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A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:14 pm

Lee Nakamura
Orchida was most definitely one of the most beautiful cities in all of Fiore. There was not doubt about it. LeeAnn felt right at home, as if she never left. Though, the strong presence of Illumin churches thrived here. It drove her mad just thinking about it. Hikaru knew about it. So did her father. The whole Nakamura family hates the church. Right now, the fire had been relightened by her older brother. Bringing back the old feelings of working hard and to her old self again, she was a lot happier than before. It was like her older brother was the cure!

Sad to say, not all of her problems have washed away completely.

There was a racial war perking in the country. She could sense it. The Rune Knight's duty was to protect it's people. To keep everyone safe and happy, that's all Lee wanted. The church did not do that. Dark guilds...fine. That can be dealt with, but something to be seen as 'good' and 'beneficial'. It cannot be as easy to take care of. Religion in her opinion was nothing more than an excuse for humanity to explain the world around them. She was not going to hate on all religions, but those who hurt others makes her blood boil.

Sought past the crowd of civilians amongst a priest, who was preaching about the god and how it will bring light or some shit. LeeAnn paused with her hood up and cloak covering her ears and six fox tails. Holding her horse's riengs, she just stared. Not her full complexion could be concealed. Her red and black ghoul eye just stared at the thoughtless hordes of corspes. Paying no mind, she continued onward to get to the stables. "Religion is nothing more than an excuse to hurt innocent people. I will become stronger and the Nakamuras will take their revenge on tainting our name and other innocent lives" she whispered in a hushed tone. Finally, she gotten to the stables and started to brush her horse out and dry him off.

"You know, Thowra, those who are not human are treated like scum. I was fortunate to at least experience being human, but I now see how both sides see each other. Not thta I always though humans were superior, but it really has opened my eyes of being a kitsune or neko. I just wish otehrs would see things how I see them. Being another race does not define who you are...your actions do" she spoke to him. The horse only snorted in agreement. It brought a smile upon her face. She put a blanket on him to keep him warm and huffed.

"I will see you tomorrow, boy" she said. Closing the doors and paying the boarding fee, she started walking down the street nad yet again getting looks from everyone.

Tail 7: 51/100
Event: 15/30

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:09 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 296 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
It was a fair day in Orchidia. It was cold, but not windy, which made the winter air seem less daunting. It would have been a pleasant day to do a request or two, but it was simply too nice to pass up. As such, the elf could be found walking through the streets of her town blissfully reading a science fiction novel. It had snowed lightly the night before, so with every step she took, a quiet crunch could be heard beneath her feet, mirroring the softly dusted landscape of the beautiful town. Despite all the noise people made though, Kerii found herself deaf to it all while she became entranced by the book in her hands. Conflict was brewing. Characters were already showing designs of development. The whole writing style was just brilliant. It was no wonder the author seemed to be popular within the science fiction genre.

Unfortunately, Kerii tended to become a bit too oblivious to her surroundings. She promptly ended up accidentally walking into someone, causing her to drop her book in surprise. "I'm sorry!" Kerii hurriedly said, bending down to pick up her book. Her lip quivered briefly seeing as she lost her page, but then decided it was probably best to actually apologize while directly talking to the person she had bumped into. "I should really watch where I'm going. I..." Her voice trailed off as she got a look at the red-haired woman. She had ears and a tail, but did not look like most nekos she had met before. Rather, this young woman had a more fox-like appearance, like a kitsune. The young woman probably got stares like this a lot, which made Kerii realize just how rude she was being. "And I'm sorry for staring too."
Event 16/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#3Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:47 pm

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn was simply admiring the beauty of the city. She noticed a young elf woman reading a book so intently. The girl seemed intellatual and loved a lgood book obviously. As a writer, this slight perked her interest. Too aloof to the girl, they both ran into each other. LeeAnn fell to the ground with a small thump. Her tails luckily cushioned her fall thank the stars. She got up from her spot and dusted herself off. As she looked up at this girl, she was frantic about her page she had lost. This made Leeann chuckled a little seeing how much of a bookworm she was. She could most definately see younger self into this girl just a tad.

LeeAnn heard her apologize and trail off from her sentence. Automatically, she knew that the fox ears and tails were something hse was looking at. It was almost immune to her. She was perhaps the only known kitsune in the whole country at this point. NEver knowing her true origins other than she was found in the forest of Fiore by her father, she had nothing to go on. "It's okay. I did not mean to make you loose your place. What book were you reading? Couldn't help but notice a local bookworm as well" she said, trying to b e nice. She had a hard time trusting people and was making an effort to start a conversation since her captain did say to make new friends.

"As for staring, you can stare all you like. I am quite immune to it. I am the only kitsune known to anyone around Fiore" she spoke.

Tail 7: 52/100
Event: 15/30

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:03 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 240 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Luckily for Kerii, the kitsune seemed to be fine with her act of clumsiness. Whether it was genuine or out of common courtesy, it made the elf feel a little better. In fact, she continued on with another friendly gesture by asking which book she was reading. "Oh, it's a sci-fi novel," she responded. She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear that had fallen out of her braid. It wasn't everyone's favorite genre and was actually somewhat controversial in the fact that it disputed some religious beliefs. Being quite the science nerd though, Kerii honestly found the subjects science fiction novels fascinating, even if it did conflict with her teachings of the Linea.

As for the matter of Kerii ignorantly staring at the kitsune, she seemed okay with that as well. Evidently, she had grown numb to it, which was largely attributed to the fact that she was the only kitsune in Fiore... or at least, that's what she thought. "The only one?" the elf asked, tapping her finger against her lip. The redhead did have some merits to her claim. Despite all her travels in Fiore, Kerii could not think of a single other kitsune she came across. "I've come across quite a few nekos, so I wonder why not kitsunes. Are they usually found in another country?" As this subject was clearly foreign to the Lamia, she was hoping that this woman would enlighten her.
Bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#5Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:13 pm

Lee Nakamura
The elfven girl had a calm aura around her. It calmed the kistune a little bit since her distrust in anyone was clear to many people. Though, she tried to put on her best face to many. Sometimes it came ndatural, other times it was forced. This time it just came natural, her muscles relaxed. She mentioned a sci-fi novel. LeeAnn was more of a history nerd and trying to learn new things that she could put forth for her training. Though, lately she had been picking up fictional books since she has done a lot of creative writing. "Hm. I need to try the genre sometime. Got any good books you can recommend to a fellow bookworm" she asked.

There were some sense of asking even more details, but she did not want to seem too bold. The girl was mezmoried by the new race. A kitsune. Not many people got to see one up close and personal before. LeeAnn just let out a small chuckle for amusement by Kerii's face. "As far as I know of, I am. I could be clearly wrong though" she replied to her question. LeeAnn heard one more thing asking if she knew if they were found in another country. The redhead shrugged. "Could be. I wouldn't doubt it. I dont know my real parents nor nothing about my people. I just found out I was kitsune. My true form has been surpressed since I was born. My adopted parents did not know either until recently. Explains all the hospital visits" she spoke. LeeAnn would loved to know more about her race and what they held in powers. Who knew? She could be the last of her kind! But that was highly unlikely.

Tail 7: 63/100
Event: 18/30

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 233 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
As Kerii suspected, it seemed that the kitsune had not yet tried a science fiction novel, but was eager to try. In fact, she even asked the elf to suggest one. "Hmm... there's a lot of good ones." Science fiction was a very broad concept as well and often encompassed other qualities found in many genres. She eventually decided on one of the very first sci-fi novels she read. "But, The Crow's Nest is a good one to start off with." It did not deal with as drastic concepts as some others and sort of eased the reader into the controversial genre without making the ideas presented seemingly imposing.

In regards to the young woman being the only kitsune in Fiore, she reaffirmed that she was indeed the only kitsune that she knew of, but supposed that there could be others out there. She also conceded that it was possible that they resided within countries outside of Fiore, but she had yet to discover her true birth parents. In fact, the kitsune herself did not even know she was of another race until recently. "Really?" the elf asked, raising an eyebrow, more out of confusion than of suspicion. "I've never heard of a race presenting itself late like that... but there's a first time for everything I guess." She paused for a moment. "You said you were adopted then? Born and raised in Fiore?"
Event 17/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#7Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:56 pm

Lee Nakamura
LeeAnn was open to the idea of reading. Her father said that reading would improve her passion for wirting. Eager to give it a try, she waited for the elf's response on a good title. Sci-fi seemed like a forgien subject to the kistune as much as socializing with people were. Which was a lot! Yet having a huge libary back at the Nakamura Manor. She never really read much while she was at home on science fiction. Most of it was history on the family and researching for her own benefit to understand how the Nakamura family had worked. Recording her thoughts and dreams in a journal was a start. "Crow's Nest? I think I might have that in my family's library. Which author is it by if you happen to know? I am sorry I am asking you all these questions. I am reading more novels to improve my writing skills" she explained. She took out a small leather bounded journal that her father had bought her to use while she was in the hospital for a long time. Jotting down the title of the book in today's entry and the author's when Kerii mentioned it. She would close the book and place the pen in her pocket.

The elf seemed suspicious or curious about what she had said. It was odd to her as well. LeeAnn assumed her true form was surpressed by another mage of course probably for protection. That's what her father thought. With how races today are being treated, it would make sense. "Not really. I don't think thats how it works. My father was thinking my true form was suppressed by a powerful mage to protect me and appear human. Afterall, with how different races are being treated these days. It would make sense if you think about it. I am keen to learn more about my kind and reading all that I can upon them. Though, there is very little written about us from what I can find" she explained. She sounded a little disappointed that she could not find more upon her race.

Event: 20/30
Tail 7: 68/100

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:46 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 345 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Kerii's eyes lit up when the kitsune said that she believed the book was in her family's library somewhere; the name sounded familiar. Just to be sure though, she asked for the author's name, but excused herself soon after, as she felt she was asking too many questions. It was for a good reason though. She wanted to improve her writing skills. "Oh, don't worry," she said in reassurance. "I don't mind. His name is Augustus Apelles, a Bellan author. He actually tries to incorporate some of his native language into the names of things in his novels, which I think is neat." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and blushed lightly, realizing that she was probably sounding like a nerd being fascinated by Apelles's literature. As the kitsune was a writer though, perhaps she shared that same love, but for other authors. "What kind of things do you write?" she wondered, assuming it was stories as well, but there were other options too, such as poetry.

Evidently, the redhead did not think that most kitsunes presented with ears and tails later in life. Her form as a kitsune was theorized to actually be suppressed by a mage in order to block her from racism. She seemed a little resentful though, as the only thing she could do was go off books to learn more about her own race. Being an elf, Kerii had her fair share of racial prejudice, but nothing too extreme. "I can't believe there's magic that can do that." Granted, magic was magic. Neither Kerii, nor many other people in the universe, truly knew the extent to what magic is capable of. She for one was learning new things about it all the time. Still, something so powerful as to block someone from showing such defining racial traits embedded in DNA was nothing short of amazing... and terrifying. "I don't think I'd like someone doing that to me though. Definitely not without my consent. Sure, I could have done without living around certain humans, but everything was manageable."
Event 19/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#9Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:44 pm

Lee Nakamura
The talk about humanity's works of art made the book geek in front of her really start talking. IT was nice to actually talk to someone about reading. The mentioned ot he family's library made the elf's eyes lit up. She smiled with a interested light in her eyes. Kerii assured it was no problem asking questions. She went on about hte author's name. She took out her book and took a few notes again about the author's name nad some of his writing tactics. This made LeeAnn think of a story about a young werewolf and his forbidden love with a human. She was a sucker for romance. "If you like romance there is a book a finished reading recently called 'Moonlight's Howl' by Jackie Windbell. It's about a werewolf who is lonely and saves a human girl from a monster. They both fell in love after that, but the towns people really did not seem to like that all that much. It's a bit interesting seeing how today's issues can relate to books. It's really good and nothing cheesy about this romance novel" she smiled.

She listened to Kerii speak about what she had just said. LeeAnn could agree. It did bother her, but she could see their reasoning which did protect her to some degree until she changed into a neko. "Though, I was an infant so I had not say then. If I could speculate, I was probably given up and trying to be protected. Could be wrong, but who knows in this day in age. Anything could happen" she said with a shrug. LeeAnn rememebered being bedridden for days upon months for nearly two years. Most of the time, all she could do was write, draw, or read. So reading and writing became her new hobby. "I was bedridden for almost two years cause of the magical suppression of this form. Though, it did get me to read a lot more and even more interested into writing as well. I mostly write about my thoughts and vent. Though, its mostly in poem form or unsent letters. I did write a story about a mage and her cat. Was not a good ending, but an emotional piece" she mentioned. The short story reminded her of her long pasted pet, Abraxas.

Event: 24/30
Tail 7: 80/100

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:26 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 251 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Once Kerii gave the kitsune a suggestion for a good science fiction novel, she in turn, gave her a romance recommendation. The plot revolved around a human girl and a werewolf. The way she described it, it seemed to be yet another starstruck lover cliché, but it was in the redhead's opinion a good read. Though Kerii personally was not too fond of the romance genre, she would still take the other woman's suggestion into consideration. "I'll have to try that out then," she replied. Perhaps it was time for the Wood Elf to give that genre another try.

On the topic of suppressing one's genealogical racial traits via magic, it had evidently been done ever since the kitsune was an infant. Regardless of the actual reason of her true form being kept a secret though, the red-haired woman still believed that it was for her own protection. Such an act did not come without repercussions though. She ended up being bedridden for two entire years. Kerii would just about lose her sanity if she was incapable of moving around, but the redhead managed with reading and writing. She was able to convey her emotions mostly through poetry and letters, and even wrote a story. "Writing can be very therapeutic," the elf conceded, "but you know, I don't think I caught your name. I'm Kerii." It seemed like their conversation would continue, and if that was the case, the Lamia at least wanted to know who she was getting to know.
Event 25/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#11Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:49 pm

Lee Nakamura
The Wood Elf mentioned she had not captured her name. She turned red a little bit for giving the lack of into to the woman. It was rude for her to not introduce herself in their greeting. Usually, she was on target for that. The wood elf introduced herself Kerii. LeeAnn held out her hand in response with a small smile to the fellow bookworm. "Nice to meet you Kerii, the name is LeeAnn Nakamura. It's nice to meet another fellow bookworm finally" she laughed nervously.

It would clearly seem that she had social anxiety. The redhead was not good at talk to people since it scared her. Though, she was trying to make an effort to at least try to overcome this obsticale. The young Nakamura smiled nervously, rubbing the aback of her head. "I apologize of not introducing earlier, I am ususally pretty good about manners" she said. Lowring her hand, she blinked a few times as she looked at Kerii's ears tips showing a little. She was now the one staring at her unique features. "I don't mean to be rude, but what are elves yourself like? Your culture and everything. I always was curious about that kind of thing" she asked.

Tail 7: 84/100
Event: 27/30

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:22 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 308 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Kerii didn't mean to embarrass the kitsune. She flushed a light shade of red when the elf said she had yet to know the girl's name, and nervously gave a reply. The kitsune was named LeeAnn Nakamura, and apologized for not saying so earlier. "It's fine! Besides, I kind of forgot to do the same until now," Kerii reassured, hoping that would make LeeAnn at least feel a little bit better. Kerii was not much of an extrovert in any sense of the word. She wasn't exactly shy. Too much socialization just exhausted her, and as a result, ended up spending most of her time in solitude. As a result, the young elf would sometimes forget to pick up on social cues and formalities.

LeeAnn seemed be looking at Kerii's pointed ears, not that she had any problem with that. After all, she did rather ignorantly stare at the kitsune's ears and tails. She was curious as to what elves were like in regards to things such as their culture. LeeAnn expressed her concern for coming off as rude, but Kerii did not think she was at all. In fact, she was rather delighted to answer her questions. "Well, there's a few different kind of elves out there, each with their own different culture. For example, I'm a Wood Elf. Most in Fiore are raised in Athalran, but I'm actually from Crocus," she explained. Her situation was a little different from other Wood Elves, but she still held onto their religion and traditions. "We have a very deep connection with everything nature, especially with the spirits... though that can get out of hand at times." Kerii nervously scratched the back of her neck as she said that last part. The Lamia was living proof of such carelessness with the spirits, though that was a story for another time.
Bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#13Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:40 pm

Lee Nakamura
It made her feel better that she was not the only one to forget to introduce herself. Usually, she was always polite since it was beaten senseless into her by her parents, they were not abusive but figure of speech. LeeAnn listened to the girl reassure it was okay. Kerii seemed like an interesting girl with a rich love for literature just as she did. LeeAnn had grown away from the subjects of fiction and loved more about history. She wanted to learn anything she could about it and use it to her advantage.

Kerii was happy to answer her curious questions about elves and her culture. Wood elves, like her, in Fiorie were raised in Athalran, but she grew up in Crocus. That was interesting with how many types of elves there were. Most were intune with nature and it's spirits. Which made the young kitsune wonder if her species could contact the undead or something like that. Afterall, she heard legends of kitsunes being spirit-like in some sense of another. It could just be a fairy tale anyways. "That's awesome! Spirits! Do you talk to them when you need help or are they just always floating around you? I have always wondered if kitsunes were similar in that sense. I can't find anything on my kind, but I will find an answer some day! Your kind sounds amazing, you should show me some of your magic if you want, I would with mine but being a fire mage and all. I would not want to burn anything down after last time" she mentioned. Remembering the last time she used her magic, she burned down a small food stand, which wasn't bad, but you never know.

Tail 7: 90/100
Event: 29/30

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:39 am


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 295 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Kerii was happy to see the kitsune so interested in her culture. Despite the elf not having great experiences with a certain spirit called Ă‹ala, it didn't ruin them as a whole. They were quite a diverse group of entities, ranging from harmless sprites to powerful beings of potential mass destruction. The kind that came to LeeAnn's mind though were spirits that floated around, potentially being helpful as well. She was curious as to whether such things were associated with kitsunes as well, and seemed to want to know if Kerii possessed any sort of magic. The elf gave a light chuckle at LeeAnn's eagerness to learn. It was always nice to meet another inquisitive soul, but now she realized how she probably seemed to a lot of others who she too tended to bombard with questions just out of pure curiosity.

"We tend to have connections with spirits on a more, well... spiritual level," Kerii explained, realizing that she had no better words to describe it. "Wood Elves tend to live in harmony with them. By treating nature with respect, we treat them with respect, and they do the same in return. Well, that's at least how most of them work anyway." There were other cases that Kerii could spend hours talking about. After all, 'spirit' was a broad term which technically encompassed ghosts, and some people even referred to sprites and pixies as forest or nature spirits. The elf was referring to the kind her people were mostly associated with, but even that narrow group could get complicated. "And as for my magic, I use a nature-based one. I primarily focus on healing, but I can do a few other things with it... but fire you say? When did you start learning magic?"
Event 29/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#15Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:23 pm

Lee Nakamura
The interest about spirits perked her curiosity up. She knew her magic connected with spirits as well to a certain degree, but totally excluded any possibility of actually contacting them. Only she knew will-o-wisp were spirits to help guide or lure their in tender to something. Hence, this was only lore knowledge and nothing truly studied on a academic level. Kerii seemed to gladly tell her more about her culture and what was about her magic. She really hoped still on not coming off as too annoying or strong. She knew how it felt since a lot of people would ask her questions about being a kitsune and stuff. When in reality, she knew nothing of her origins.

Kerii went on to explain a lot of things about her magic. She was able to connect with spirts on a spiritual level. Its a two way street with how elves respected nature and nature did to them, something she would want to see more out of humans. It only goes to show the destructive nature of humanity could be and what qualifies as a human being. She finished about mentioning her magic was nature based and mainly used for healing. LeeAnn was posed with a question about her magic and fire. The kistune smiled and nodded. "That's awesome! You don't meet much healers nowadays. I am primarily offensive and supplmentary spell caster. My fire magic is called Will-o-Wisp and does on some level connect with spirts as this fire is really just spiritual fire and not fumed by oxygen like normal fire" she went one to explain. LeeAnn showed a flame of blueish-white on the tip of her finger then put it out for a quick minute.

Event: 30/30
Tail 7: 91/100

Last edited by LeeAnn Nakamura on Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:25 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 230 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Although LeeAnn did not answer Kerii's question about when she began to use magic, she did give an explanation about how her magic functioned, which satisfied the elf. The kitsune's magic also coincidentally had ties with spirits. Despite discovering yet another similarity between herself and LeeAnn, Kerii would not yet tell her that a spirit was the drive of her magic as well. Besides, the mages' spirits were two entirely different entities. Will-o-wisps were things most mages heard about in fairy tales at one point or another, so a magic that revolved around them was not unbelievable. What Kerii found interesting though, was the fact that LeeAnn's flames did not need oxygen to thrive. They ignited on pure magical (or spiritual) energy alone. "Leave it to magic to defy science," Kerii said, shaking her head. The elf was a very logical person. She didn't like it when things didn't make sense. Living in a world where magic conflicted with the limited scientific knowledge people possessed at the moment, this was inevitable, but it still bugged her.

Now that she learned a bit about of LeeAnn's magic, another question popped into the elf's mind. "What's a mage such as yourself doing in Orchidia by the way?" Kerii was meeting a striking number of mages in Orchidia. Usually it was just Lamia Scale members with a few traveling mages here and there.
Event 30/30
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#17Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:26 pm

Lee Nakamura
Magic and science were two subjects that were either bred and butter or mixed like water and oil. She believed in facts as well, but also in magical properties. It was too complex on the matter for the young kitsune to understand, but she did believe in that kind of thing. When it came to religion, she full on hated it even if all of it were true. A subject like that could turn her off in an heart beat. The young mage in front of her seemed a little suprised by her. LeeAnn shrugged. "That's what my mentor told me, at least" she said. She was not fully sure of how true it is, but was positive it had some truth to the matter.

Kerii asked what a mage like herself is doing here in the first place. LeeAnn shrugged. "I was sent here by the council to do some work for them. Nothing really big, I get placed in different places every once in a while for jobs and missions needed to be done. Besides, I like it better here than than Hargeon, so calming and not as many people" she spoke to Kerii. Despite it being winter, it was still tranquil and peaceful. "Didn't you say you were from a guild earlier? Or was i mistaken? she asked.

Event: 30/30
Tail 7: 93/100

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:59 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 465 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
LeeAnn seemed equally as puzzled by her magic's defiance of scientific rules and simply blamed it on what she was told by her master. "Oh, I'm not doubting that's the truth," the elf began, waving her hands to show that her initial statement didn't imply disbelief. "I just feel like there's so much we simply don't know yet. There definitely must be some laws that magic must follow, but we have yet to figure them out." That was mostly what Kerii was trying to get across. Yet again, she could have easily went off on a tangent about her theories and the other proposed theories of several scientists and mages, but she did not want to bore the kitsune.

Kerii had asked why LeeAnn was in Orchidia, and she replied by saying that she was sent by the Magic Council, thus implying that she was a Rune Knight. Evidently, she was deployed to a lot of places mostly to do missions and the like, but seemed to like Orchidia even more so than other towns such as Hargeon. The elf couldn't help but beam at this. Most people preferred relaxing places such as Hargeon or Magnolia, but LeeAnn liked Orchidia for one of the same reasons Kerii did. "Oh yeah, I completely understand." The warm sandy beaches of Hargeon were always enjoyable, but being the introverted mage she was, being around people (even if she didn't directly socialize with them) was both physically and mentally draining. Orchidia had its fair share of people, but really the only crowded areas were the market streets. There, Kerii admittedly tended to feel her energy slipping away, but Orchidia was still her home. Speaking of which, LeeAnn seemed to recall Kerii mentioning she was from the guild in that town. "Hmm, did I?" the absentminded elf asked, trying to think back to the previous conversations they had. For the life of her, she could not confirm if she did say that or not. Little things like that often slipped her mind, especially when she felt comfortable talking to someone. "Well, regardless, I am part of Lamia Scale. Have been for several years." A hint of a proud tone could be heard in her voice, but who could blame her? Lamia Scale was a reputable guild and she was elated to call it home.

A gust of cold wind blew past the mages sending brisk chills down her spine. "You know what, if we're going to continue this conversation, how about we do it someplace warmer. I know a nice quiet café nearby," Kerii offered. She hoped that LeeAnn would take her up on the decision to seek shelter from the wintry weather. Besides, the place she had in mind served a really good hazelnut latte that she was craving.
Bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#19Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:57 pm

Lee Nakamura
It would only be a matter of time before everyone would understand how important science is. The big question was how does this magic work? That really made her think for a small portion of time. The elf in front of her was a member of the Lamia Scale guild. The woman smiled. She really had only met a few members of the famous guild. It was nice to meet another. "A member of the Lamia Scale guild? That's awesome! The last one I met gave me the creeps..., but other than that, Lamia Scale has some pretty strong members" she admired. Placing her hands on her hips, she gave a little sile at the mage. They could see their breaths in the clear cold air. Water vapor leaving their body, sapping them from water.

Dehydrated, LeeAnn was wanting something to give her head a rest. She was forming a request for thirst. Kerii stated they should go continued their conversaton further in a cafe. LeeAnn nodded in agreement. "Very well, lead the way" she smiled. She did not know where the best places were for coffee or water. Somewhere quiet would be the best places to talk quietly. When they would arrive, it was small and cutesy. Which was the right plaec to talk and chat, barely anyone was here. LeeAnn ordered water and sat down. The young redhead sat down. "Question, do you know someone named Kyam? I met him a few weeks ago, rather...interesting fellow. He's in your guild" she asked.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:31 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 315 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Kerii was a little curious about someone of Lamia Scale who LeeAnn called a creep. As far as she knew, no one in the guild acted like that, but then again she did not know everyone as well as she should. The kitsune seemed to move on from that point and mention that Lamia Scale was known for its strong members, and to that Kerii nodded her head. "Master Shahrbaraz definitely pushes us to be our finest," she confirmed, thinking back to the several challenges he put members of the guild through. She wasn't going to lie: some of them were deadly. Was it a tad bit frightening that her guild mater would do such a thing? Perhaps, but nobody in their right mind would attempt to do something optional they knew they could not survive... or at least she hoped that's what most people thought.

Luckily, LeeAnn agreed to go to the café and said Kerii could lead the way. "It's over this way." The quaint coffee shop was not too far of a walk. Upon entering, the two mages were greeted by the chime of a silver bell above their heads. One of the baristas recognized Kerii from her frequent visits and happily made the elf's hazelnut latte along with LeeAnn's cup of water. Upon sitting down, the duo resumed their conversation. The Rune Knight spoke first and she wanted to know if Kerii knew of a person named Kyam. "I've heard of him." The elf blew on the cup to cool her coffee down. "But I've never met him in person. Was he um... the creep you were talking about earlier, if you don't mind me asking?" The newest member of their guild, Fibi, brought him up as the member of Lamia Scale who sent her in the guild's direction. Other than that though, she knew next to nothing about the man.
Bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#21Lee Nakamura 

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:38 pm

Lee Nakamura
It was good to hear that their guildmaster challenges his members. The thought made her think of the Rune Knights and how it was always a challenge for the young wizard to accomplish anything during her basic training. Those were the days! She was glad now that she was not a lower ranking officer anymore. "That's always a wonderful thing to hear, Kerii" she replied.

The elf lead the way tell her it was this way. What ever this way was? She just played follow the leader and went inside the cafe. Orchida was definately a place you could get lost in so easily, even during the winter when all the trees look the same. The current day was cold and slight drizzling, even if it was winter. She heard Kerii's reply about a mage named Kyam. LeeAnn was one to never trust people and always find everyone to be a creep, except Kerii. She seemed to be alright and rather pleasant company to talk to. The elf spoke she never met him but asked if it was the creep she was talking about. "Yeah, that's him. I met him a few weeks ago doing so charity work and everything. For some reason, I was brought in at first by how charming he was, but he just gave me some strange vibe. Though, it could just be me. I dont trust very many people and think most are creeps, except you of course. You are really sweet and kind compared to most I talk to. Sorry I just went on a tangent" she spoke. She felt a little bad by doing a little rant about her thoughts and the small story. For sure, Kerii probably won't mind, but she wanted to be sure in case she was being rude.

LeeAnn took a sip of her water, the cool liquid was refreshing to her parched lips. They had been screaming for moisture for a while now. Setting the cup back down on the table, she looked at the elf. "Kyam is an interesting fellow, but makes me feel uneasy, as if he was planning something. Oh well, I cant read minds" she said.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:41 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 356 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Kerii listened to LeeAnn's little tangent as she tipped on her hazelnut latte. Evidently, this 'Kyam' person was charming, but let off a weird vibe. The elf knew exactly what she was talking about, especially since LeeAnn also seemed rather distrusting of others, but strangely not to Kerii. Perhaps it was because they had so much in common. Though their situations greatly differed, the Wood Elf could definitely see bits and pieces of herself within the Rune Knight. It was actually sort of refreshing in a way to finally have someone who she could relate to on some level. "Oh no, you're fine," Kerii said after LeeAnn apologized about rambling on. "I actually feel the same way about a lot of people, but not really you either, so I totally get it." Of course all distrust seemed to melt away in the elf whenever she saw someone hurt or in danger. It was more of an instinctual reaction that she simply could not help. Kerii realized that it could end up putting her in serious trouble herself one day, but her impulsive nature nearly always won regardless of the situation.

The Lamia took another sip of her coffee while LeeAnn further elaborated on her assessment of Kyam. Once she was finished, Kerii let out a sigh. "I apologize if that was your first impression of the guild. Most of us aren't like that," she replied, shaking her head. LeeAnn seemed to trust Kerii, so the kitsune likely came to that conclusion on her own, but she just wanted to reiterate that fact just to be sure. She traced her finger along the rim of her cup as she tried to come up with a question to ask LeeAnn, when one popped up in her mind. "Do you know Ren? He's a Rune Knight I met earlier here. I think he's still stationed in Orchidia, but I'm not sure." Perhaps the kitsune knew the answer, but if she didn't, that was fine. The Magic Council seemed to be quite a large organization, so it wouldn't surprise the elf in the slightest if the two hadn't crossed paths.
2/3 First Coin
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Empty Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:33 am


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 221 | outfit | @LeeAnn -
Right after Kerii asked if LeeAnn knew Ren, she shook her head. "You know what, never mind. The Rune Knights is a pretty large faction. I shouldn't expect everyone to know everyone." She took another sip of her drink as she mentally confirmed how unlikely it really was that LeeAnn knew him. Kerii didn't know how true it was, but she always imagined guilds being tighter-knit than larger factions like that. Despite how long she had been in Lamia Scale, even she did not know all the members of it. She couldn't expect LeeAnn to do the same.

The elf eventually finished her latte and kindly smiled to LeeAnn. "It was really nice meeting you," she began. "I loved chatting and having this little break, but I have some guild related things to take care of that I can't put off any more." Kerii stood up from her chair and put her empty cup away. She waved goodbye to the redhead and left the cafe. She liked that kitsune and could see more than a bit of herself in her. It was refreshing to finally have someone to relate to, even if their situations were different. She hoped to run into LeeAnn another day, but for now that would have to wait. There was some business she needed to deal with.
- Exit -
template by punki of adoxography

A Fire to be Ingited [Kerii/Private] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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