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Orchidia Town to Siegheart mountains [foot travel]

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#1Chelvaric Walderkat 

Orchidia Town to Siegheart mountains [foot travel] Empty Tue May 23, 2017 1:33 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
Chelvaric was walking through the streets of Orchidia as he was on his way to leave the city. He needed to be somewhere else. A place he wasn’t sure would be good or not but there was something going on in that location. He heard a broadcast from a villain saying that he wanted to blow up Fiore that wouldn’t be good so Chelvaric had to go and save the day. Well maybe he wouldn’t be the one saving the day but he at least could make some effort in boosting people up to fight the new guy. He wondered where he came from and how good he was. He was probably of decent strength as he was challenging the whole country. But even if he was strong he wouldn’t falter in his duty to win a fight. He wouldn’t stop before the menace was dead or he was dead. Not that Chelvaric feared death. He embraced it. It was a next cycle of life and you shouldn’t be too worried about it. Passing on just meant stepping up the game. You would be accepting into Nekotamia. The biggest city of cat’s alike. It was filled with cat angels and cat demons. But also normal cat’s and cat humans. The city was divided in three zones where each race stayed and lived. These boundaries stayed the same after the last great war. That took the lives of many demons and angels alike. But balance was restored and heaven is now again a heavenly place for the passed away. Waiting for you time to be resurrected. Chelvaric looked at scraggy as he was pacing next to him through the wood sea. They were nearly at the mountains as they could see it in the distance. The peaks were rising up like shark teeth. Chelvaric always liked the mountains more than anything. He wondered if he was a lynx in his past life. He wouldn’t mind go climbing one of those mountains to find the bad guy. He probably would have to anyway as the bad guy wouldn’t be standing right in the open. Right, yeah right he wouldn’t that would be stupid as hell. And he didn’t think he was that stupid. But he did challenge a whole country alone. Chelvaric thinks deep again about and concluded that he actually could be really stupid. They finally arrived at the base of the mountains ready to start a new adventure.

Orchidia Town to Siegheart mountains [foot travel] HVEbuMl

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