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Orchidia to Astera [Foot travel]

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#1Theo Kaguya 

Orchidia to Astera [Foot travel] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:33 am

Theo Kaguya
Theo thought it be best for him to get back out on the field as he has been away from his brother and sisters in arms for far too long and it was time to put the past behind him once and for all. His time at the church was well spent, to say the least as he came to terms with himself and having to make the hard choices on the battlefield. The knight thanked the priest for everything that he had done on his way out of the church "Welp time to head to Astera and see what I can do." he said leaving the church behind him.

Theo wanted to go and look for his sister but that could wait as she would turn up sooner or later just like all the other times she has gone missing. He made his way through the woods that seemed nearly endless I hope I didn't take a wrong turn somewhere, he thought to himself as he never really traveled to Astera very much or alone for that matter but he trusted himself enough to not get lost. After an hour of walking the knight thought it be best to0 rest and just take in the wilderness while he could.

After some rest, Theo made continued his onwards about another three miles until he reached the two of Astera. It was truly a place that one would come to for a get away or even honeymoon if they wanted.

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