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Pest Control (NQ - Erebus)

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Pest Control (NQ - Erebus) Empty Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:03 am



Erebus had already done this job and so it would seem he was to dive in again, the rogue would march towards his mission. A paper already gripped within his fingertips. As it would seem, a wealthy shop keeper sought a bit of help. Not one to turn away a hefty share himself, the green-haired thief made his second effort out here this time on his own. A wealthy land owner, pompous and ill-informed of his own business in the world, has an eye for collecting profit in Orchidia City, his eyes lay setting his sights on a derelict building site dwelling within the forested town. His reason being, he wanted to sell drugs from this place as a pharmacy. Not hard street drugs, Erebus vouched hope on, but prescriptions in general; as they could be abused all the same. In the end, the idea to see this building to it's construction is halted. Why? Because for the moment, certain creatures have taken residence there.

What's worse than other creatures? They were giant rodents, frenzied and just as psychotic as their smaller cousins. Though the smaller counterparts lack as much stench and disgusting qualities... They invaded this area through the pipes, which travel under the town, a massive sewage system spanning the entire zone. So the creatures no doubt will need to be hunted down, and who better than the Unavoidable, Erebus Gresham.

The rats have angered the humans in Orchida, reportedly attacking and mutilating a woman hiking through the area only a week ago. The movement by these vermin is no doubt strange, and a leader could emerge in the the tunnels below. So Erebus awaited his assigned "help" patiently, before he could get down to business officially, he simply sat at a bench near the spot he planned to enter the sewers and end the situation officially.

Erebus watched as another girl, different from Juni this time, approached his field of vision. Strangely, he kept getting these high risk jobs alongside female mages... Perhaps females made better mages naturally, if that were the case then he had to respect it. However, Erebus wasn't a mage at all, and hopefully she could accept that. Unlike his last mission, his hood was sold now for a little pocket change, the warmer temperatures out here qualified a reason to be less susceptible to hunters. But more than that, a special mask had appeared in the Black market. Bandicoot's Mask. Erebus wanted the helm, so he let his cowl go early.

Something he may learn to regret later, if his assistant was the only mage out here, she'd be the only one genuinely learning his face today, and she was just canon fodder regardless, it's not to say she'd ever remember him past tonight anyways.

"Alright if everything's in accordance, let's get this started. My quest is assigned to the warehouse, but my friend and I Juni, learned it's better to hit the nest in the sewer first. Then we can drive them up." Erebus chimed up, noting for his 'help' and also for his own thoughts at a later time. After all, this was an investigation as well as job. Standing and stretching his sides,the rogue walked. "Try to keep up, I'm a little quick on my feet ya see." The rogue stated short and firm, his statements and dialogue as always stung with the same unbothered pressure, but his calm demeanor and voice eased the words. Almost like the snake who seduced Eve and flung her from Eden, Erebus was a smooth talker, thankfully... He was at least morally Good in his heart, though-- he did have a knack for looking out for himself first and foremost, always.

"Sewer crawl time. Plug your nose," He said troubled, using both feet to barrow through the small ceiling-lining.

The Assistant didn't swap clothing out like Juni did, proving that his friend from last time was a little bit too specific. How she'd known to pack extra, beyond him. The man of course thought differently it seemed. With the rocky overhead down in the ditch, the narrow hole was short and off-putting, but waters streamed from it naturally, to get through, the two would be stepping through murky puddles and squatting to avoid the short ceiling, til they came out on the other side of course.

Erebus placed hands on the metal barring the entrance and ripped it from it's place propping it against the circular wall inside. When his help was near, he started inside first, leading casually as the higher ranking adventurer. After about ten feet, the darkness would cover him making him but a shroud ahead to the girl behind. However, a blink or two later and the rogue would be invisible, leading purely by vocal echo, to stir her towards the building as a navigator. The two would enter the main tunnel-ways, and the roofing would be quite a bit higher here, with enough space to stretch and swing weapons casually.

"I'm going to scout and take out small parties ahead, just walk as if I'm with you. Trust in my abilities and I'll see to it you live."

Where the girl walked she would casually stride upon large dead, dog-sized, rat creatures. Blood caking their lips where Erebus had silently knocked their necks off their spines. However, the sound of feet stampeding through water echoed, and it became instantly noticeable that the rats had picked up on the intruders, it could be possible their senses were heightened and engineered, Erebus thought nonchalantly. However, it could also mean worse problems lie ahead.

Her words were felt in the mind of the rogue, for one he honestly was suited for critical singular damage and was not aware if his colleague was adjusted to hoard combat. "This might get messy." He responded almost with a tone of satire. "Use your pistol." Motioned the Rogue.

Gun Bullets whizzed by and Erebus quickly found himself rolling out the firing line. He'd retain his invisible form and let loose his full strength as he barreled through troves of vermin like a torpedo, sending them in all sorts of directions as he bounced from one side of the room to the next eliminating them in a rapid-fire mechanic that kept any further rats from persisting behind his lines to attack the girl.

"Hmph. Truly." He pardoned to compare the scum of the continent to the monsters they were fighting. Not a completely illogical comparison if you factored in all the criminally syndicate organizations and individuals in the magical country. Erebus didn't consider himself among those, but he certainly knew he was capable of some borderline fuck-shit and many had called him the very thing, a street rat, if they only knew who would come out of that rat, from the streets in Oak Town. Perhaps then, they would have respected his struggle. Appreciated or not he liberated that town from a Lich and was a hero there now. So none of his hardship would bother his future. She begged to ask him about why the creatures turned up here.

"Garbage, loss of food," He spoke with honesty. "It's not unthinkable to say they were chemically upgraded,  and not magically. All dependent if you ask me," His tone wasn't loud or impeded by hurry, matter of fact. Erebus sounded as though the entire attack was well within their commodity for success. Though-- indeed, he was under some stress.

The stench in the room coupled with the sweat beading at his temples elevated his mood from cautious to frustrated. When he heard her back hit the pavement, his whole objective dropped to rush in and aide his ally. Erebus seemed to reappear standing over her body, with a vicious kick reminiscent of a soccer player, Erebus brought it in with vigor and skill. His acrobatic flare and precision with hitting the creatures in their vitals was evident that he was highly skilled compared to others his age. The rat creeping up on them was driven to the opposite end wall by this one shot, amidst cracks and intense bone structural damage. The creature stayed glued four feet over the ground from he sheer impact.

"Disgusting freaks of nature." Erebus wheezed to lighten her trauma, make her feel as though she weren't next too a master rogue, although his humor was satirical, he was not sadistic. The rats were getting bigger and stronger than when they were upon meet Juni. A whole pack were known quick to tie adventurers down and desecrate whatever memory of that person one would've had.

Irregardless, that wasn't the case for tonight. Erebus extended his reach out to her. He'd smited the Lich; but never seen something that looked like this.. "Let's destroy these things." With his aim on getting this done as quickly as possible, Erebus merely hung back and merged with the shadows, guarding this girl much the same as he had Juni prior. Locked in thought, as far as explaining went.

Erebus wandered about many things, nothing unusual, before heading back upstairs to vanquish the rat squad leader monster thing.

From here, Erebus was pretty eased in and he was cooling off, allowing the girl lead, he could see well ahead of her because of lights lining the walls the closer they managed to exiting. The smell on their bodies was repulsive but a job in hot pursuit was a warm and happy feeling to the rogue. Often, he could never find partners as hell-bent on winning as he. He smiled, though, the invisible mask of mana around his person would show this unto no one.

Erebus watched as the rats slung through holes on his way back down the tunnel; no doubt he would have to return again later. He wished he might smoke these foolish cretins from their tunnels, which could fit decent a mass, but appeared to climb steep under jagged rock, to which Erebus could not reach at all.  Luckily, right above them, the warehouse. Juni was apparently following the same thought as she spoke, so he offered her response to quell the boredom that a long walk back would provide.

"Sheesh. I just really want to go home," His voice emitted very close to his colleague, if she were intelligent, she would know he was right beside her, he just had meshed so well into the environment a first glance would completely his silhouette beside her.

"I hate coming out here if there's nothing for me to let loose on, these things are weak, botched. Sometimes I like it difficult." Erebus allowed his skin to phase up and beside her, he was back in his form. With his green hair, falling off to the side out of his face.

Above them, the warehouse was nearly empty, though, Erebus chopped through a few rats as they looked around. Ahead, a fat and noticeably more bulky rodent growled. Erebus waved his colleague away, to his side he unstrapped the mighty Phantom Dancer, Erebus kept his face blank as he watched his hand lift,in less than a blink he had made the distance, sawing the creatures neck nape open, cover it's clothes in scarlet sticky guts. "Yeah no mercy for you wretched then," mentioned the Rogue.

Upon hearing and walking away, he nodded to his creed. Glad that he wasn't the only 'thief' around these parts. "Always underpaid, it can't be helped. i make my own accommodations, and it feels like a good time to get one." Erebus said, keeping things mute from there as he walked on to turn their quest in and ripple the area with the new 'reputation' he was so excellently developing.


Pest Control (NQ - Erebus) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

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