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Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali )

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Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:30 am




Noel could feel his bones move, even though he could not see. His eyes wide open, yet, no light reached his pupils. As if someone was playing him like a puppet. This had to be a dream. Though suddenly, a ray of light became becoming visible. Like his mind was exitting a long and dark tunnel, Noel could see. His vision was heavily clouded though, only catching glimmers of what was going on around him. His body moved on its own. A high pitching noise deafened the Advent World wizard from being able to hear. His senses were shut off for the most part. His senses were slowly returning to Noel. “N... nani... ?” Noel's body was pressed against another. Someone slightly taller than himself, white hair and a tanned skin. The duo were both dancing to classical music, following every beat and doing it properly. “... wake... UP ... konoyaro ...” The two had clearly been hypnotized. Noel couldn't see clearly, but there were other shadows around them performing the same dance. They were dancing on a marble floor, that much was clear. It seemed like a pretty wide area too, even though Noel couldn't see past half a meter. Clearly, the effects of a very strong hangover were also present. When he tried moving his arm, and thereby breaking the steps of the dance, a strong electromagnetic shock went off around his neck. It dealt D ranked damage across his body. “Wooh! Nani kore... kusoyaro... ”

Many hours prior, Noel were in the guild hall. Some of the Advent World members were hosting a housewarming event. Since most of the members had the freedom to design their own rooms, everyone got to show each other their room. Noel upgraded from bunk bed to a queen-sized bed. A brown wooden chest sat in front of the bed. It wasn't a very exciting scene, though he had the idea of continuously taking souvenirs from other places and decorating his room iteratively. Of course, he had a fridge in his room as well. A couch, a small coffee table and a single chair. Hung on one of the walls of his room was a world map. Red pins dotted across the map described the places he'd already visited in his lifetime. Some skulls were also drawn on the map, indicating that he had fought there. There weren't many places he hadn't visited yet. You could say it's one of his goals to explore every area on the map. A strange framed pair of underwear was hung on the wall next to his bed. A red pair, sexy in nature and only had meaning to himself and someone special to him.

Trusted guests of Advent World were invited to come over to the housewarming. After most of them had left, the only who stayed were there for the intention of getting shit-faced off of Advent Worlds booze. At this point of the story, it was around ten PM. Noel knocked on the doors of the individual Advent World members. Maybe some had gone to sleep already. “Anyone up for one more drink!?” The drunk male yelled, having participated in many drinking games leading up to him knocking on the doors of his beloved guild members. “One more round on me guys, let's go!” Noel yelled at the end of the hallway, he'd be heading back into the Guild hall. They were drinking on Finn's dime anyway. Many red solo cups were scattered across the marble floor off the Guild Hall. That was mostly due to Noel throwing his empty cups into the air, and that behavior having rubbed off on others.

A temporary bar had been set up for tonight, and Noel had abused the role of barman pretty wildly. More people started to come in, they believed that Advent World was throwing a party. Some of Noels guests were capable of playing instruments. Naturally he'd lend out the instruments he'd have gathered from Oak during his stay. He was quite proud of his little collection. Specifically, he had strings, woodwinds, brass & percussion instruments. Sadly, he couldn't play any of them. So warm music was being played from the Guild Hall by a few guests, which drew in more people than expected.

As Noel began remembering figments of the night, he had to figure out a way to get rid of the necklace that had cursed him. A loud cackle became vocal as his sense of hearing started to return to him. The voice transformed in his mind from mice screaming to his ex-girlfriend yelling in his hear. It seemed that he was allowed to move his eyes while under the curse, as long as he followed the dance as intended no damage was applied to him. Either way, his body felt exhausted--like it had already been dancing for some time, with his mind being unconscious during that time. Maybe he had taken acid? Maybe things were just fine, and he was obviously going turbo bad on it? Noel tried to calm himself down.

855 / 7650

[Rare] Gust Gauntlet
Name : Gust Gauntlet

Slot : Weapon

Type : Hand

Handling : One-Handed

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Wind

Damage : +40

Durability : 1x S-rank

Description : A superior Wind-enchanted gauntlet.

Details : The gauntlet covers the user's hand until their wrist.

Requirements : None

Bonus  :

  • Speed : +20

Ownership : Purchase

[Rare] Great Warrior Armor
Name : Great Warrior Armor

Slot : Armor

Type : Armor

Class : Rare

Weight : Heavy

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : None

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A warrior armor made out of good metals.

Requirements : None

Bonus :

    Strength: +20


  • Speed -20(-10 due to class)

Ownership : Purchase

[Rare] Raven Night Ring
Name : Raven Night Ring

Slot : Ring

Type : Ring

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Arcane

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A ring which allows the user to cast the Raven Metamorphose spell to turn into a raven.

Requirements : None

Spell :

  • Name: Raven Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Raven Night Ring
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a raven. Their feather color is always black. The user can speak while in raven form. The user can't cast spells while being in raven form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in raven form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

Ownership : Refund

Check in later...


Fantastico El Guavo.

Fanta identifies as a witch in every sense of the word. Her imaginations are cruel, and she's a rude guest generally speaking. Fanta rebels against authority, as many young witches do. #66ffcc

Status : Arch-enemy
👊 strength.1
🚅 speed.61
🏃 endurance.200
💖 constitution.200
🎓 intelligence.300
🎩 trick.charm

Charmed Izrail.

Born into tradition, Izrail has been a career knight for most of his life. Up until an encounter with Fantastico, he'd be a Rune Knight. Sometimes his own personality breaks free. #ff3399

Status : Enemy
👊 strength.70
🚅 speed.70
🏃 endurance.60
💖 constitution.70
🎓 intelligence.300
🎩 trick.necromancy

Magnificio Dorado.

Commander of Fanta, Magneficio is a prince from a forgotten realm. A product of Fanta's strongest charming spell. #6633ff

Status : Enemy
👊 strength.80
🚅 speed.61
🏃 endurance.100
💖 constitution.100
🎓 intelligence.50
🎩 trick.swordfighting

Charmed Leon.

Known for putting up diplomatic schemes, Leon was once a ruler of a castle. Under his command, his tribe thrived - until an assasination plot by Fantastico caused his kingdom to be in rumbles. Seems to be aware that he's been charmed. #99ccff

Status : Unknown
👊 strength.50
🚅 speed.40
🏃 endurance.60
💖 constitution.70
🎓 intelligence.0
🎩 trick.swordfighting

#2Vali Onfroy † 

Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:30 pm


"Another round for the ladies!" Vali shouted towards Noel. It's been some time since Val was this fucked up. The Viking stumbled over the counter as the two women beside him giggled. Tonight was going to be a good night specifically because there were two pairs of double D tits in his peripheral, just waiting to be- "Woah-ho-ho." He laughed as one of the women touched a certain part of him. Hasani was with his father tonight, so nothing was going to stop him from enjoying any willing woman. Fat women, skinny women, Joyan women, Savannan woman... every woman was a delicacy. A band of men played their instruments, creating music that Vali could two-step to. Truth be told, the young noble had no idea who's party this was. One minute he was sleeping, the next he was brought back to life by a bang on his door.

One thing led to the next and boom... the Viking was now dancing with another man who wasn't particularly his type The two of them were pressed against each other. Both of them were practically giants. Vali's ears picked up on a voice which then caused his eyes to slowly open. When his senses finally came back to him, a dangerous stench filled his nostrils... and it was coming from none other than the man in front of him. "Oof." That was enough to completely wake Vali. The titan tried to quickly lift his hand to cover his nose but was met with a low voltage bolt of electricity to the neck. With a grunt, he dropped his hand back onto Noels. The bolt surprisingly didn't hurt at all. His body was naturally more durable than any human. What the fuck was happening though? The werewolf looked around him and noticed that they were in some sort of dancehall. All around them were other people dancing, though he couldn't really see their faces.

This was just great, just what he needed. He knew those drinks last night had a funny taste to em. Hopefully, he wasn't taken advantage of while unconscious. Maybe all the shrooms he had eaten was finally catching up to him. With a sigh, he turned his head to the old man in front of him. "Damn, talk about one hell of a night." The Titan sort of expected things like this to happen to him. For some reason, trouble couldn't leave him alone. As his body moved in unison with Noel's, he couldn't help but casually ask..."We didn't....you know, right?" referring to sex. Knowing Vali, it was possible. He did a lot of regretful things when he was drunk.

"And where the fuck are we?"

WC: 440


Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:59 pm




Noels guild mates were dancing through the hall. One in particular, Vali, was caught up in the affairs of some well endowed ladies. These were typical club hoes - perhaps they matched the boys type? Noel had caught a quick flash of the duo that entertained his younger guild mate. Though paying little attention to the ladies, Noel made sure hospitality was the most important thing in his list of priorities. He'd open the large guild doors occasionally, letting more people in. A line had formed to the outside of the guild. The line went up a block. Since the hall was pretty much at its capacity, Noel appointed some guests to start serving beer outside the guild hall as well. Assigning a few guests to setup a quick stall, they could charge a little bit of money for the booze.

Sometimes Noel came forwards as someone who guests would think owned the place, since he was doing very bold stuff. Opening kegs with breaking open the top part, like it'd be no biggie if things went wrong basically. Hospitality was key, Noel ensured the party goers had an enjoyable time. It wasn't until a bit later into the party, that some guests were bringing booze from their homes. That sat alright with Noel, the more booze they had to go around, the more drunk people get, the more fun is being had. Since tonight is the night, and there can never be any other night that tops this night. This behavior was a result of his early onset mid life crisis. Where he lived in denial, and did his best still seeming like he does what his peers used to do. When Vali shouted at him, wanting another round for he and his ladies, Noel nodded cheerfully. A round of shots, two fingers of tequila in each glass. He'd serve the glasses on a platter, bringing them over for Vali and his guests to grab. "Here you go pal" He'd say to his guild mate, someone he's grown to know little by little as the time the two shared had progressed.

Guests were face timing with others from outside the guild, hyping up the party that was going on. Typical club shit. Shit was starting to pop at Advent World. The guild hall was starting to look like a mess, and specific 'bad actors' had joined the party. They were being very degenerate like, Noel recounted one moment of the night where he'd walk up to the bathrooms and saw people doing heroin. That was a major turn off for him. Their house warming was definitely escalating out of control at this point. But it didn't matter to Noel, he was hanging out with people he liked, young people cheered him on - life was great.

Noel returned to the guild hall after a whee break. Some guests were performing magic with another, nothing harmful - just simple parlor tricks. The tall male was known for not being able to hold his tongue when drink, revealing certain things he shouldn't, the male demonstrated his gravity manipulation to a few guests. "I'm gonna touch the sky" Noel said, pointing at the ceiling. He'd concentrate his magical powers on his fist, all of it. Nothing happened though, he'd look like a jack ass. Throughout the party, Noel tried repeatedly as he watched the party ensue from a distance. Sitting on the bleachers, the male pointed his fist up and concentrated a large amount of magic to it. His intention was to levitate.

When he snapped back to reality, Noel groggily scraped his throat. It was parched, dry. He needed to drink something real bad. Noel had been pressed against Vali as they danced, any movement they'd create outside of the allowed pattern caused a shock. Depending on the severity of the interruption of the dance, the shock intensified. Noel placed his left hand on the collar, trying to remove it, but instead being zapped by B ranked damage across his hand. "Ahhh-ah-ah, konoyarooo." Vali was starting to wake up. The song had switched, as had their dance. Between himself and Vali was roughly half a meter of distance. Noel's right boot was behind his left, angled away. The duo had to perform a perfect dance in order not to be zapped. That meant doing a basic glisse to the left, a basic pirouette to the right. Advanced march upwards, well performed pirouette to the left. Noel could hear Vali's voice, his sense of hearing had almost completely returned to him. The floor was sticky, making it hard for Noel to follow every move, occasionally shocking him. "Grrr - I'm.. I'm starting to remember things from last night." He'd tell Vali, mid pirouette. "These collars shock the hell out of you. I feel like it might kill me if I take it off." Noel said, performing a near perfect glisse. "I don't think so, I think.. we're in the... castle? Can't tell."

Another dancer bumped into Noels backside, which was strange. Up until this point, he'd have thought all of the surrounding shadows to be some kind of puppets. Perhaps they were trapped like Noel and Vali was? "Ooh, oops, I didn't mean to bump into you, friend." A stranger said, left of Noel and right of Vali. Perhaps this person was the one that entrapped them? "What the hell is going on in here, who are you?" Noel asked the stranger, still performing the strange dance that he had been setup to do. "La dee daa, la di do, la la laaaa ~"  This man was obviously in a space of his own. Noel turned his attention back to Vali. "We should think about this. Since we can move a slight bit off-key, we might be able to fire off a spell just activating it with a gesture." The older Advent World mage looked around the room, he couldn't see well but he was trying to spot if there were objects around him he could in turn levitate. Noel concentrated his magic power around him, trying to 'grasp' objects that were scattered across the room, but alas he failed in doing so. "Do you have any ideas?" He'd ask Vali.

Flickers from the night before started reappearing in his mind. A certain drinking game was being played. Every time you touch your face, every time you spill a drink, every time you held your drink with your left hand. During those moments, you had to down your drink completely. This had left Noel completely wasted half an hour in. The night was a haze from that point for Noel, his recollections came in flashes.

Dry splatters of blood painted the floor across random spots. Dragging of shoes marked the floor, dancing had been going on for a while now. Perhaps others had been there before they had, and tried to get out as well. Burn marks were also visible on the floor. Ashes being blown from left to right occasionally. It felt like a very bad acid trip. Secretly, Noel clinged to the hope that it was a bad trip.


[Rare] Gust Gauntlet
Name : Gust Gauntlet

Slot : Weapon

Type : Hand

Handling : One-Handed

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Wind

Damage : +40

Durability : 1x S-rank

Description : A superior Wind-enchanted gauntlet.

Details : The gauntlet covers the user's hand until their wrist.

Requirements : None

Bonus  :

  • Speed : +20

Ownership : Purchase

[Rare] Raven Night Ring
Name : Raven Night Ring

Slot : Ring

Type : Ring

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Arcane

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A ring which allows the user to cast the Raven Metamorphose spell to turn into a raven.

Requirements : None

Spell :

  • Name: Raven Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Raven Night Ring
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a raven. Their feather color is always black. The user can speak while in raven form. The user can't cast spells while being in raven form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in raven form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

Ownership : Refund

Check in later...


#4Vali Onfroy † 

Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:36 pm


"Ayee!" he smiled as Noel delivered the drinks he requested. Three boilermakers for the Vali's little posse. The tanned woman beside him giggled and caressed his arm every so often, while the other woman was set on playing with his friend downstairs. Both of them hardly spoke, but shit, the quieter the better. As if Vali didn't already have one kid, he thoroughly pondered the different ways he'd "shoot their clubs up". The white-haired Viking looked at the drinks on the table. 1 double shot of tequila, and a pint of ale to wash it down. He was slowly losing a grip on his consciousness. Fuck fuck fuck. he thought. There was absolutely no fucking way he was going to ruin his chances of busting some cheeks.

Painfully, he picked up the shot glass loaded with Venom. "Hey." The Stellan woman on his left finally spoke. She had a rich, irresistible accent. She stopped Vali from taking his shot for one reason; drugs. With a bewitching smile, she shook a bag full of powder and pills in front of her breasts. "Woah-ho ho!" the Viking laughed looking around to see if anyone else noticed. His head felt heavier than usual, and if he wasn't trying so hard he would have already fallen."It's not a party..." she began as her lightly baked hand fished into the pouch of narcotics. "Until you take on of these."

Drugs weren't foreign to the Icebergan noble. In fact, he had his fair share of acid, shrooms, sleeping herbs and things of that nature. Pills, however, seemed a little more dangerous. Vali wobbled with a twisted smile. He could barely keep his eyes on the pill. "Fuck it." he shrugged. Soon the little blue block was flushed by the shot. "Hehehe. Now, it's a partyy~~" she sung rocking in her chair. Val watched her set herself free but he couldn't help but notice a strand of hair on her arm. It was a bad day for her to wear a sleeveless dress. Suddenly, the strand of hair did this really weird thing and it triggered an eruption of laughter from the giant mage.

"Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! He threw his body across the bar table wildly. The women laughed at him, still egging him for their own entertainment. The guildhall went silent and all Val could hear was a familiar voice claiming that he was gonna touch the sky. The silence filled the room after Noel failed to reveal his sky-touching abilities. The Viking tried hard not to let out the power of laughter within him. "Paaaahaa! Hahahahahaha!"


Noel's voice brought Vali back into reality. What the Titan could remember wasn't enough for him to guess how he ended up in this situation. Perhaps gramps remembered enough. Wherever they were smelled of burned wood and flesh with a hint of vanilla in the air. Vali wrinkled his nose. Sometimes his sense of smell was overwhelming. On the spur of a moment, another person bumped into his guildmate. The man apologized but returned to do what he was programmed to do straight away. So they are conscious...somewhat. he noted. "I could use that thing I learned..but then everyone else would probably die..." Vali rumbled. He was thinking loud enough for Noel to hear him, but he wasn't faithfully talking to him yet.

"And like Gramps here said, we can move slightly off-key without being zapped..." The warrior lifted his head. His eyes would lock with Noel. "Maybe." he finally responded to his partner. There was a Juncture of silence as Vali closed his eyes. When his eyes opened, at last, another eye on his forehead revealed itself. It When the eye opened, a red aura began to encase his body. Not once did he break out of the flow he and his date were in. Only a second later, the Viking looked into the air and roared, activating might and strength as veins protruded from his eye. multiple auras surrounded Vali and now he stood at 9 feet. The collar simply expanded to fit his neck and shocked him as he broke away from Noel's hands.

Vali crossed both of his arms, lifting them to the collar. A coating of Lava began to spread over his body as if he was being swallowed. The choker continued to release electricity, but Vali was thugging it through. Hopefully with his healing factor, and his naturally resistant shell he could just rip the shit off. The Werewolf couldn't pay attention to what was happening around him. He was focused on breaking the collar without dying. The pain was almost unbearable. The constant electricity was fucking him. Still, this was nothing compared to thors wrath. "GrrrrraaaaaaaAAAAGGHHHH!!" he roared and finally...finally, the collar broke off.  

In about sixty seconds, he was freed. "Shit..." he sighed as he fell to his knees. It was probably stupid for him to handle things the way he did...but hey it worked. However, now he had to heal. The collar left a nasty burn ring around his neck. It felt like tiny needles were being stuck in his neck over and over again. "Gimme a minute.." he croaked in pain. All of his abilities aside from his lava were still in use, now he had to break Noel out. A lot of his mana was being drained. With a grunt, the Viking Lord pushed himself up and walked to Noel. If nothing stopped him, he'd put each of his hands on each side of the collar and pull them apart until it broke.

WC: 1,636



Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:44 pm




Vali was hyped up. He was ready to go. There was this kind of electric pulse coming out of the younger Advent World wizard, and it positively influenced Noel. There was a tie wrapped around Noels head. Some guests had thrown a keg of beer accidentally into the air, it wound up getting between a pillar and a wall. Roughly eight meters into the wall. Noel felt that it was responsibility to retrieve it. He'd concentrate all of his magical powers into his fist. Concentrating, and entering the temple of nirvana mentally the male seemed to start to levitate. It was somewhat uncontrollable, making him speed up and go across the room chaotically, after having bumped into three guests, two tables and a chair it seemed that he was able to direct the movements by using his fist to aim. After flying around in the guild hall in a somewhat more managed fashion; he'd fly upwards to the ceiling where the keg was stuck. Lowering his fist caused him to plunge to the ground. It hurt, doing C ranked damage across his legs early on into the party.

"Argh, kuso!" Noel complained, concentrating all his energy on his fist again to start levitating once more. This time he'd keep himself closer to the ground while lowering his fist. It seemed to work pretty well, as long as he kept his cool. Luckily the guests had caught on what Noel was doing and gave him some distance, more for their own sake than Noels. While this was ensuing, strange drugs started being passed around the party. Nothing Noel was aware of. After multiple attempts, the older male, who'd some call a dilf, managed successfully in retrieving the keg. When he kept his cool, he'd keep levitating even at high distances. He'd throw the keg back to the guests, it landed much rougher than expected, but luckily it didn't break. He'd fly to the bar in true Silver Surfer fashion, pretending he's moving with skies. This was quite a neat trick, but it required some experimentation for it to be perfected. Some of his other guild mates were clear about moving into the town - Vali and he were the only of his guild present at the moment.

Once he'd return to the party, he'd have noticed the effects of the exotic drugs. Everyone was getting more and more whoozy. Slurred speeches, shell shocked looks all over the place. "What the hell?" Even Vali was screaming his lungs out, rolling across various tables.

The party then got crashed.


Noel recalled the instance where some witch and her posse showed up. Some four foot blond bitch with an attitude. "This party SUCKS. It's SUPER DUPER LAME! You're all SO pathetic! I've never seen worse dancing! OMG!" Her squeaky voice peaked over all the ongoing volume. By her side stood three knights, weapons drawn. Some men in black shit happened, and now they ended up here.

"Nanikore, I think we're in the Guild Hall." The floor was quite recognizable, iconic even. The witch had caused something to set off everyone in the hall at the time, making them dance against their will. Even when unconscious. Vali was talking to himself, verbalizing his thoughts audibly. He had a plan, going off of a clue given by the stranger that bumped into him. An eye came out of his forehead. "Nani nani?" The male wiggled with his eyebrows, something he'd never seen before. Both his eyebrows were dealt D-ranked damage. "I gotta be honest, I'm just hoping we're tripping and nothing bad is happening ha ha ha...." Vali grew in size, becoming way taller than the older Advent World mage was. Noel observed his guild mate go through a variety of shocks, like a pitbull with a shock collar wanting to smell a rabbit out of the allowable range of the collar. At this point of the story, it had to been at least 4AM. Their guildmates could come back any minute, they had to put their foot on the gas and unfuck this situation. Noel laid witness to Vali valiantly taking the collar off. It kind of peeked the interest of his masochistic side, it kind of looked like fun. "We gotta unfuck this situation asap Vali" Noel said, putting his own hands on the collar. Raw intensity was focused on his grip, instead of using his cave man strength, he'd just pull it off his neck and fling it away, since that was also possible - suffering more B rank damage across his hands however. Noel made some sounds while taking it off nobody had ever witnessed before. "Bzjp bzjp bzjp!" Both brows arched upwards, a weird and exciting smile on his face.

Noel was angry. No, he was mad. "I'm gonna get this bitch." His eyes had a glint of violence, a wormhole from his past. One of the guards he recognized from the posse stood at the entrance of the guild hall. They hadn't noticed what had happened yet, so Noel began concentrating a beam of gravity from his fist. He'd point it at the guard, a noticeable beam of flash went off--but no beam. It cancelled out on him. "Kuso.." The guard instantly did a double take, drawing his weapon and lunging towards Noels general direction. The guard spoke, this was quite a loud voice. "Hey! This one is awake!" In tandem, Noel moved with the guard - in the opposite direction to create more room between him and the guard. Furthermore, this was going to be a more controlled lunge, making it easier for him to anticipate. Saving as many possible was priority, and this wasn't the time to fail. Noel while going backwards, whispered at Vali. "I'll take this one" Which was quite a mouthful to say, so he'd be attempting another try at casting the beam to try to draw the attention away from his companion. This time, he charged his entire body into it, with his fist as exit point, properly aimed at the head of the guard. The blast went off, without there being more than ten meters between him and his enemy. "Kamehameha!" Noel shouted, the spells impact taking Vali into it unless he was already moving away onto the other assailants. Magnificio used his sword to absorb most of the damage, however some of the spell effects couldn't be suppressed. From all the damage Noel had taken during the story, he and Magnificio were on equal terms. "Wanna expain what this is about, asshole?" He'd ask his opponent, who collected himself to prepare for the next charge. "My leader, Fantastica, thought of you as lesser dancers, me, Magnificio, think you were alright." This enraged Noel further, this was an act of randomness.

With fury lit in his eyes, the male begun raising both his hands into the air. With his palm facing the roof, a couple of loose objects came at him, levitating at the speed of twenty meter per second. It was difficult to direct their movement, but they were somewhat effective. This was his potential newest addition; Wingardium Leviosa. A wine bottle, a prop swordfish, two Stephen Hawking books that were attached to each other due gum and a ottoman were the objects that Noel chose to repel Magnificio, creating distance between himself and the rest of the dancers. In an ideal situation, he'd drive him to a corner where it wasn't easy to hurt someone innocent. "You and your master shall feel my wrath." The prince chuckled at Noel, "She'll enjoy dealing with your cocky ass, commoner." Noel clenched as hard as he could with one of his fists, he'd strike it towards Magnificio's direction, causing a small carpet bomb type of explosion indoors, it generated enough dust for Noel to lunge into, he'd naturally duck and counter the opposite of the direction which Magnificio held his sword at. Swordsmen like these usually use a diagonal strike whenever they were blindsided, as that covered most of the range with a lot of power still imbued into the strike of the weapon.


[Rare] Gust Gauntlet
Name : Gust Gauntlet

Slot : Weapon

Type : Hand

Handling : One-Handed

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Wind

Damage : +40

Durability : 1x S-rank

Description : A superior Wind-enchanted gauntlet.

Details : The gauntlet covers the user's hand until their wrist.

Requirements : None

Bonus  :

  • Speed : +20

Ownership : Purchase

[Rare] Raven Night Ring
Name : Raven Night Ring

Slot : Ring

Type : Ring

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Arcane

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A ring which allows the user to cast the Raven Metamorphose spell to turn into a raven.

Requirements : None

Spell :

  • Name: Raven Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Raven Night Ring
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a raven. Their feather color is always black. The user can speak while in raven form. The user can't cast spells while being in raven form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in raven form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

Ownership : Refund

Check this and also this

3x A | 1x B = 5000 * 0.85 (10% int + 15% guild) = 4250 WC


#6Vali Onfroy † 

Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:30 am


"Yeah, you're right." Val responded. They did need to unfuck this...as soon as the wolf could get his shit together. "Wha-?" A giant bead of sweat magically appeared on the Viking's forehead. He used two different spells, plus his third eye just for Noel to easily detach his collar. With a defeated sigh, Vali fell on his back. The effects of alcohol were patently taking a toll on his body, all he wanted to do was sleep. Alas, he found himself in the middle of some shitshow. When the older Advent world mage announced that he was going to get shit popping, the Viking had no choice but to sit up. His stomach instantly bubbled and cramped. "Way too much liquor..." he grumbled as he watched Noel began to concentrate energy at his hand. Just when things looked like they were about to get fired up, whatever Noel was going to use just... stopped. The only thing he did was cause draw the attention of two men guarding the entrance. Based on evidence from just now, and last night; the alcoholic was still in the trial and error phase with his magic.

One of the guards moved towards Noel, completely ignoring the white-haired werewolf who'd been on the floor. "Alright. Guess I'll handle this guy..." Not worried at all about how they were going to get out of this alive, Val turned towards the other man at the entrance. Without a moment of hesitation, the Viking Lord quickly began to walk towards him. Noel was dealing with the other pest behind him. A series of thoughts crossed Vali's mind as he made his way to his enemy."This one is awake too." The white-haired villain said. Why are you blocking the entrance? Vali wondered. As he closed in, His opponent raised his hands and suddenly two magic circles appeared beside him. Vali stopped dead in his tracks. Two ghoul-like creatures emerged from the magic circles and stood on each side of the young father. They were just as big as him. Noel's attack followed shortly after the ghouls arrived.

Wait, since when was the bathroom on the right side? Val looked at the door of the bathroom, stuck in thought. Unexpectedly, the ghoul on his left put its palm on his head, then began lifting him into the air. Actually, why is everything on the opp- Oh shit. "For Fantastica, my ghouls will eat your soul." The white-haired man said coldly. "Aghh!" The ghoul began squeezing Val's head dealing C rank damage. "Yes, scream in agony for Fantastica-" Little did he know, the damage healed instantly and the screams weren't out of pain. "I forgot to feed Hasani!" Vali sucked his teeth, talking to himself.

The man in front of him was the least of his worries. At that same moment, he pointed his finger at the ghoul-bringer, aiming at his head before releasing a beam at 30 m/s. The spell was 2 meters wide and did X rank damage upon contact, taking the Necromancer's head clean off. He fell to his knees, headless, before falling onto his throat. "Fuccccccccck." Borga- his friend for years, was probably pissed right now. The Icebergan promised her he'd have Hasani by the morning. On top of that, Hasani's food was in Val's room. The ghouls vanished moments after they were created and as nothing had happened, the people in the hall continued to dance.

Quickly after Vali landed, he turned to see Noel. To his surprise, the geezer had been manipulating objects without using his hands. That's some magic... he thought. I'll have to learn it
Noel proved to be really strong. Come to think of it, Advent world had a lot of potential. Immediately after he saw the gravity magic, he'd turn and lunge towards the entrance of the guild with his hand on the hilt of his blade. He had a theory. If he was correct then-

BOOM! The entrance doors swung open and spat out a man who's sword was aimed right at the werewolf's chest. The attack was countered with Vali's blinding sword. The two swordsmen knocked each other back as their blades clashed. "Ugh, you losers are ruining EVERYTHING! You had ONE job!" The Desiertan widened his eyes. That scent, he remembered it from the night before. The scent triggered a small memory of the witch. She barged into the guildhall complaining with that annoying ass voice of hers. This was like Dejavu. It was after Noel proved he could fly. The old man made a fool of himself at first, but he surprised everyone when he actually flew. Vali was fucked up, but he saw it all. It only took him one time to see a spell being used and boom, the knowledge was stored in his brain. "Yeaaaaaaahhh! Woooo!" he cheered as Noel successfully retrieved the keg.

"You're that girl from last night." He stood with his sword in his hand. The blade was pointing left, tucked within his palm as the hilt was aimed east. He didn't have his armor on him, so he'd have to take things a bit more seriously. "Uhhh, no! I'm that BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN whos party was LITERALLY ruined by two oversized bags of dicks!" Her party? It wasn't even her guild. "You drugged us...in our guild. Look, I don't know what kind of-" he sighed before being interrupted. "I just wanted one night to be all about me! Me, me, me, me, me, me, me! But Nooo-" She complained swinging her hands all over the place. The swordsman stood beside her with a saddened expression. What was interesting was that the man was wearing a king's attire. Still, the obnoxious girl continued to whine.

"Goddamn, just shut the fuck up already." Vali shook his head. A headache was brewing. "Can somebody shut her up before I lose my shit?" Vali was usually cool about things. He was patient normally and could tolerate but he was too hungover for this. A vein throbbed on his forehead. He lightly massaged his temple.

WC: 2,500/3,230 (INT & GL3)



Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Thu Mar 19, 2020 11:18 am




Both males had been affected by a horrible pre hangover; Noel being older, it hit him harder--but he at least skipped the exotic drugs tonight. They shared this feeling, but alas both were men. Men who had to claim responsibility when it was theirs - and not matrix dodge it and make it someone elses problem. They couldn't exactly leave things as they were here. Vali felt the same.

A crescendo of actions began exploding between himself and Magnificio, Vali took it upon himself to get busy working on another of the present guards. As he clashed with Magnificio, he'd have driven him to a corner. A large spectacle of dust had risen up into the air, the result of one of his latest abilities. The various objects he'd have summoned previously moved in tandem with Noel, his open palm was pointed past the point where Magnificio stood. The swordfish impaled his chest, dealing A ranked damage. The ferocity of the spell had been tamed, the objects however still meant meaningful obstruction of movement for Noel. The swordfish had effectively knocked the exotic prince out. When the dust settled, this became clear by the laying Magnificio. "Done ye in, konoyaro." His arm device was starting to rinkle, it was a facetime call by Kenzo. One of his guild mates, drunkenly announcing there'd be an after party at the guild hall. "After party at the hall!?" Noel intentionally yelled towards Vali. "Just you and a few others!?" He yelled again, louder this time. "No, no, everything is going swell--" Noel ducked for a second, "swell and dandy over here. Operator mama papa daddy bear out over and out." He'd hang up the face time call. "DOUBLE TIME VALI!" Noel shouted once more, cleaning trash while simultaneously running up to the dancing guests.

He started to hype himself up a bit. There was a great task at hand. All of their necklaces had to be removed. Noel shadow boxed for a second, to get his blood pumping. Suddenly, a familiar figure came around the corner of his eye. The stranger from before. "Hey! You! Teme! This is all your fault is it not!?" Noel started accusing the man. The man simply laughed back at him, he'd break the pattern and stop the dancing. The necklace around his neck had a different color than the others. "Dancing brings me one with the universe." The male declared, Noel staring oddly at him as he prepared his hands to cast some more spells. "You are fucked in the head, konoyaro." Noel laughed, Leon used this opportunity to charge in--his sword pointed at Noel. Who moved his body backwards, letting his shoulders fall backwards as his knees begun lowering his body--putting his legs in a 90 degree angle. The sword grazed his upper shoulder, but more importantly, he'd have charged up his fist during this lunge. Breaking Leons ribs instantly, his punch caused him to forcibly be diverted from his path. Leon took a plunge onto the ground. Noel took this moment to dash towards him, and pull his necklace off. It did A rank damage across Noel, bringing his health down to dangerous levels. "Woah! Wooh!" The blonde male grunted, and got up. "You have freed me!" Noel panted, assuming that this man was actually innocent. "My name is Leon, please let me repay you however you wish!" The Advent World chuckled. "Start freeing these guests and get them out of the hall. Do that, and consider your debt paid." Noel commanded the man, who seemed to know his way around the necklace. Leon accepted this job, and went on his way to perform as was asked of him. Noel heard his guild mates mounts pull up in the drive way off the guild, they were quite loud and Noel stood next to the window facing the drive way for a moment to spot them.

He did some mental calculations, they were probably going to head for the shed first - smart Advent World mages kept a safe backup storage of booze in another location. Noel was almost sure that this was going to be their first stop, maybe downing a pint or two having a smoke etc. before stepping into the hall themselves. Five minutes. Noel and Vali had to be real fucking fast. He had an idea, the shrieking voice he would hear again was the same that introduced all of this madness. Noel pointed his fist at the ceiling and begun flying into the air again. He'd yell towards Vali again "GET BACK!" The older male was sick of it, his aggression bar had been cranked up to its maximum. It was time to outlet all of it. When he was within twenty five meters of Fantastico, eight meters up into the air the male unleashed his most deadly offensive spell yet. "HALT! HAMMERZEIT!" The male yelled at the top of his lungs, a large magic circle appeared under Fantastico's feet. Large enough to take thirty two meters in diameter in space. She thought lesser of the flying Advent World mage, not moving out in time. If his ally was quick on his feet, he would have escaped Noels spell. Since the mage was in the air, this spell was not going to reach him. No innocents were around in the range that Noel had targeted. He had brought both his hands together, forming a mighty clap. "Ew, what is this ugly - ass spell--!?" Fantastico squealed, damage being dealt across her legs up to her face. She was stunned - not due to the damage, but to how his spell lacked aesthetics. Her boots torn up, and her legs had some burn marks. The witch angrily responded, lashing out more and more insults for all to hear. She had quite a sailors mouth, projecting some of the insults she's received over the years onto the others.

Right after firing the spell off, and it landing on Fantastico, the Advent World wizard sped up and flied into where previously his spell had gone off. With his fist pointed at Fantastico, he'd switch position when he was about to near the ground--having his feet first. His intent was to land a flying kick on Fanta while she was caught up dealing with the effects of his deadly spell. His flying kick landed gracefully, knocking the smol witch over, off her feet and onto the burnt floor. Noel headed in after the spell had reached its apex and had long dissipated into the air. The kick that Noel expertly landed had done some relevant damage to the witch, lowering her accuracy in the fields of battle.

He'd set off into the air again as soon as he could, not trusting her close range capabilities. Fanta instantly shot up into the air as well. She'd have drawn a bow, arrows with hearts as tips were being aimed at the flying wizard. He'd start going downwards, taking an angle slope to get within her close range. As she shot her arrow, the Advent World wizard used his ring to make his body smaller, evading the arrow and returning back in human form after doing so. He had acceleration enough to move at his full speed, he'd land a one-two combo and break her arm due to the strength behind Noels fists. She'd plunge to the ground, shrieking and yelling. "Nnnn! YOU GUYS ARE BITCHES!!! MY ARMMM!!! MY DAD IS GOING TO SUE YOU" The spoiled witch was not used to having her bones broken, she'd recoil, kicking her legs around her while yelling at the top of her lungs. "I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!" Comments like those were snarled across the guild hall. She was a meany, raised through a life of privilege--something like this has never happened to Fantastico, it drove her mad. She held her broken arm, tears in her eyes. It was time to teach her a lesson when it comes to messing with Advent World. She was experiencing some kind of psychotic breakdown. One that can only be experienced by a brat such as herself.

"Trashcan this kuso teme, Vali! I will take care of the rest off the hall! DOUBLE TIME BITCH!" Noel yelled, hoping his guild mate was not fried enough to beat the air out of Fanta. His Leviosa spell called out for eight different brooms he could pull from the storage. In unison, he began cleaning the guild hall with all of the brooms, he'd switch a broom for a cloth and use that that to wipe the windows, and various surfaces like tables and the bar, with his levitation he would also move all of the empty cups into a trash bag. This refined control of gravity manipulation was going to be very vital to Noel, now and in the future. He'd dynamically clean everything he could spot as soon as he passed through the area, using his hands to direct the objects that were used to clean said areas. All of the beer bottles were put in their cases, the cases were neatly stacked up. Things were starting to look tidied up. The huge area he'd have impacted earlier had a few brooms running over the impact, trying to clean the piles and broken furniture up. He'd stack all of the broken stuff into one corner of the guild hall, and compress the trash into trash bags. "How are you handling things on your end!?" Noel occasionally shouted across, trying to see if Vali was still holding up. They had a minute max before Kenzo and co were inside the guild. Noel was speeding around, flying around the guild hall with running speed, setting things upright that were knocked over and the like. It was a giant mess. He felt very responsible for the guild hall, being the oldest around.

Leon had been busy freeing the guests. He knew his way around their silly necklace, having been able to manipulate his own into a somewhat less restrictive necklace while he was charmed by Fanta. The male had lived a few years under her oppression, and was very thankful that Noel managed to release him - even though his rib was broken, the male preserved. Taking off amulets of guests, and moving them out of the guild hall. He did some speedy work, eventually managing to free all of the guests and have them send home. Leon thanked Noel again for freeing him, and left with the guests. Leon thought Advent World as of allies, wherever he may roam to next.

Noel picked up fragments of the necklaces and binned them. Leon had his own quest to pursue once more, he might meet Noel in the future once more. Noel pulled the couches back to where they were, placing the coffee table on its correct spot and decorating it with shit that he thought was on that table all the time. Dear lord if Vali hadn't beaten the crap out of Fanta and trash bagged her permanently Noel was most likely going to eat the blame. Even if he had to pull his fried guild mate from the hands of Fanta, he'd after put Vali on the couch with a beer in his hand even if he was knocked unconscious. Everything had to seem normal, nobody had to know some weird ass cult shit was unfolding in the place they consider sacred. The brooms he manipulated had successfully cleaned the perfect marble floor. Magnificio started awaking in the corner where Noel had destroyed him. "Ugh, what happened?" The prince asked--obviously dazed and confused. "You were at a really sick party, and had one too many to drink." Noel explained the exotic prince, bringing the man to a couch to sit down. Just as the exotic prince was resting on the couch, the others had returned. Their timing was quite perfect.

As Kenzo and the other lot had returned to the guild, one of the window curtains was still on fire. Noel nonchalantly beat it out before greeting his guild mates, they had brought some more beer. While walking back to the main hall and overhearing the crazy wild stories that his guild mates had experienced during their night out drinking, the male occasionally straightened the few oddly hung paintings, and plant pots alike. His guild mates offered him a beer. They had brought about three beer cases from the shed next to the guild hall, just like he thought they would.

Sure, why not have another one? It was not like the copious amount of drinking had led to an extremely horrible situation, not at all.

Noel joined the exotic princes side. "So, what exactly was happening?" He'd ask the previous guard of Fanta, Magnificio. "I don't... I..." The exotic prince was a bit shocked. "My name is Magnificio Dorado, prince of Stellan... Where are we?" Noel cracked open a beer for Magnificio, handing the bottle over. "This is the Advent World guild - hall, you are in Oak city in Fiore. I believe Stella is one or two countries over to the east. How did you end up here?" Noel asked the exotic prince. With his helmet off, the male indeed seemed like an exotic prince. Being of Joyan descent, it was somewhat given to Noel that he was able to slightly recognize other nationalities as well - though they were a rare breed within Fiore. It must have been a long time since the prince was captured, he'd give the guy to come together. When he mentioned rewarding Noel and Vali for freeing him, he'd discard whatever he had to offer them. "It's alright, we don't need your money prince." The prince was very grateful. "I shall never forget this favor, I consider Advent World to be my friend. Noel and Val was it? Thank you for your help." Noel chuckled offering the prince another beer, and eventually later into the night he'd lead the exotic prince into the town of Oak, giving him some directions so he could understand what direction to start heading off into. It was a far away place from his home, but Noel reckoned that the exotic princes abilities were enough for him to travel safely home, even if his rib was broken. Noel returned to the guild hall after dropping the exotic prince off. He was tired and wanted to sleep. If his guild mates were curious as to what had happened, Noel would act that everything was fine and nothing had happened. It was brought forth likely due Noel and Valis actions, but they both manned up and solved it - so there was not any need for anymore concern, the situation was resolved. Noel became somewhat more familiar with Valid today, and his ever expanding arsenal had grown by a thick size today. He couldn't see anyone in the near future defeating him, he felt at his prime. His next milestone was reaching S rank, there were already plans being formed about once he had achieved that rank. Plans that made him even stronger, perhaps, making him unstoppable. There were some goals he had in mind, but getting stronger was one of his most important goals. After the events of today, this motivation made him thrive - setting him ready to become a powerful wizard, someone to be reckoned with. Noel had a long rest that night, thinking about the ways in which he wants to move forwards.

-- Exit --

[Rare] Gust Gauntlet
Name : Gust Gauntlet

Slot : Weapon

Type : Hand

Handling : One-Handed

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Wind

Damage : +40

Durability : 1x S-rank

Description : A superior Wind-enchanted gauntlet.

Details : The gauntlet covers the user's hand until their wrist.

Requirements : None

Bonus  :

  • Speed : +20

Ownership : Purchase

[Rare] Raven Night Ring
Name : Raven Night Ring

Slot : Ring

Type : Ring

Class : Rare

Quantity : Unlimited

Element : Arcane

Durability : 1x S-Rank

Description : A ring which allows the user to cast the Raven Metamorphose spell to turn into a raven.

Requirements : None

Spell :

  • Name: Raven Metamorphose
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Raven Night Ring
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user changes their appearance into a raven. Their feather color is always black. The user can speak while in raven form. The user can't cast spells while being in raven form. The effects of items that were worn while in human form are still applied to the user in raven form but spells that are attached to items can't be used. The user can fly up to 15 meters without using extra mana.

Ownership : Refund

Check this and also this

Don't know if you noticed this but
Search for "marble floor" :)

Spell learned: Wingardium Leviosa (A)
Spell learned: Kamehameha (A)
Spell learned: Flight or Fight (A)
Spell learned: Smokescreen (B)

3x A = 6000 + 1x B = 7000
Devotion: User gains a 15% wordcount reduction on quests and training.
WC: 5950

[S] - Halt Hammerzeit! 💨

Name : Halt Hammerzeit!

Rank : S

Mana Cost: 500

Requirements : Gravity Magic

Type : Offensive

Element : Wind

Range : 25 meters

Cooldown : 5 posts

Duration : Instant

Effect : Halt is an area of effect spell that deals A ranked wind damage to anyone caught up in the spell. It has an effective range of 32 meters in diameter. Due to gravitational properties, all character(s) hit by the offensive spell will be debuffed--effectively losing 40 speed and strength to their base stats, the user of the spell suffers half this debuff. Opponents whose speed and strength have been brought to 0 cannot move until they have 1 or more in those stats. To activate this spell, the user must loudly clap his hands--which makes a white colored magical circle appear. The circle is the same size of the area of effect spell. After the loud clap has been completed by the user, everything up to four meters above the ground will be targeted by the spell. A white shroud envelops the area at standard spell speeds(20m/s), starting from the ground up to four meters into the air where it reaches its apex and will start to dissipate shortly after.

Ownership : Link


Magnificio Dorado.

Former commander of Fanta, Magneficio is a prince from a Stellan realm. A product of Fanta's strongest charming spell. Noel and Vali helped him break free, returning him home in X789.#6633ff

Status : Ally
👊 strength.80
🚅 speed.61
🏃 endurance.100
💖 constitution.100
🎓 intelligence.50
🎩 trick.swordfighting

Charmed Leon.

Known for putting up diplomatic schemes, Leon was once a ruler of a castle. Under his command, his tribe thrived - until an assassination plot by Fantastico caused his kingdom to be in rumbles. Was freed by Noel & Vali in X789 and has been forever in their debt since. #99ccff

Status : Ally
👊 strength.50
🚅 speed.40
🏃 endurance.60
💖 constitution.70
🎓 intelligence.0
🎩 trick.swordfighting

Fantastico El Guavo.

Fanta identifies as a witch in every sense of the word. Her imaginations are cruel, and she's a rude guest generally speaking. Fanta rebels against authority, as many young witches do. Defeated by Noel & Vali in X789.#66ffcc

Status : Permanently retired
👊 strength.1
🚅 speed.61
🏃 endurance.200
💖 constitution.200
🎓 intelligence.300
🎩 trick.charm

Charmed Izrail.

Born into tradition, Izrail has been a career knight for most of his life. Up until an encounter with Fantastico, he'd be a Rune Knight. Sometimes his own personality breaks free. Defeated by Vali in X789. #ff3399

Status : Permanently retired
👊 strength.70
🚅 speed.70
🏃 endurance.60
💖 constitution.70
🎓 intelligence.300
🎩 trick.necromancy

#8Vali Onfroy † 

Dance to Remember ( Training ; Vali ) Empty Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:54 pm


Vali stood with his blade sheathed as his eyes glared at the girl in front of him. He was against hitting any woman, but this little bitch could have been an exception. He was never so annoyed with anyone in his life. As he looked for someone to shut the whining wench up, Noel received a phone call after beating his opponent. It was like time stopped. Both the witch and Vali turned to see who had been calling Noel. The first thing Vali noticed was the knight pinned by an antique swordfish. Ouch, Vali thought. The music was blaring. Smooth classical music was playing now but it had some strange as bass. All in all the music was horrible. When the older man answered the phone, Vali found that he was talking to Kenzo. Immediately his eyes widened. He had just taken a quest with Kenzo the other day. The two bonded quickly and it was safe to say that they were friends. Later after their quest, the duo had embarked on a journey to the local bar. Of course, the two of them had gotten shit-faced, that couldn't compare to how fucked up he was last night. Kenzo spoke through the device on Noel's arm, saying something or another about a party tonight. Another fucking party? Vali thought. The Witch watched in Shock. She couldn't believe that nobody was taking her seriously. The Viking had disrespected her, and the Gravity mage was dealing with her companion almost effortlessly. Vali rubbed his chin. Did he really have it in him to party again? Perhaps he could if he found another sitter for Hasani...but then he'd feel like a bad father. So, Vali decided that he wouldn't be partying tonight. He had a hangover anyway.

Then, blondie decided that she would take no more of whatever the fuck was happening. Angrily she told Leon to charge at Vali. So, doing as he was told, the warrior zoomed towards the white-haired werewolf. Meanwhile, Noel's opponent wasn't fully finished. Leon didn't make a sound when he moved. He looked like he wanted to, but he just... didn't. Vali simply backed up as Leon swung his blade. The Viking bobbed and weaved, dodging everything until finally, cracking Leon in his face with his bare fist. The Nobleman stumbled back, confused mostly. It looked like for a split moment he was realized what he was doing. Then, Vali kicked him in his face, sending him towards Noel. The Witch screamed, pouting a stomping out of frustration. Everything she worked so hard to create was crumbling before her very eyes. After Leon was kicked towards Noel, he stood up then began to fight the geezer. The young King glared at the Witch, lifting his finger and preparing himself to release a bullet. Really, he was still getting the hang of these new spells he learned a while ago. In fact, this was really the first time he was using them. His body was just too sore to fight. It looked almost like the girl had steam coming from both her ears, that's how upset she was. She couldn't stop whining and complaining. Unable to take any more of her shit, finally, Vali shot her in the knee. With an eye roll, he scratched his head and the girl gasped before falling to her knees. There was no winning for her. She lifted her hands. She was getting ready to use one of her spells. Suddenly, Noel came entered their personal party. Wow, where was the honor? So selfish, to just interrupt people in the middle of their battle. Where Vali was from, warriors respected one on ones. The Viking didn't mind too much though because really, he wasn't in the mood to fight.

When he turned around as Noel began to use his spell, he realized that one of the previous enemies were now helping. It seemed Noel had managed to set them free. He sure was doing a lot. Vali, on the other hand, didn't give a shit about what was happening, he just wanted it to be over already. Noel used one of his super special spells, but Vali didn't move out of the way. Instead, his armor absorbed the damage for the most part as he covered his face with his arms. It really was a strong spell. Vali stored it in his memory for the future- just in case he did want to use it or something. Fast forwarding, the witch was easily defeated. She was down for the count and still had the energy to kick around. Yikes, Vali thought as he slowly moved towards her. He shook his head. He was very against harming a woman- killing them at least. There was no way he would- "Ptui". "Did....Did you just spit on me?" Vali asked as his eyes widened. He towered above the laying blonde-headed wench. "Yeah, I did you black peic-" Then boom. Vali clenched his jaws before stomping. Then, a large fire erupted from his being, damaging him even more, breaking his armor, but also burning the bitch alive. Nobody else was injured. When the spell was done, the witch twitched- alive, but struggling. "Ha...ha...t-that's all, ugl-" She tried to speak. "I wasn't finished," he said coldly. Then, a magic circle appeared directly above her. Vali himself stepped back as fire rained from above, causing her to scream in pain until finally, she passed out.

When all was said and done, Vali helped Noel clean up the guild, then the freed dance slaves thanked the duo. Vali nodded and smiled but his only wish was for them to take their old leaders' body and do whatever the fuck they wanted. She would probably never be able to move again, but she wasn't dead. With nothing else left here, Vali quickly ran to his child.

- Exit -

WC: 3,477/3,230 (INT & GL3)


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