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The City of Relaxation [Travel/Solo]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

The City of Relaxation [Travel/Solo] Empty Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:48 am

Lee Nakamura
Salem was sleeping soundly on the windowsill as the morning sunlight shown through. He sat in a small chair writing down some notes. Zalor had arrived upon his request through telepathic messaging. It was some small device that signaled people when they need something or along those lines. A small sigh escaped from his lips. Salem's ears twitched. A slow stretch proceeded with a stare. "What's wrong this time?" The cat seemed a little annoyed. Lee got up from his chair and proceeded to spruce up a bit. "Just a lot to do. I am going Hosenka City for business with a family. I, also, need to get more of the stuff...ya know" he mentioned.

He was running low on the stuff. What is body required due to his circumstances with his illness. Luckily, he was now able to hide it pretty well. He was strong enough to hold it back. Salem nodded. He leaped down. "My contact is in Hosenka City. He will not meet me anywhere else since he travels so much for me. So, we agreed on a middle ground. Plus, its a beautiful city" he added. He brushed his locks and adjusted his tie. He packed his things including the remaining amount of food. Rations were low for him and he had to hurry before he ran out. That was one thing he was always good about was rationing food. He watched what he ate and not for calorie reasons. If he did ate something, his body would disagree with it immedaitely. He would be in bed for at least a week with constant pain. It felt as bad a childbirth. Lee threw his pack over his shoulder and looked at Salem.

"As long as that bird doesn't go to fast, I don't have a problem."

That made Lee chuckle a bit. "That's the first." Lee opend the door to the hallway in the hotel. He got everything he needed to leave and fly to their destination. The magical ran elevator was broken, so Lee and Salem had to walk down several flights of stairs. At the front desk, a young receptionist ws bored and playing with her hair. Lee walked up whihc instantly gotten her attention. She blushed a little bit in the cheeks by how beautiful he was. It was the eyes. It was ALWAYS the eyes. He perfected the art of the seduction eyes. Guess it was some sort of Blue Pegasus perk or something.

"Checking out for Lee Nakamura" he spoke. His index finger gently shifted the cash towards her on the counter. She smiled with a little flutter in her eyes. Shyly, she took the money. The payment was process, but he could tell she was flustered with him staring at her. Salem huffed. Nothing new to him. The poor receptionist blushed handing him the cash back with the receipt. In his clutch, he taken it from her hands. A small bow of the head with a wink made the girl wave with a goofy smile. Salem was in tow.

"Don't you think that was a bit much? It's getting incredibly old, don't ya think? The cat's comment made him laugh. "Of course not, I have to hold up the Blue Pegasus reputation, don't I? He retorted back with a smile. Nowaday, he smiled more and was a lot more happier with his life. Things were going well. He had his family, a few friends, and Salem to count on. Zalor waited for them in the stables nearby. Gently, he took his mount by the reigns. The Gyphon was excited to fly with his master and companion again like the old days. Lee and Salem mounted onto the Gyphon. A small noise from Lee signaled the creature to start flying with his wings expanded. Salem held on for dear life wishing he was off already.

644/640 (20% off of word reduction due to mount)

The City of Relaxation [Travel/Solo] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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