Was it telepathy that spoke to Masami? He had just left the Majura Gallery, and he was immediately contacted by a familiar voice, perhaps the spokesperson from earlier, it did not entirely matter. As if it was a dream, Masami couldn't exactly understand the message via words and syllables, but the main idea was given unto him. He was told to visit Swineherd Pub due to something dangerous, something that needed to be destroyed. They seem to have found a skeleton knight wreaking havoc in the targeted location, thus Masami was tasked to eliminate it. He didn't exactly know where the pub was, but that didn't stop Masami from leaping to a high point and starting his search from there. He dashed through top of the buildings, destroyed or not, searching for the pub. Dust have been covering Masami's skin and it was getting uncomfortable for him to work under the daylight. In a few minutes, nighttime would strike as well, and Masami is aware of how spirits and monsters change forms and strengthen at night, under the moon light; he would rather fix everything now rather than wait for that moment, but neither did he want to rush as well. It has been more quiet compared to earlier, because the people have evacuated. Where are the other guilds? From Masami's knowledge, Oak Town has a guild that makes sure of the town's safety, but where exactly are they? The better question is, where is the guild itself? Masami thought that if the same happened to Marigold, the destruction won't go this far – not like the guild would even let that. The townspeople once mentioned another lich raiding the Penumbral Guard guild hall, right before Masami joined the guild; would have been nice if Masami witnessed that – he was getting excited. Time to slay some beasts! 306/1700 「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」 北正美 |
A Country At War [QUEST; SOLO]
Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:23 am
Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:42 am
His rapid search for the pub was accompanied by another mage, who was running closer and closer to Masami. The Joyan didn't bother this at first, assuming that they won't be of harm because everyone's target is the lich. After getting enough distance, they finally asked him: "What guild are you from?" Masami continued to run, making quick glances. "Penumbral Guard." he replied, still feeling the pressure on his legs from all that running. He didn't say anything else; stopping at the peak of a building, the other mage stopped as well. Both of them gazed at the sight of a structure, the name says it all. It was the pub they were looking for, and Masami was in doubt whether to go in or not, now that he is with another mage, who just finished saying: "From Marigold? Wow." he clapped once, and Masami looked at him from top to bottom. He had an appearance of what seemed to be a fox-human, a little smaller than Masami. "Wanna charge in? I could be of help." Earlier, Masami charged in whenever he wanted, but he couldn't do the same now that he was with someone else. Doubting whether to agree or not, even if he knew that he wanted to, Masami internally laughed at himself for being pathetically submissive. "Don't look at me like that," said the other mage, pouting a little – his little fox ears and tail moved in accompaniment to the expression, "I mean, I can't do this alone, so..." the mage looked away, but Masami was still taking a good look at the fox boy. White hair, bright blue eyes; he didn't know whether to feel superior or not, but if it was help that he needed then— Masami immediately leaped off, dropping down on the ground. "Let's go, then." 609/1700 「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」 北正美 |
Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:04 am
Masami wouldn't ignore his Take-Over appearance, because then he himself wasn't so sure whether people view him as a female or male but... that's why the love for surprises exist, and Masami is one who loves surprising people. To love being looked down upon, only to rise up more than the rest for being underestimated. After entering the pub, the fox boy followed, and both immediately face exactly what was on their minds. The skeleton knight was more than a knight, it had armor similar to Joyan samurais. Enlightening the Joyan, knowing that these types of fighters were not to be underestimated, he kept his stance. "It looks pretty cool, though." said the fox boy to Masami, imitating and keeping his own stance as well. The skeleton knight stood there, waiting for Masami and his companion's first move, as expected. "What are we going to—" Masami interrupted the boy using an arm, and didn't say anything else. It was as if they were playing a game of shogi, and Masami was being forced to move first, and so he did. Lunging forward, the skeleton knight swung his sword high up, preparing to strike, but Masami dashed to the side, kicking the skeleton knight's right flank. When it was thrown off due to the kick, the fox boy hopped up and shot a blue-hued fire ball at the skeleton knight's head; although it dispersed as if it did not do much, all of them are sure that the fire ball had a stinging pain to bring. Masami slowly approached the skeleton knight after this, and the fox boy was still keeping a two-meter distance. "Nope." Masami immediately replied when the skeleton knight tried to pull himself up by holding unto his sword, but Masami had already stepped on its' chest. When he raised a finger, another burst of flame was brought to them. 921/1700 「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」 北正美 |
Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:18 am
It had stopped moving, just like how Masami and his companion wanted. "Did that fire ball have a binding spell?" asked Masami with his arms crossed, curious as to why the skeleton knight was unable to properly move after the fox boy's attack. In response to that, the fox boy nodded. "Yeah, I didn't even expect it to hit." innocent, curious fox boy had his eyes looking in the sky, making Masami chuckle a little. The Joyan was usually the one who seemed like a child even in his teen years, but witnessing someone who seems younger ran a certain beat in his heart. "What guild are you from?" asked Masami, looking at the structure all around him, satisfied that it wasn't as destroyed as it was initially supposed to be. The fox boy didn't mind the question, shrugging while stepping out. "Guildless, but I wanted to join one, they said Oak has a guild for me but... eh." Looks like he was the same, quite a bit. What took Masami by surprise was when a black soul sprung out of the skeleton knight's ribs before its body deteriorated into black dust, thinking that an attack would be worthwhile but... the fox boy seemed to know exactly what this was, signalling Masami to follow it as its' tail moved in excitement. "This would lead us to the lich!" he said, running outside to follow the black soul, then using a hand to tell Masami to follow him. Masami did exactly as the boy said, lunging out to follow the black soul as well. Things seemed to fix itself awfully faster than expected, even that skeleton knight wasn't as intimidating as Masami though. Oh well, who moves first seem to win first, probably. After a few more steps, Masami and his companion would be facing their targeted enemy. 1228/1700 「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」 北正美 |
Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:01 am
The black soul lead Masami and his companion to an old, abandoned building. It was the only building left in here, and the rest of the area seemed quiet due to the lack of active wandering people. "What is this place?" asked Masami, who stood outside in response to the building his eyes found to be awfully displeasing to look at. The structure was unfamiliar and incomparable, but the fox boy seemed to know exactly what it was. "The old Phantom Lord guild," he said, two fingers holding his chin while he gathers his thoughts, "I heard that it was an old guild, it disbanded now." all that thinking brought back a smile that the fox boy gave out in his conclusion, the same two fingers now pointing up to an idea. Masami nodded as well in understanding. "I see." then, he didn't hesitate walking inside. "Let's try getting this over with." In the middle of the guild hall stood the lich, looking all noble and quiet. Its' appearance was entirely different from the lich in Masami's guild, this one appeared lifeless and simply... undead, and perhaps even immobile. "This is it?" asked Masami, immediately going for a leap, When he was still up in the air, the lich pointed at Masami, drawing out the same creatures as before. The skeleton beasts, then the skeleton behemoths, all of them were coming out of the portal the lich was bringing out. "I'll go handle this, go for the lich!" assured the fox boy, but Masami was stuck in a labyrinth-like structure. He has no way of going through these monsters unless he gets in the way of his companion, but nobody would like getting in other peoples' ways. "Would you mind going up to the roof?" asked Masami, pointing upwards, trying to evade the attacks of the enemies. The fox boy did exactly as Masami told him to, and he didn't question why. Masami waited for the fox boy to climb the highest peak of the architecture, Masami still evading the attempts of these creatures at ground-level. His eyes followed the fox boy's leaping, and when he was sure of the success of the attack, Masami raised a hand up then slammed this down to the ground after placing the mask in front of his face. The spell was casted, and bursts of flames swelled from the inside of Masami to the outside, turning those bursts of flames into walls. There was more power embedded into this spell than normal, then the wall vanished upon reaching the maximum limit. When all of them were immobile, the fox boy did his job and covered for Masami, who was unable to move at the moment. Masami had forced the limits on that one, falling down as his body completely gives up, and now he was back to his original form. "Don't worry." he was told by his companion, "Go to sleep." 1716/1700 「-15% WC reduction via Guild Perk.」 北正美 |
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