keeping point blank radius between them. Erebus would continue to attack and pummel damage against Vice if left at close range. Meanwhile, being invisible, Erebus was unpredictable in his attack motions. Most, would surely collide.


-400 MANA

1250/1450 MANA


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:28 am


What's Eaten


What do people like about trying to fight like this? Unfairly targeting only unprepared people, non-sensing people, and non-trapped places can't be all that lively. Vice can personally attest the originality is lacking. A real sense of disbelief needs to be invoked. The 3x Roll Void, 1x Fleet's flying, and 1x One Millie are the spells Vice casted first. Fully completing all his prior attempted actions he could, Vice has the flight speed to avoid Erebus's static and unbending run of a pursuit. An element of surprise is absent, so Vice avoids the blows of Erebus as scheduled. Moving around Erebus, Vice didn't allow the target to use his dagger's running efficiently. Only at worst will Vice have speed that only matches Erebus, rather than exceeding. While Erebus might want to damage Vice's armor or staff superficially, Vice just takes that time to perform actual vital hits if needed. Flight gives the priority to Vice's movement.

Striking all the undefended limbs of Erebus, after enough times Vice brings the rogue to be crippled. No more movement from the limbs of Erebus, until healed by a spell. Any prior tomfoolery negated by the damage's effect on Erebus's body. The dagger of Erebus was also disposed of on first chance, by striking the limb that held the dagger, and forcing the severe consequence. Erebus's limbs won't have permanent damage yet, as Vice likes the theme of this encounter. Even though Erebus didn't talk back to Vice enough, it still seemed like an engaging experience. Keeping contact after the strikes, Vice begins swinging his own limbs again, and keeps up his full speed ahead style. Safety is always first for Vice's moves. Replenishing his mana by sucking Erebus's mana dry can still be considered fighting Erebus.

Relentlessly casting his available mana drain, the staff can obviously swing with it's attached limb too, and Vice looks to finalize putting Erebus unconscious. There's no clash between the spells of Vice, and he just replenishes himself from the undefended limbs of Erebus. It might be a good idea to scream for help, or take the horror in stride. Keeping up his full vigilances, Vice just wants the opposition to respect it's status. Trying to safely swing in the right hand a grasped Erebus like a doll, Vice continues a desired mana drain, and exits the area to also turn in the bounty. If Erebus escapes jail, maybe someone else can claim that bounty again.

Vice Gamebell
Vice tries to exit. 2120-1182 last post with offense+sustains=938 Mana, correcting first post. Last post should give +800 mana, and what Vice might get this post depends. Vice's staff shouldn't break. He just upkeeps and discontinues prior spells to save mana.
Standard Spells=+20% Supplementary, -40% Intelligence
Berserker double self-buffs.
Bs and A, below.
Cs and B, below.
Roll Void*3=+120 Speed, -180 mana, if Erebus is done.
Fleet (Flight)=-72 mana.
One Millie/drain*depends
Pump Void*1 varies to prevent KO before=+40 Strength, -60 mana.
Fright Void*3=+120 Endurance, -180 mana. Maybe abandoned 2nd post no DMG.
Fright*3=+60 Constitution, -90 mana. Maybe abandoned 2nd post no DMG.

61 Strength (1+20+40)
172 Speed (32+20+120)
61 Constitution (+60)
121 Endurance (+120)
185 Intelligence (101+60+24)

Enhancements: Spell Overheat, 4 CD reduction.
Earrings: +60 Intelligence-Jind Earrings
Body: +20 Strength and Speed-Reinforced Leather Cuirass
Weapon: +1 CD Reduction. +24 Strength, Intelligence-Oblivion Staff
Necklace: +1 CD Reduction-Hesiod Amulet
Ring: +1 CD Reduction-Tempo Ring
Companion: +1 CD Reduction-Eru


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:59 am


pause for battle mod.


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:12 pm


This topic has been paused until a verdict is reached


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:44 pm



When players enter a thread they are allowed to choose at what time they enter at will. That means yes, while you can start out a topic and it starts out as day; another player may join at night. Just by proposing a timeline (ie the middle of the day) does not mean your opponent will accept. How would one counter this play? As the person with initiative (the starting in this case) you could have done two things which spring to mind; option one being you call the other player out for confirming you at a position in a timeline which there's no validity of you being there(thus invalidating their post) and then leave the topic since nobody came during the day. Option two you discuss this out of character and come to an agreement about the time, assuming both players come to an agreement you could also agree to editing your posts to reflect this.

In this context Vice says hes there at a certain time, and Erebus then tries to confirm seeing him still at that position many hours later while its never explicitly hinted that Vice was staying there all night (thus calling into question the validity of the vague manipulation).

From this:

Having kept swinging all together on his approach, Vice has kept his actor's setting in mind, and thinks about exercising on this farmland.

Erebus attempts to vague manipulate Vice in staying there all night so that his entrance is more comfortable towards his arsenal (that being the darkness of night).

Erebus' post: Through the dark once he approached twenty meters of Vice's location

Vice's post: Valuing his initiative, Erebus wanted to wait around for daytime to end, and without Vice or his companion giving him reason to stop the start of what Vice considers the Night's Watch.

Erebus describes it being dark as he approached starting at twenty meters away from Vice. This is a possible situation, as this farmland is so vast and flat it could have taken a long time for Erebus to finally approach Vice within a twenty meter distance. Which is what Vice is trying to vague manipulate Erebus into.

Bunnying: A term used in roleplaying, bunnying is taking control of characters other than your own in order to make the storyline go the way you want it to. Closely related to god-modding.

At what distance could Vice spot Erebus at, given Erebus joins the topic during the start of night?

Why is this a question? Let me preface this by saying that we all know that you cannot control the movements of a character. You may however confirm actions they've established in their own posts with actions you are performing. You are correct Vice in assuming you could have seen Erebus approach (as this land is flat); you may not however unreasonably infer this abuse. Stating that a person is standing still for a long duration of time, or moving them in certain directions is not allowed if it goes beyond reasonable terms. So to answer as to why this is a question: it's because it determines the reaction speed of the first round.  

Erebus OOC: I expedition from my tavern to go find you. You never specify any environmental information so therefore, I just came from behind for a friendly invitation.

In Vice's first post: the surrounding flat farmlands are endlessly vacant without any cover
In Erebus' post: Yes, as if to prove you can't trust a bounty board Erebus walked toward the farmlands behind his tavern

This is correct, but the tavern would have to be beyond sight of Vices position. Given the curvature of this world that could be miles.

Vice's OOC: My Eru sees you, signals me, and I'm also looking around in my first post.

Vice's post: Still wandering his eyes, and looking around his surroundings, Vice promptly noticed a newcomer's entrance. Winding it's head around to cover Vice's blindsides, the Eru also noticed Erebus promptly while continuing it's task, and safely signaled Vice the best ways the cute ball entirely can.

This bit is incorrect as you and someone who covers your blindsides can't notice a newcomer at the same time. It is somewhat implied that Vice sees Erebus first, then Eru does and signals to Vice. Regardless, its a flat area of land - even in the night Vice would have seen Erebus silhouette over the area. Considerably more so with his explicit and repeated mentions of him looking around. If we take the tangent into account where its night and it'd be hard to see; remember that if it was too hard for Erebus to see Vice, he wouldn't have been able to wander towards him in the first place.

Erebus enters the twenty meter range within Vice at the start of night. Vice will have seen Erebus coming in closer due to the flatness and the wideness of the area leaving him with ample time to setup a plan and prepare buffing spells. Due to Vice having ample of room to prepare, his buff spells have been successfully cast.

Vice then appears to be moving towards Erebus. It is undetermined at what speed this is.

Erebus in his previous post mentions him watching for the slightest of movement and whether seals would manifest. Given that his reaction in his following post is tied to this point of time, his response was timed to him starting his dialogue.

So this boils down to you both move towards each other at the same time. Vice indicates he moves in a way which would make it hard for Erebus to stab him. Alas Vice cannot accurately see Erebus at this time as his cloak is active, combined with the start of night it'd have to be too difficult for Vice to move in an evasive manner from a force that moves at a great speed. However he does hover over Erebus


Is made irrelevant as Vice would have to get close enough for Erebus to be able to strike him, given the unusual high speed - as well as it being the start of night, and Erebus being half visible due to his spell tracking him is certainly an option, but not as accurately and precisely as depicted by Vice. Due to this perpetual motion around Erebus, and Erebus just blindly slashing with his dagger. With this high speed taking into mind, Vice could not accurately strike at Erebus. Due to the low rank of the flying speed, mastery over its movement cannot be assumed.

As both targets are moving towards one another at high speeds, Vice appears to levitate above the ground as he sets off - but he soon would have to stop hovering as high off the ground in order to effectively land strikes upon Erebus. During this exchange Erebus slashes towards Vice and attempts to break his staff by using his off hand to grab it. In response Vice attempts to 'strike' him, at this time it is not clear how (kicks, punches) - aimed at the hand of his dagger. It is reasonable to assume it is punches due to the movement being so keen on avoiding returning fire. Due to the high speed of both opponents, the half-invisible Erebus and the start of night Vice aims for Erebus' hand that held the dagger, due to it being in a slashing motion as point of contact was made, Vices fist connects with the dagger.

Hit Breakdown

> Equipment receive one rank lower in damage from physical attacks.

1x A damage is applied onto Vices Reinforced Leather Cuirass, leaving it with 1xA durability
1x S 1x B damage is applied onto Erebus' dagger by Vices fist, leaving it with 1xA 1xB durability

During this exchange, Erebus with his off hand grabs Vices staff and applies A rank damage to the staff. He notices it requires twice as much force than he initially anticipated, causing him to fumble and miss his next attack.

1x S damage is applied to Vice's staff and it breaks
1x S 1x A damage is applied onto Erebus' armor by Vices other fist, it breaks at 1x S rank and A rank damage is applied to his torso. Leaving his torso with 1x S 1x A in durability before it becomes hindered. His total health drops to 2x S 1x A

The inertia that is involved for Vice to turn his entire body around to kick instead of punch is great enough where Erebus can land two hits in the time it takes Vice to turn his body and start kicking instead of previously punching. If we consider that Vice is roughly a meter out of Erebus' range during the circular movement, it'd arguably take at least two circles around Erebus for him to have his body turned around in order to kick Erebus as the velocity, centripetal force & his rotation axis all comes into question. As both targets are moving at high speeds, for Vice to continue the motion of a circle around his target would mean that the circle had to be very tight. Arguably tight enough for lets say a rogue sticking out his dagger at any position of this circle to simply strike Vice for every bout he passes around his target.

1x A damage is applied to Vice's armor, and it breaks
1x S damage is applied to Vice's body, 1x S rank endurance remains on the torso, 2x S health remains in total

At this point in time, Vice would have had enough time to turn his entire body around to keep concentrating on Erebus' slashing arm. After a few rotations around him, the position from where he got hit from can now accurately be predicted.

1x S damage is applied to Vice's leg, 1x S rank endurance remains on the leg, 1x S health remains in total
1x S 1x A damage is applied to Erebus' arm(holding the dagger), this arm drops to 1x A durability, and his total health drops to 1x S

Both players are now capable of critically striking each other. Vice can use one of his legs, or alternatively punch him twice with A rank damage. Erebus has to hit Vice with his dagger once. According to Vices attack pattern, he would encircle Erebus one final time with the intention of kicking him with the leg that hasn't been hit yet or has already used the one millie enhancement. As Erebus has a weapon giving him a sleight range advantage versus his opponents lack of physical weapon, with it being the start of night and Erebus being half invisible it can be assumed that his attacks land before his opponents do, and that Vice despite getting hit in return still attempts to land his hits onto Erebus. A mark of a warrior, perhaps.

1x S damage is applied to Vice's other leg, 1x S rank endurance remains on this leg, his health drops and he is knocked out as Erebus lands his dagger before he could land his leg on his arm.

Hitting the ground, Vice crashes into the earth as his spells are no longer usable in his subconscious state. Heavily bleeding from all directions, both him and Erebus are in critical condition - but perhaps Vice moreso than Erebus. Whereas Erebus is severely battered, incapable of lets say, carry a body across this field to throw in the guild dungeon.


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:36 am

Most Biased Ever:
In the above Noel consults someone who's not made 30 posts RPing in years, and doesn't RP on this site. He lied and avoided when I asked if he learned bunnying from Brian. Noel spent 3 days writing a verdict post to twist things for Erebus. He asked me probing questions about invades, and talked to Erebus alone. If you Google Noel's definition of bunnying, you'll find it's off Urban Dictionary word for word, if he didn't just take it from Brian. The reason I knew it was Brian was because neither of them ever RP'd when bunnying was in rules, and I mentioned bunnying to Brian. Bunnying is actively manipulating characters, or autohitting. Sound familiar to vague manipulation, and "calling hits"? Noel's question isn't even right, as I'm not controlling Erebus. Erebus is already in the area, and he needs a pathway that I'm not diverting him from, but which he already had to be on.

This "RP tier list" is made by Brian, and includes Noel as below him, while Brian is the top. It personally insults my character. It makes it seem like Maar is subservient.

Discussion With Erebus and Noel:
Questions Noel Ignored:
Erebus Rambling PM:
My response to Erebus's PM is simple. If it's an invasion thread, only the invader can't attack first post, as you're the invader. Common sense, right, what if you invade someone's ongoing fight? The invasion rules are for attacks or spells too, not prepping, anyway. The paranoid part, yeah if you hadn't noticed off Noel talking to an off-site guy...Erebus's whole PM is almost talking about invasion for no reason. I have no problem with him entering.

It's only Erebus's second post where he does the generic react to anything thing. Halves aren't a thing, just like only levels matter in attributes. I never said the Eru attacks in my post. When I see someone that keeps repeating this sort of thing, I know they're emotional, and just focused on OOC. You cannot force legit vague manipulation this way. You certainly can't do it after you've already posted. The situation where a battle mod connects hits for you is bias. I'm not dependent on the Eru to see Erebus, me looking to Erebus is not a hostile action. Erebus's character personality does not speed blitz people from looking at him.
Eru wrote:noticed Erebus promptly while continuing it's task, and safely signaled Vice the best ways the cute ball entirely can.
Erebus includes what I wrote to Steel on chat? Again, a sign he's emotionally lost and tunnel visioning. Flight cannot be changed mid-topic, when the battle mod's own spell does the same. There's no momentum argument that I recall. Erebus's spell moves in a predictable line.

Yes, Erebus wouldn't have heard of that weather and time rule. It comes from Para RP, where vague manipulation comes from. The term vague manipulation originated on a little Forumotion forum, to be abused, outside the majority of the RP community who doesn't do it. That's why it's a little "secret sauce" abused against people that don't know about it, like how Noel erratically calls hits. The rule is a courtesy, but also common sense. If you try shifting the day in a group fight thread, it looks unrealistic, and breaks flows even if it's allowed.

On the contrary to what might be thought, Vice has no intention of using his staff for anything but a desperate casting stick.
Erebus does ignore me, per what he posted. You don't have flexibility with a 2 hour post. Erebus reacts to staff attacks, or a similar wording. The reason Erebus did that is because him, Steel, Zeke, or whoever...thought I gave 2 shits about using a fragile staff for attacks. As Erebus is emotional, he kept it in mind, so he kept focusing on my staff. It's easily evident from how he mentioned my swinging even on the first post. It's a hush hush misguided ridicule of staffs for some reason.

I'm...not on the Bounty Board. Erebus deemed me "unfair" lol...

Noel Raion wrote:

When players enter a thread they are allowed to choose at what time they enter at will. That means yes, while you can start out a topic and it starts out as day; another player may join at night. Just by proposing a timeline (ie the middle of the day) does not mean your opponent will accept. How would one counter this play? As the person with initiative (the starting in this case) you could have done two things which spring to mind; option one being you call the other player out for confirming you at a position in a timeline which there's no validity of you being there(thus invalidating their post) and then leave the topic since nobody came during the day. Option two you discuss this out of character and come to an agreement about the time, assuming both players come to an agreement you could also agree to editing your posts to reflect this.

Yes, people can choose the time they enter. Erebus didn't choose the time he entered, he tried to vague manipulate the time, and only mentioned a purple sky before he spawns 20 meters away at a dark spot. Vice is looking around with his Eru, Erebus cannot spawn 20 meters away out of nowhere.

In this context Vice says hes there at a certain time, and Erebus then tries to confirm seeing him still at that position many hours later while its never explicitly hinted that Vice was staying there all night (thus calling into question the validity of the vague manipulation).

From this:

Having kept swinging all together on his approach, Vice has kept his actor's setting in mind, and thinks about exercising on this farmland.

Erebus attempts to vague manipulate Vice in staying there all night so that his entrance is more comfortable towards his arsenal (that being the darkness of night).

Erebus' post: Through the dark once he approached twenty meters of Vice's location

Vice's post: Valuing his initiative, Erebus wanted to wait around for daytime to end, and without Vice or his companion giving him reason to stop the start of what Vice considers the Night's Watch.

Erebus describes it being dark as he approached starting at twenty meters away from Vice. This is a possible situation, as this farmland is so vast and flat it could have taken a long time for Erebus to finally approach Vice within a twenty meter distance. Which is what Vice is trying to vague manipulate Erebus into.

Bunnying: A term used in roleplaying, bunnying is taking control of characters other than your own in order to make the storyline go the way you want it to. Closely related to god-modding.

No, I'm not controlling Erebus. He has no pathway on an open plains. Just like Noel has directly controlled people to lose with vague manipulating, all I did was fill in Erebus's pathway. Erebus was not stuck there, he just didn't need to make a lazy 2 hour post.

At what distance could Vice spot Erebus at, given Erebus joins the topic during the start of night?

Why is this a question? Let me preface this by saying that we all know that you cannot control the movements of a character. You may however confirm actions they've established in their own posts with actions you are performing. You are correct Vice in assuming you could have seen Erebus approach (as this land is flat); you may not however unreasonably infer this abuse. Stating that a person is standing still for a long duration of time, or moving them in certain directions is not allowed if it goes beyond reasonable terms. So to answer as to why this is a question: it's because it determines the reaction speed of the first round.

Noel's assessment of unreasonableness is what he gets approved for fighting. Vague -manipulation- isn't a subjective thing where something is reasonable and then isn't. That's just bias, where one person can use something fully, and others can't. You cannot make someone stop breathing or other silliness with vague manipulation, like Noel actually suggested could happen if he wasn't around to stop that "extremeness". If a person's post logically progresses, they don't drop dead in the middle of it by ceasing breathing, because breathing isn't in their post. Noel has gotten suffocating approved on other sites I guess, and it shows how he views vague manipulation to this day.

Erebus OOC: I expedition from my tavern to go find you. You never specify any environmental information so therefore, I just came from behind for a friendly invitation.

Why is Noel quoting OOC?

In Vice's first post: the surrounding flat farmlands are endlessly vacant without any cover
In Erebus' post: Yes, as if to prove you can't trust a bounty board Erebus walked toward the farmlands behind his tavern

This is correct, but the tavern would have to be beyond sight of Vices position. Given the curvature of this world that could be miles.

Vice's OOC: My Eru sees you, signals me, and I'm also looking around in my first post.

Vice's post: Still wandering his eyes, and looking around his surroundings, Vice promptly noticed a newcomer's entrance. Winding it's head around to cover Vice's blindsides, the Eru also noticed Erebus promptly while continuing it's task, and safely signaled Vice the best ways the cute ball entirely can.

This bit is incorrect as you and someone who covers your blindsides can't notice a newcomer at the same time. It is somewhat implied that Vice sees Erebus first, then Eru does and signals to Vice. Regardless, its a flat area of land - even in the night Vice would have seen Erebus silhouette over the area. Considerably more so with his explicit and repeated mentions of him looking around. If we take the tangent into account where its night and it'd be hard to see; remember that if it was too hard for Erebus to see Vice, he wouldn't have been able to wander towards him in the first place.

Did Noel just insinuate solely off the word "also", that I simultaneously saw something with my pet? It's basic language like this where you can see someone's biased.

Erebus enters the twenty meter range within Vice at the start of night. Vice will have seen Erebus coming in closer due to the flatness and the wideness of the area leaving him with ample time to setup a plan and prepare buffing spells. Due to Vice having ample of room to prepare, his buff spells have been successfully cast.

Vice sees Erebus before 20 meters, and interrupts Erebus.

Vice then appears to be moving towards Erebus. It is undetermined at what speed this is.

Here's Noel insinuating that speed attribute isn't moving at full speed. That's okay, I explicitly say in my post I'm moving promptly and most efficiently, with similar wordings.

Erebus in his previous post mentions him watching for the slightest of movement and whether seals would manifest. Given that his reaction in his following post is tied to this point of time, his response was timed to him starting his dialogue.

Erebus wrote:While Erebus spoke he watched for the slightest movements, and whether seals would manifest.

Here you can see Noel ignores that Erebus watching for movements is dependent on him speaking, which he doesn't.

So this boils down to you both move towards each other at the same time. Vice indicates he moves in a way which would make it hard for Erebus to stab him. Alas Vice cannot accurately see Erebus at this time as his cloak is active, combined with the start of night it'd have to be too difficult for Vice to move in an evasive manner from a force that moves at a great speed. However he does hover over Erebus

Erebus's spell cannot move sharply, and his pathway is obvious. The farmland is not invisible, Erebus steps on difficult ground and soft ground I described, leaving tracks. Noel said all my buffs went through. My speed is 252 versus Erebus's 153. I'm flying, Erebus isn't. I'm presuming Noel is having an English problem here, and doesn't know I'm not hovering about someone's head.
Vice wrote:but leg work is max difficult for all on the dry farmland. If Vice had to work an area constantly, he'd prefer it to be in the dark and in his element. All of the standard soil is soft, but easy to step in one place, as Vice is.


Is made irrelevant as Vice would have to get close enough for Erebus to be able to strike him, given the unusual high speed - as well as it being the start of night, and Erebus being half visible due to his spell tracking him is certainly an option, but not as accurately and precisely as depicted by Vice. Due to this perpetual motion around Erebus, and Erebus just blindly slashing with his dagger. With this high speed taking into mind, Vice could not accurately strike at Erebus. Due to the low rank of the flying speed, mastery over its movement cannot be assumed.

Why would I need to be close enough for Erebus to strike me? The invisibility is irrelevant anyway, it's mid-day, as Erebus's pathway entering this area doesn't take place during a time. He arrives at night, I interrupt Erebus before then. Interrupting someone entering an area isn't "controlling their character".

As both targets are moving towards one another at high speeds, Vice appears to levitate above the ground as he sets off - but he soon would have to stop hovering as high off the ground in order to effectively land strikes upon Erebus. During this exchange Erebus slashes towards Vice and attempts to break his staff by using his off hand to grab it. In response Vice attempts to 'strike' him, at this time it is not clear how (kicks, punches) - aimed at the hand of his dagger. It is reasonable to assume it is punches due to the movement being so keen on avoiding returning fire. Due to the high speed of both opponents, the half-invisible Erebus and the start of night Vice aims for Erebus' hand that held the dagger, due to it being in a slashing motion as point of contact was made, Vices fist connects with the dagger.

Why would I need to not hover? Noel has this power fantasy where he wants all fights to be robotic brawls, and like a UFC cage fight. He thinks everything is trades, when I'm faster than Erebus, and winding around the guy. Why would Erebus have the first strike? Yes, my strikes aren't clear. They don't need to be clear. You don't choose for Erebus what my strikes are, just because he didn't include them at all. Why am I aiming for Erebus's hand? Buckle in folks, the full bunnying ride of Noel's battlemodding has arrived. It's weird too, Noel's calculation below says my armor, when he said staff above.

Hit Breakdown

> Equipment receive one rank lower in damage from physical attacks.

1x A damage is applied onto Vices Reinforced Leather Cuirass, leaving it with 1xA durability
1x S 1x B damage is applied onto Erebus' dagger by Vices fist, leaving it with 1xA 1xB durability

During this exchange, Erebus with his off hand grabs Vices staff and applies A rank damage to the staff. He notices it requires twice as much force than he initially anticipated, causing him to fumble and miss his next attack.

So Erebus got 2 attacks, when I'm faster. That's really interesting, Noel.

1x S damage is applied to Vice's staff and it breaks
1x S 1x A damage is applied onto Erebus' armor by Vices other fist, it breaks at 1x S rank and A rank damage is applied to his torso. Leaving his torso with 1x S 1x A in durability before it becomes hindered. His total health drops to 2x S 1x A

Hey look, I broke Erebus's armor in Noel's bunnyland. Doesn't that mean Erebus doesn't have invisibility anymore? Why does Noel's entire second half of his post below include Erebus having invisibility?

The inertia that is involved for Vice to turn his entire body around to kick instead of punch is great enough where Erebus can land two hits in the time it takes Vice to turn his body and start kicking instead of previously punching. If we consider that Vice is roughly a meter out of Erebus' range during the circular movement, it'd arguably take at least two circles around Erebus for him to have his body turned around in order to kick Erebus as the velocity, centripetal force & his rotation axis all comes into question. As both targets are moving at high speeds, for Vice to continue the motion of a circle around his target would mean that the circle had to be very tight. Arguably tight enough for lets say a rogue sticking out his dagger at any position of this circle to simply strike Vice for every bout he passes around his target.

Why am I kicking again, Noel? There are no kicks on any RP post. Are people's posts your game to bunny with when you battle mod? Look how Noel mentions velocity, centripetal force, and rotation axis. These are nice words, right? What relevance do they have, when I'm faster, and Erebus's spell doesn't allow sharp turns? Like I said, Noel wants a power fantasy of illogical UFC fights on an anime RP. You do not need to telegraph any of your strikes on a RP. You can poke someone, and on many sites, you deal full damage.

Vice wrote:Flying toward the rogue brings Vice to move in a manner that tries to contradict the tactical twists of Erebus's body, and avoid any dagger pointing. Positioning is maximized to try to prevent Erebus from being in an ideal posture to encounter the blows of Vice. While on his approach, Vice ensures he keeps only a close hovering distance to Erebus, for safety and to make sure Vice can cast his spells if still not manifested.

1x A damage is applied to Vice's armor, and it breaks
1x S damage is applied to Vice's body, 1x S rank endurance remains on the torso, 2x S health remains in total

At this point in time, Vice would have had enough time to turn his entire body around to keep concentrating on Erebus' slashing arm. After a few rotations around him, the position from where he got hit from can now accurately be predicted.

Uh he's not invisible. Why do you construe footwork, well flywork, as spinning around someone aimlessly? Do you think real, tactical fights consist of centrifugal force or some silliness? Punches and slashes are dodgeable, people in boxing do so constantly. Noel's made it so nobody dodges anything lmao.

1x S damage is applied to Vice's leg, 1x S rank endurance remains on the leg, 1x S health remains in total
1x S 1x A damage is applied to Erebus' arm(holding the dagger), this arm drops to 1x A durability, and his total health drops to 1x S

The arm holding the dagger then loses the dagger, like my post says Erebus does, as a vital strike. But not to Noel, nono, we keep mindlessly striking each other. All my blows were stated to be focusing on vital strikes to Erebus.

Both players are now capable of critically striking each other. Vice can use one of his legs, or alternatively punch him twice with A rank damage. Erebus has to hit Vice with his dagger once. According to Vices attack pattern, he would encircle Erebus one final time with the intention of kicking him with the leg that hasn't been hit yet or has already used the one millie enhancement. As Erebus has a weapon giving him a sleight range advantage versus his opponents lack of physical weapon, with it being the start of night and Erebus being half invisible it can be assumed that his attacks land before his opponents do, and that Vice despite getting hit in return still attempts to land his hits onto Erebus. A mark of a warrior, perhaps.

What attack pattern Noel? The one you've been bunnying in your play? I've used my One Millie offensive spell 4 times. And yeah again, notice the invisible thing when Erebus has no armor. Last line is Noel making an arrogant remark, I guess?

1x S damage is applied to Vice's other leg, 1x S rank endurance remains on this leg, his health drops and he is knocked out as Erebus lands his dagger before he could land his leg on his arm.

I like how Noel got too lazy at the end, to include equivalent and magically simultanenous strikes of me and Erebus.

Hitting the ground, Vice crashes into the earth as his spells are no longer usable in his subconscious state. Heavily bleeding from all directions, both him and Erebus are in critical condition - but perhaps Vice moreso than Erebus. Whereas Erebus is severely battered, incapable of lets say, carry a body across this field to throw in the guild dungeon.

Again, last remark, HMMMM Noel seems like a very fair and neutral battle mod.


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:03 am


Muzi has informed us his verdict isn't changing. Erebus is the victor


Erebus would launch forward, his dagger timed to pierce Vice's blows at the hand as Vice came to attack himself, which would cause the durability to tank off the hit of magical damage that would have went against the body, Erebus then used this interval to sidestep and adjust a stronger position of attacking; whilst his opponent either hovered or was being met by his much stronger speed. Erebus would pierce for damage repeatedly, but couldn't ignore all the A-rank attacks, merely rolling a slight few, not enough to actually stop him, down. The damage used on his weapon, allowed him to punish Vice every time he swing, with Erebus leaving the pointed tip through his hands.

Due note Phantom Dancer still had plenty of durability to actually keep fighting. In addition, Erebus was invisible at 75% in the dark, his blows to the chest were timed and had previously seemed random, only now were the results showing. His health was leagues higher, and he had the mastery to react slightly better with his given weapon than Vice would without. According to Erebus post, he fumbles slightly but ultimately will break the staff using his free-hand and taking A-rank punches (One Millie now in cooldown after it's first casting according to the broken item)

Vice did manage to hit for A-rank damage here and there, but Erebus merely kept his reactions to most of his opponent's attacks up, and returned fire with excruciating results. After Vice would lose his armor and weapon, Erebus would be dealing S-rank damage per blow, and in a race for damage he was a much stronger enemy. He was met by Vice's body on near all fronts with his dagger hurting and crippling the enemy. Instead guarding his with his off-hand, which was ignored up to this point.

Erebus proceeded in digging his knife into the legs and hindering them on his opponent. Preventing Vice from circling around and avoiding him further. Legs hindered means no sharp movements of speed.

Granted if he is flying, then this is just a ploy to break rules by Vice, and Erebus likely can still attack since Vice can't see him and Erebus can lunge.

In the end the Rogue had sustained quite a deal of damage, but ultimately not enough to warrant a loss. Vice's body hit the ground before Erebus even realized. "Damn. Well, oh well. I'll just leave him out here, he's got a long waaaay to go before he can take me on." Erebus laughed egotistically. Seeing the Eru move around in terror for breath in the Berserker's shirt, Erebus bent down, and in a moment of evil and obvious battle ecstasy, goes ahead and stabs Eru for never having left the Pegasus mage's shirt.

Defeating and ending this fight, he walked back to town in his own time. Lighting his cigarette.

-200 MANA

1050/1450 MANA


Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:22 am

5 things I called into question.

  • Casting motion, as per Jyu’s own words, spells need individual castings they cannot instantly stack. I write having went in at his first buff casting, a speed casting, which isn’t the endurance buffs he needs to survive pain tolerances. assuming he is still busy swinging then I should get hits in as far as to break his staff at minimum; before he applies his first One Millie Spell. It should have a 1 Post CD so no more S-rank damage on his limbs would come into effect until his CD is finished later.

    Mastery to Mastery (Green-Closed) WGMQO1A
    Noel said himself his ruling didn't take this into account, but it's there. Why would I be swinging in place, when I explicitly focus on casting speed spells first, to then avoid you until spells are completed? It only takes 4 spells to equal your speed, as I've said repeatedly. You and Noel have this perspective where you run at a person, they don't go anywhere, you keep punching them?

  • I have noted that if he can see me, I should be able to see him, and that time between me realizing I have found my target and his first seal going off will send me forward. Hitcall damage from Eru to Vice. I would assume at 1 END this is disorientating to C-rank pain tolerance in some way shape or form.

    No, Noel wrote that in his verdict, that we can both see each other. And because things can see you, you don't get to spawn right next to someone who interrupts your pathway to there. Noel specifically denied your hitcall, and you can't even claim it. Where the hell are you claiming in my writing that a pet attacks someone, when you're denying vague manipulating elsewhere? You're immediately sliding in the hypocrisy I talked about with you and Noel.

    Winding it's head around to cover Vice's blindsides, the Eru also noticed Erebus promptly while continuing it's task, and SAFELY SIGNALED Vice the THE BEST WAYS the cute ball entirely can.

  • Vice attempts to vaguely manipulate that I can’t get defensive until after dialogue, but disregards that a new window of response is going off, and denying me the ability to respond is another link to why I have called the battle mod in the first place. Since it’s a pattern of his godmod and denial to be wrong, I believe I should be able to claim the hitcalls as punishment for this foul play.

    You don't get a new window of response, when you already posted it last post! You don't get two posts to respond, lmaoooo what even is this?

  • Vice is using OOC knowledge of systems unrelated to our combat in general, he has stated this as backing towards being able to control my actions and allow his own preparation before I can get a turn 1 post. I do write a defensive preparation in some form my own first post, but this is to defend from what I see as his own actions, in the case his set-up worked. Not that I believed it should.

    I'm using OOC knowledge of systems, to RP, and you're saying that's bad. Are you out of your mind? You don't read the rules, and you want to be rewarded for it? You had your turn last post. Your defensive preparation is based off you talking in your first post, which you specifically said you didn't do.

  • Vice never did put my name in the closed brackets, so why couldn’t it be considered an invasion, and even further, why does he believe he can prep attacks and I can’t when the rule was made for 2 players in mind, not just the person being invaded, but too the invaders from players who act as-- well-- Temp.



I need to call into question flight spells moving people at max run speed, even though I don't believe it’s as relevant as other points, it nulls Lunging, the 4 seconds, and spell speeds of 20/ms. I believe these spells were discussed as being not-allowed, even though there are members with it, the spells ignore multiple respects to our combat system. Phantom Dancer being an exception to the rule and the main reason I use it myself, as it’s meant to help the rogue actually move faster than a dash to get away.

The battle mod himself in Noel has the same spell wording. Tomoe has the same sort of spell.

Noel's Spell wrote:The user manipulates gravitational forces around himself, in order to levitate and fly if desired. The user of this spell has to use his right fist to point at the direction he intends to fly towards. Lowering his fist after activation causes the user to levitate given that the height the user at is at supported by the spell rank. User flies the same speed as their running speed, and moves at lunging speed from the ground. At its current rank, this spell allows the user to be 10 meters off the ground.

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