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Checkmate [Quest | Salem]

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Checkmate [Quest | Salem] Empty Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:10 am

Salem made his way through the port town of Hargeon, the young Magic Council Rune Knight strolling his way to his most recent of quest that he had taken it upon himself to take today. Figuring that while he was in Hargeon he should take on a few of the local quest in the hopes that it could lead to him getting so good connection in the town, as Salem was still trying to learn his way around the ports tending to always find himself running into dead ends or the water rather than the actual location he was looking for. With Salem just seeming not able to wrap his hands around the confusing structure of the port town yet, though he was sure sooner or later its structure would come to him once he had managed to spend a few more days inside of the town. The young Rune Knight having only managed to be in the town for a day or two and had only really managed to visit the lighthouse of the town which was probably one of the more easy locations in the town of Hargeon to locate since well it was a giant tower and stuck out more than anything considering that was it task in helping the boats find safe passage to the inner ports of Hargeon.

Soon Salem would come to find himself entering the town park of Hargeon town, a place that he was sure probably brought a lot of joy to the younger children of the town, considering that a lot of town Salem went to did not have anything of this sort for the youth or even for the rest of the community for that matter. Though Salem could only blame his reason or his park visit today, being under the fact that it was going to be the location of the quest that he himself had managed to find on the quest board the night he got into the town of Hargeon, It was one of the more simple quest, and one Salem was sure he would easily be able to handle. As it was to play cheese with a young boy, a game that Salem was coming to seem was all the popular as he moved through the park seeing all of the different chess tables set up with many people all around both partaking in games as well as watching them.

All Salem could hear as he walked through the section of chess tables in the Hargeon town park, was check mate being screamed out from various tables all around, showing the young mage that the park of Hargeon was alive, very alive with the spirit of chess. Something that Salem was coming to like about the town, he himself be one who loved the game of chess and tended to use it in his real life battle strategy’s. Soon Salem would come to see the young Bart Decker, the current giver of his quest today. Upon reaching the boy, Salem would proceed to greet himself to the boy as they proceed to discuss the task that was going to be at hand today.

Last edited by Salem on Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total


Checkmate [Quest | Salem] Empty Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:15 am

“Well its seems you were bold enough to take my challenge on the quest board, as it is a simple one. Though I must make sure to warn you that I am a chess prodigy and probably the best chess player in this park if not the best chess player in Hargeon. But I shall try and take it easy on you if you like, I just seem to get a thrill of beating the mages that try and take me on. But I wish you the best”.

Finishing their discussion, Salem and Bart would proceed to set up the chess board as they both set on their proceeded side of the table, Bart claiming the white pieces leaving Salem with those of Black decent, something that he figured would help him get the upper hand, figuring that he could use a slight imitation trick he had picked up back in the capital of Fiora. Bart would start off with the first moving simply moving his pawn in a simple forward motion start the battle that was to come of this chess game, and instantly the game would take off with both of the boys proceeding to go back and forth both of the boys trying to set up the perfect end game for capturing ones king the whole point of the game, as well as the whole point of any war or battle that took place. Since once the enemy’s king or commanding general was taken out the battle and or war was generally over for the most part. Amongst the game the two boys would proceed to discuss things of life as they somewhat bonded over the game.

Bart would proceed to discuss to Salem that the point of the quest was really not due to the fact that the young boy was a chess prodigy and looking for a challenge. As it was more due to the fact that Bart was truly good and beat most of the player in the park so much that they tended to not want to play him anymore, this leading to the need of him putting up quest for challenges. And the purpose of the quest Wasn’t the challenge but the fact the Bart wanted some company as he tended to be lonely and got tired of being by himself. Especially considering the fact that Bart had to deal with the stress of his parents and trying live up to the stature of his older brothers who also happen to be scholars just like Salem, though their study wasn’t in magic like the young Rune Knight Salem’s was but none the less it made it hard for Bart to live up to his older brothers in the eyes of his parents. Something that Salem could see saddened him very much so. Finishing the game Salem would come out on top and receive his reword from the young Bart before proceeding to start back exploring the town of Hargeon.  

WC: 503

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